Showing posts with label Brunch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brunch. Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Saying Goodbye to Summer - Fig & Brioche Tartines

There are few things that make me happy about the end of summer, but the beauty of the fall season to come is one of them. With that comes great produce - Pumpkins and Pumpkin flavored foods get all the attention (or should I say, overexposure?), but for me, the humble Fig is the most worthy harbinger of the changing season. Earthy green or purply brown on the outside and bright and beautiful on the inside, it's as if they carry the last of the sweet summer memories into the autumn the chill.

Fig & Brioche Tartines, Photo: NK

If you you look back through Neurotic Kitchen's late summer posts, you'll almost always find a Fig recipe to try. This year's is the simplest, and was inspired by a decadent Grilled Cheese Sandwich I enjoyed from one of the food trucks at the lovely Hallockville Museum Farm Country Fair. Hallockville is a not-for-profit and working farm featuring landmark historic buildings. The organization seeks to "preserve and interpret the history of farming on the North Fork of Long Island." The Country Fair had lots of great food, farm-themed amusements for the kids, and lots of really interesting old-time tractors and farm equipment. This city girl was shocked by how much she enjoyed the antiques! If you have the chance, make sure to visit next summer. 

Anyways, on the drive home, we stopped by our favorite farm stand where they were selling some really good looking, ripe black figs. Seeing as I can almost never resist them, I just knew they'd need to be worked into our dinner somehow. The next stop was to the supermarket where I grabbed a log of Brie and, when additional inspiration struck, some sliced Brioche. What followed was one of the easiest and yummiest pre-dinner bites I've had in a while. I hope you enjoy as much as we did!

Fig & Brioche Tartines
Serves Six

About 8 Ripe Black Figs, cut into 1/4 inch slices
8 Ounce Log or Wheel of Brie (doesn't need to be a fancy Brie)
6 slices Brioche
Fig Preserves (Optional)
Salted Butter
Coarse Sea Salt 
Fresh Thyme Sprigs (Optional)


Hollow out the Brie Log or wheel and reserve the soft inside in a bowl or on a surface until it reaches room temperature. 

Just as you would a grilled cheese, butter both sides of each slice of Brioche and lightly toast until one side is deeply golden and close to fully toasted. Lower the flame all the way. 

Remove Brioche to heatproof surface, toasted side up. Lightly spread each slice with optional Fig Preserve (a thin layer) and a healthy amount of Brie. Butter the griddle again and return the toast, Brie Side up to the griddle where you'll heat until the Brie Fully Melts. 

Remove toasts and top with slices of Fig. Now give them a light sprinkle of Sea Salt and a garnish of fresh Thyme Sprigs (with a few of the leaves removed and scattered on top. Enjoy! 

Neurotic Kitchen Tip: This would make for a great brunch dish too!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Beautiful Birthday Brunch + Tips To Host Your Own

A beautiful birthday brunch, courtesy of my main squeeze
Photo: NK 
This afternoon, my husband threw me the most lovely and thoughtful Birthday Brunch.

Not only did he do a great job pulling this small family gathering off without me having to lift a finger, but it especially touched my heart that he put such thought into the event, down to even the smallest detail; my favorite kind of flowers adorned the table and the menu was what I consider to be brunch perfection. Finally, my birthday cake was frosted with the most delicious Vanilla Buttercream (the icing on a devil's food cake has just got to be vanilla). What can I say? The man knows me well.

This low-key yet still festive Sunday with my loved ones was everything I could have hoped for, so I knew I'd just have to share it with you. 

But first, here are my Top 2 House Rules when in comes to Brunch:

1. It's not brunch if you aren't sipping a Bloody Mary.

2. Smoked Salmon on a Bagel is the king of all brunch food - and if you don't have all the accoutrements (Red Onion, Cream Cheese, Capers, Fresh Dill, lots of Lemon), you're doing it wrong :). 

NowFor ALL our favorite Brunch Tips plus a classically New York recipe for Date Nut Bread, I invite you to click HERE

Lox with Lemon, Dill, Red Onion, Capers to be served on Bagels &
Cream Cheese, Photo: NK

The Menu:

Bagels, Lox, and all the toppings. (See above!)

Bacon. What's brunch without it? We like Coleman Natural. No added nitrates, thick cut, 
it's worth the splurge every time. 

Scrambled Eggs - I prefer poached eggs but when you're feeding a crowd, scrambled is the way to go. My husband's secrets to impossibly fluffy scrambled eggs are as follows:
1. Start with the Eggs at room temperature.

2.Use Whole Milk, and whisk the vigorously right before putting the eggs into the pan.         
3.Finally, be sure to remove them from the pan just before they look fully done. 
They will finish cooking over the next minute or two it takes for your guests to serve themselves! 

Fruit Salad - Use in-season fruits. Citrus is great in winter! 

Last but not least, 


Cake by Natale's, a must visit if you're ever in the neighborhood. Photo: NK
Thank you to my lovely family for a fantastic day. Who needs birthday wishes when I have all of you? 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Sweet Treat - Pumpkin Coffee Cake With Pecan Streusel

A recipe success - Williams Sonoma Pumpkin Coffee Cake
Photo: NK
We're doing it! More pumpkin-infused treats. This week, we tested out a scrumptious looking Pumpkin Coffee Cake with Pecan Streusel recipe from Williams Sonoma. 

I was recently reminded of the joys of coffee cake when my Mom-in-Law brought us an Entenmann's from the supermarket. I hadn't had one in at least ten years, and though we all agreed that the cake, like many packaged foods, looked much smaller than we remembered, the taste was still pretty great. It was probably on my third trip to the kitchen to surreptitiously siphon off another sliver that I realized that I was obsessed. Why? The salty, buttery, crumbly streusel topping. 

Could I recreate this sort of goodness at home and would pumpkin have a place in the mix? Turns out, yes! Not only was the Williams Sonoma recipe easy, even considering that baking is not my strong suit, but the addition of canned Pumpkin worked very well. 

If you are looking for a quick baked good to bring to Thanksgiving, or even something for your post-turkey coma brunch, this cake would be a great choice. I didn't alter the recipe at all except that for the streusel, I subbed in Salted Butter because for me, the salty-sweet quality of Coffee Cake's crumb topping is what makes it sublime. Enjoy with or without your next cup of joe! 

Pumpkin Coffee Cake With Brown Sugar-Pecan Sugar by Williams Sonoma 
Click HERE for the Recipe 

Prepping the Pumpkin batter in a springform pan
The delectable Pecan Streusel Topping, Photo: NK

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Brunch Rules + Chock Full o' Nuts Date Nut Bread

Brunch! Photo: NK 
Sunday. A day of rest, a day of relaxation, and if you're lucky, a day for brunch. People are enamored of brunch, and for good reason. It's got so much to offer, and it even encourages day-drinking! 

Now I've mentioned that my husband is the undisputed master of breakfast foods (I nearly always leave this meal to him), but I know a thing or two about how to make your at-home brunch just a bit more special. As such, I give you my 

Brunch Rules:

1. Have one special food item to anchor the meal-  some ideas include: really fantastic Croissants, Slab Bacon from your local butcher, or, in today's case, some dense and delicious Date Nut Bread spread with Cream Cheese. For this I have to thank my mom, who took it upon herself to make and share this classic New York City cult favorite, Chock Full o'Nuts Date Nut Bread. The recipe we'll include below results in addictively delicious, moist slices of sweet, nutty goodness. 

Wine Spritzer with Fresh Fruit, Photo:NK
2. Break out the good stuff- For whatever reason, brunch always feels, at least to me, like it should be just a bit more luxurious than your average meal. Whether that means you use your good china, or skip the paper napkins in favor of cloth, do something that makes brunch feel extra special to you. 

3. Imbibe- A pretty cocktail will always help your brunch to stand out. Go with the classic Mimosa or Bloody Mary (my all time fave), or improvise with what you have on hand, as we did with our Pink Wine Spritzer made with equal parts Dry Rose and Seltzer, plus fresh Figs, a slice of Pear, and a few Frozen Raspberries. Refreshing!

4. Variety is the spice of life- To set brunch apart from other daytime meals, I like to include lots of little nibbles - they take almost no time to present, and having lots of options always seems to increase the enjoyment of the meal. Ideas include: some dried and fresh fruits, a handful of nuts, or two or more types of jam or compound butter. And don't forget the Biscotti. Nothing makes coffee more enjoyable than something crisp and sweet to dunk in it. 

5. Take your time- Brunch is a long and lazy meal. Enjoy it slowly and in good company. Take a rest, and go back for seconds. Brunch is definitely one of life's many pleasures worthy of savoring. 

Now as promised, here's the recipe for the most smashing Date Nut Bread. One loaf takes you a long way, as it is dense and very rich. It's also a wonderful idea for a hostess or holiday gift, that is if you can bear to part with it! Be sure to also read the story behind this iconic treat

Chock Full o' Nuts Date Nut Bread, Photo: NK 

Chock Full o' Nuts Date Nut Bread (and Cream Cheese Sandwiches)
(Recipe and courtesy of Capital New York
Makes 1 loaf:
1 cup pitted chopped dried dates
3/4 cup boiling water
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup walnuts, coarsely chopped
3 tablespoons butter, softened
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
8-oz package cream cheese, slightly softened
1. Preheat oven to 350°F and lightly grease a 9x5-inch metal loaf pan, set aside.
2. Add the dates to medium-sized, heat-safe bowl. Pour boiling water over top, stir and let stand 15 minutes. 
3. Meanwhile, stir together the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a medium bowl. Add the nuts and set aside.
4. In a separate large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until combined (mixture might look crumbly). Add eggs and vanilla and mix until smooth and combined.
5. Alternate between adding the flour mixture and the date mixture (including remaining water), 1/2 of each at a time, mixing until combined.
6. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake 45-55 minutes, until bread is almost completely baked, but a few crumbs still stick to a toothpick inserted into the loaf. The bread will continue cooking after it is removed from the oven, so be careful not to overbake.
Assemble the sandwiches:

7. Let bread cool for 10-15 minutes, then remove from pan and let cool fully on a rack. Once cooled, slice bread and serve as closed or open-faced sandwiches spread with a tablespoon or two of cream cheese

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Breakfast For Dinner - Baked Eggs & Greek Yogurt Pancakes

Photo: NK
Today's post is dedicated to Marina. You may remember her as our first guest poster here on NK: Marina's Fabulous Fish Tacos. For the past two years, Marina and I have become more than coworkers; I consider her a friend. Though we grew up on opposite sides of the world, she in Russia and me here in NYC, we share many synergies in our likes and dislikes, the greatest of which center around our mutually favorite subject - food! Before knowing Marina, I had yet to meet a person who enjoys an oyster as much as I do. But more than her great taste in cuisine, Marina's just one of those people whose sunny personality, warmth, and passion for life, make everything else just seem OK. 

As with many of my friends at work, Marina has been a dedicated NK fan, and someone I turn to when writer's block strikes. In fact, I came to her just last week to help me come up with a post idea. 

"Breakfast for dinner!," she suggests without missing a beat. Interesting. Can the same soul-satisfying meal you greet the day with also be the one that helps you send it off? The answer - absolutely. 

Later that night, as I sat down to do my recipe research, I thought more about breakfast for dinner... I thought about beginnings and endings, and how sometimes, they can be one in the same. 

Fast-forward a few days later, and I realize how timely Marina's idea really was. I'm standing on a corner in NYC, getting misty-eyed as I hug Marina goodbye. We've known for some time that she'd be leaving our company to relocate back home to Chicago with her husband, and though everyone at my office is incredibly sad to see her go, we all know she has many exciting new beginnings ahead of her and that we'll keep in touch to share them with her. So here's to new beginnings and memorable endings, and since this wouldn't be the first time I eat my feelings of melancholy, Marina: this meal's for you, and I think you will approve!

Day One - We enjoyed an amazingly delicious and decadent Baked Egg and Asparagus dish enhanced by Garlic Scented Cream, a crispy Panko topping, and fresh Chives to brighten it all. 

Day Two - We cooked up some lighter-than-air Pancakes made with Vanilla Greek Yogurt. The Pancakes by themselves were fluffy and seemingly light, but I felt compelled to include an optional topping to make them "extra special" aka: sinful - a Bourbon Maple Syrup dotted with Orange Segments and diced Thick-Cut Bacon. Now that is special. Just like Marina. 

Baked Egg and Asparagus Gratins
Adapted from Food and Wine
Photo: NK
Serves 2 
1/2 a large Garlic Clove, sliced very thinly
6 large Organic Eggs
1/2 cup Panko (Japanese Dry Breadcrumbs) or other plain breadcrumbs

1 Tablespoon Salted Butter, melted
2 Tablespoons chopped Chives

10-12 Aparagus Spears, ends cut off and discarded, remainder cut in thirds

1/4 Heavy Cream
Salt and Pepper
Toasted Bread for serving
2 Ovenproof Gratin Dishes 

Preheat Oven to 350. 
In a pie plate or foil pan toss the Panko with the Melted Butter and bake for 6 minutes until golden, stirring midway through. Remove and set aside when done.

Meanwhile, boil water in a small to medium sized sauce pan. Add the Asparagus and cook until crisp-tender for about 3 minutes. Drain the Asparagus in a colander and run cold water over it to stop the cooking. Pat dry and set aside. 

In another small sauce pan, simmer Heavy Cream and Garlic until fragrant, about 3 minutes, and season with Salt and Pepper to taste. 

Arrange Asparagus in the bottom of each gratin plate, covering a good amount of the base of the gratin.
Asparagus Base in the Gratin, NK

Now, carefully crack 3 Eggs into each gratin dish. 

Photo: NK

To ensure eggs stay intact,it's wise to crack them into a smaller bowl first and shimmy them carefully, one by one, into the gratins. This also allows you to remove any shell you may see before it is too late. 

Next, pour even amounts of the Garlic Cream over each gratin, and sprinkle each gratin all over with the Buttered Breadcrumbs. Place gratins in the oven and bake for 15-17 minutes or until the Whites are firm and the Yolks are still runny. Remove from the oven and season each gratin with a small sprinkling of salt and a Tablespoon each of the Chopped Chives. Serve Immediately with Toast and enjoy!

Photo: NK

Baked Egg and Asparagus Gratins, Photo: NK
Next up, 

Greek Yogurt Pancakes with Bourbon Maple Syrup + Mandarin Orange & Bacon Hash
Pancakes - Adapted from Recording Moments 
Serves 3-4 

Pancake Ingredients: 
1 Cup Vanilla Flavored Greek Yogurt - we used Oikos Brand
1 Cup All-Purpose Flour
1.5 teaspoons Baking Powder
3/4 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 Egg
3/4 Cup Skim Milk
1/2 teaspoon Real Vanilla Extract
Salted Butter, for cooking the pancakes
*Optional Topping - Recipe Follows Below - Topping should be prepared just after the Pancake Batter has been made and before cooking the Pancakes.  

Combine all Dry Ingredients together. 

Whisk in Wet Ingredients into Dry Mixture, and mix gently until fully incorporated. 

Optionally, prepare the Maple, Bourbon and Mandarin Bacon Hash Topping as below

Heat a skillet over medium heat and grease with an ample amount of Butter. 

Pour Pancake Mix into a container with a spout or measuring cup and pour slowly into the skillet, forming uniform circles. Cook for a few minutes on one side until golden brown (these will cook quickly) and flip midway through. Set Pancakes aside in a stack and keep warm.

*NK's Bourbon Maple Syrup + Mandarin Orange & Bacon Hash
1/2 Cup Real Maple Syrup
1 15 Ounce Can of Mandarin Orange Segments, rinsed, drained and patted dry
5 Slices of Thick-Cut Bacon, diced into small pieces
1 Tablespoon Bourbon, plus more to taste if you like 

In a small pan, cook Bacon Bits to your desired doneness. Drain Bacon Bits on paper towels and set aside. In another small pan, heat Maple Syrup and Bourbon together until sufficiently warm.

To serve, remove Maple Syrup from the heat and stir in Mandarin Segments. Spoon the mixture over Pancakes and sprinkle all over with Bacon Bits. Enjoy!

Greek Yogurt Pancakes with Bourbon Maple Syrup & Mandarin Orange Bacon Hash, Photo: NK

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