Showing posts with label Balsamic Reduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Balsamic Reduction. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2014

One Very Special Onion - Grilled Vidalia Onions with Gorgonzola

He's smelly and sometimes he makes you cry. No, I'm not talking about a bad boyfriend, I'm talking about an under appreciated and under loved veggie that I hold dear - The Onion. For me, onions of all kinds are a thing of beauty. 
My Grandma, "Mima" Brooklyn, NY, Circa 1940

I love them raw and crunchy, spicy or mild, cooked, grilled, or caramelized. Whenever I'm preparing a salad, it's honestly hard for me not to nibble on a few slices of raw onion along the way. There's just something about a vegetable that bites back that I can't resist. I do grant that uncooked onions aren't the most ideal snack for social interaction, and though I contend they stand on their own or with minimal enhancement beautifully, not everyone agrees. 

Taxonomically speaking, onions belong to the Allium Family, a group that also includes shallots, scallions, garlic, chives and leeks (not to mention our other favorite, ramps). The many health benefits  that allium vegetables offer should also not go unmentioned. Still, if I were to play favorites with onions specifically, Georgia's one and only Vidalia Onion variety would be my choice. Sweet and exceptionally mild, vidalias were always my Mima's favorite (and she was the original kitchenista). I know she passed her vidalia onion passion to me - she used to say they were so sweet you could eat them like an apple! Now I think that was a bit of hyperbole on my grandmother's part, but still, she sold me on the joys of this very special onion. Today, I'd like to celebrate my love for this veggie by showing you a somewhat minimalist approach to enjoying its wonders. Serve Grilled Vidalia Onions with Gorgonzola and Balsamic Glaze alongside any protein, even on top of a burger!  I believe this simple accompaniment will convert even the most stubborn onion hater. These sweet and savory grilled onions cook well atop an indoor grill pan, but also make a perfectly elegant grillable side  for your next outdoor barbecue too. Best of all, this recipe is as easy and tasty as they come. Enjoy!

Grilled Vidalia Onions with Gorgonzola & Balsamic Glaze, Photo: NK

Grilled Vidalia Onions With Gorgonzola & Balsamic Glaze
Makes 4 Servings, 1 Onion Slice Per Person

1/3 Cup Crumbled Gorgonzola Cheese (we used Gorgonzola Dolce, which is milder)
1 Large Vidalia Onion sliced into 1/2 inch rounds - you should get about 4 rounds from it
Balsamic Vinegar, Balsamic Reduction, or store-bought Balsamic Glaze
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
Coarse Salt and Pepper

1. Preheat the broiler. 
On your stovetop, heat an ovenproof grill pan (or outdoor grill) for about 3 to 4 minutes over medium flame. Liberally brush both sides of the Onion rounds with Olive Oil. 

2. Place Onions on the grill pan and allow to cook for 2-3 minutes per side, onions become more golden, and grill marks appear. The onions should be softer but not still somewhat firm. Season the tops of the onions with a sprinkle of salt and pepper, then turn off the flame. 

3. A few minutes before you are ready to eat, sprinkle crumbled gorgonzola over each onion round and place grill pan under the broiler. Broil for 2 to 2.5 minutes or more, until cheese has fully softened and onions have browned a bit more. Remove from broiler, drizzle with Balsamic and serve! So yummy… 

Note: This recipe can be easily adapted to the outdoor grill in summer. Just cook a bit longer so cheese softens and skip the broiler portion if you don't have the time or inclination. Your cheese may not soften as well but this elegant veggie side will be just as tasty! 

Friday, November 30, 2012

In Season: Persimmons - Persimmon Carpaccio with Prosciutto & Manchego

Pear and Prosciutto Carpaccio,  Photo: Martha

Let me let you in on a little secret: when I am serving a multi-course company dinner, my first course is almost always raw or totally make-ahead. Adopting this method for stress free entertaining pays off because it allows you to be calm, cool, and collected as you greet your guests and help them settle in to party mode. Maybe you've prepared to a cold Seafood Cocktail, or perhaps a make-ahead soup. Or maybe you've made my ultimate favorite: Carpaccio. 

I am wild for Carpaccio. I order it everywhere and I love to make it. Carpaccio is a traditional Italian dish featuring thinly sliced raw beef with a dash of oil, lemon, and capers, but in the present day, Carpaccio has come to mean a lot of things. It can be thinly sliced raw fish, cured meat, or even a vegetable, as evidenced by in NK's Tomato Carpaccio. Recipe HERE. One my favorite done-in- a-jiffy versions is Martha's Pear and Prosciutto Carpaccio. Recipe HERE

Carpaccio fits right in with my personal mantra for dinner party hosting: 
Make it easy, make it beautiful, make it special, and make it from the best products you can afford. 

Today's Carpaccio inspiration comes from the food blog I admire most in the world:
Zen Can Cook - click HERE to check it out.

Trust me, Zen really can cook. He's a real-life chef. And a fancy chef at that. Many of his recipes have a high level of difficulty and are replete with exotic, sometimes hard to find ingredients. Additionally, Zen's plating and culinary aesthetic are some of the best in the blogosphere. That said, his blog, at times, runs a bit counter to what we try to do here on Neurotic Kitchen - food that's easy, elegant, accessible and fast. But that doesn't mean we can't adapt some of his simpler dishes, and in this case, I've chosen a Zen recipe that features a novel, in-season ingredient, but one that is not so exotic as to be very hard to find - The Fuyu Persimmon.  

Our slight adaptation of Zen's recipe is, like the original, delicious and super easy. Wait for it........... Fuyu Persimmon Carpaccio with San Daniele Prosciutto, Shaved Manchego, Walnuts, and Pear Balsamic Reduction. Sound good? Oh. Yes.

Before we begin, let's learn a bit about Persimmons and the two major varieties that are available:

All info just below is courtesy of

"Hachiya Persimmons are mouth-puckeringly tart unless absolutely, supremely ripe. Ripe hachiyas are unbelievably soft - and are often almost liquified into a silky smooth pulp inside. They are elongated and oval shaped. They will ripen once picked, so you can let them soften on the kitchen counter until ready to use. Hachiyas are thought of as "baking" persimmons and are commonly peeled and pureed into a pulp to add to baked goods. They add stable moisture and a mild, pumpkin-like flavor to cakes, puddings, and other treats."

Fuyu Persimmon, Photo: NK 
"Fuyu Persimmons are distinguished by their 'flat' bottoms and squat shape. Fuyus should be more orange then yellow and are at their best when just barely a teensy bit soft. They will ripen after picked, so buying rock-hard fuyus and allowing them to ripen at home can be a good strategy. Fuyus are commonly eaten raw, often sliced and peeled and salads. They can also be roasted to great effect. They have a mild, pumpkin-like flavor. Prepare Fuyus by hulling them (cutting out their top and its attached flesh), slicing, and peeling them. 
Remove and discard the large black
seeds as you encounter them." 

Got all that? 
Now away we go:

Persimmon Carpaccio with Prosciutto and Manchego
Adapted from Zen Can Cook
Thinly Sliced Fuyu Persimmon, Photo: NK
Serves 4 

2 Ripe Fuyu Persimmons, peeled
5 Ounces Frisee and Arugula Mix

1/4 Lb Imported Prosciutto

Aged Manchego, shaved (if you buy 1/4 Lb slab it will be more than enough)

1/4 Cup Walnuts, toasted
Juice of 1/2 a Lemon
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil + extra for brushing
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
1/2 Cup Pear Balsamic Vinegar (regular is fine too)

Toast Walnuts briefly if you have not already. 

Set a pot over low to medium heat and pour in Pear Balsamic Vinegar. Keep an eye on it and bring Vinegar to a boil in a small saucepan. Cook, stirring often, until the liquid is reduced and syrupy. Turn off heat. 

Meanwhile, peel the Persimmons and thinly slice them. You can use a mandoline for this but a sharp knife works well too, especially if the Persimmon is super ripe.

Set 4 to 6 slices of Persimmon on each serving plate, overlapping slightly in a clover shape (see photo above). Brush with a bit of Olive Oil and sprinkle with Salt.

Combine the Lettuce Mix with the Olive Oil and Lemon Juice and season with a bit of Salt and Black Pepper. 

To assemble, place one slice of Prosciutto (folded or flat) over the Persimmon. Sprinkle with Manchego and Walnuts. Place another slice of Prosciutto atop that, and again, sprinkle with Manchego and Walnuts. Finally, place mixed Salad on top of it all and sprinkle with Balsamic Reduction. If not serving immediately, leave off the Balsamic Reduction until ready to serve. 
Persimmon Carpaccio, Prosciutto San Daniele, Manchego, Walnuts & Pear Balsamic Reduction, Photo: NK
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