Showing posts with label Cor J. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cor J. Show all posts

Sunday, April 26, 2015

French Kiss - Rose Mignonette for Oysters

Eight years ago to the day, my husband and I had our very first date. It was a warm but misty Thursday evening. I was going to be meeting him for the first time directly from work, and I worried that my hair would be a frizzy mess by the time I arrived. After sneaking away from my desk a bit early to carefully flat-iron it at my office (a girl can never have too many backup hair tools hidden away), I threw a scarf over my head and miraculously found a cab (no small feat at rush hour in midtown Manhattan) to take me to a bar at the Maritime Hotel in Chelsea. Fate was on the side of my hair that day, among other things!

My Beautiful Oyster Feast prepared by a special guy, Photo: NK

Upon entering the bar, I probably walked by him two or three times before finally calling his cell to see if he'd arrived. Turns out, my future husband was right there in front of me all along, I just hadn't recognized him because he was even cuter than his picture. One great date (filled with scintillating conversation and two **ok, I'm lying** glasses of very nice Nero d'Avola) and nearly a decade later, he's as lovable as ever. He shares my passion for food (teaching him to be a more confident cook and creating elaborate dinners together were major themes in our courtship) and he still makes me laugh on a daily basis. 

Six years ago in Greece where we got engaged! Photo: NK
Among the many qualities I admire about my hubby is his willingness to take on projects that require patience and precision. He's willing to practice things intently and takes pride in mastering new skills. 

That's why I knew he was just the person to tap when I decided that this summer was to be about my ever-growing obsession with Oysters! No sooner did I ask my main squeeze to buy the appropriate equipment (a special shucking knife and safety glove) and study up on how to shuck my favorite bivalve, than an expertly-prepared Oyster feast was before me. He definitely knows the way to my heart. 

Today, I am sharing my lovely twist on Classic Oyster Mignonette (a mixture of vinegar and shallots often seen as an accompaniment to Oysters on the Half Shell), which was my contribution to his aforementioned shellfish spread. Using a delicious Dry Rose (a classic Oyster pairing), I took traditional Mignonette and softened its acidic quality just a bit so that our Peconic Pearls could really shine. Making your own Mignonette takes minutes and it's the perfect, minimalist accoutrement to Oysters. I love cocktail sauce and horseradish as much as the next guy, but a little Mignonette really allows the Oysters to stand on their own. So here's to that special guy and the very special cocktail hour he made possible for me. 

Classic Mignonette with a splash of Dry Rose (Paumanok VIneyards, 2014) Photo: NK
Rose Mignonette for Oysters
Makes enough for about 2 dozen Oysters

1/4 Cup Red Wine Vinegar
1/4 Cup Dry Rose (we used Paumanok Vineyards, 2014)
2 heaping Tablespoons minced Shallot (from about 1 large Shallot)
1 generous pinch of Salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground Black Pepper

Combine all the ingredients and serve alongside freshly shucked Oysters on a bed of ice! 
The Mignonette can be made ahead.

Tip: If you're as into Oysters as I am, I recommend you check out In a Half Shell blog. It's the ultimate destination for Oyster lovers (including wonderful city guides on where to find the very best) written by a talented woman who eats, sleeps and breathes them. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Taste Of Spring - Clams + Grilled Scallions & Sungold Tomatoes

Spring's been here awhile now but only just recently has the weather gotten the memo. This week marked the first time in the longest that I could venture out without a jacket, and I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Besides that, the bounty of beautiful produce is yet another thing that makes me beam about the season. 
Spring Produce, Photo: NK 

So what should we make to celebrate these warmer days? How about a delightfully easy appetizer using two of my favorite things - Clams (check my other favorite clam recipes here and here) and super sweet and delicious Sungold Tomatoes. We've paid homage to these these orangey beauties before. 

Because Sungolds aren't quite at peak ripeness yet (they're best in mid summer) we'll tease out their natural sugar by blistering them in a very hot pan. To add some interest to this dish, we'll toss in  scallions that have been lightly charred to bring in a smokey element. Adding a splash of light beer to encourage an even tastier clam broth pulls this easy appetizer together - and as you'd expect from us, it's all done in under 20 minutes. As an entree, we opted to round things out with a simple entree of grilled Arctic Char, which was the perfect accompaniment. 

Gorgeous Arctic Char, Photo: NK 

Beer Steamed Clams With Grilled Scallions & Sungold Tomatoes
Serves 2 as a hearty appetizer

Grilled Scallions, Photo: NK

About 16 Small Littleneck Clams, well scrubbed
About 6 whole Scallions
About 12 Sungold Tomatoes or other ripe Cherry Tomatoes
2 large cloves Garlic, crushed
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil plus more for brushing the Scallions
1/2 Cup Wheat Beer or other light Beer 
Chopped Chives for serving, optional
Crusty Bread for serving, optional 

1. Brush Scallions with Olive Oil and lay on a preheated grill or grill pan for a few minutes on each side until Scallions soften and char marks form. Remove Scallions to a cutting board and sprinkle with a bit of Salt and Pepper. Once they cool, slice them into 1-inch pieces. 

2. In a medium skillet, warm a Tablespoon of Olive Oil over medium heat, add the Garlic, and sauté for a minute or two until Garlic takes on some color. Lower the flame to medium low and add the Sungold Tomatoes. Cook until they soften and the skins blister, about 5 minutes, tossing occasionally. Sprinkle lightly with Salt. Turn off the flame and add Scallions to the skillet. Toss. 

3. Meanwhile, place beer in a deep pot and bring it to a bubble over medium heat. Add Clams and cover the pot. Allow them to steam for 4 minutes before checking on them. Watch as Clams open one by one and remove them right away with tongs to the serving dish. Give them a stir now and then. They should all open by about 8 minutes or so. Discard any that do not open. 

4. To serve, plate Clams and pour broth over them. Add the Scallion and Sungold mixture on top, and sprinkle with additional Black Pepper. Garnish with a few chopped raw Chives if you like. Serve with crusty bread to soak up the broth. 

Let's eat! 
Clams Steamed in Beer with Grilled Scallions & Sungold Tomatoes, Photo: NK