Showing posts with label Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Design. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2013

All-American Starters - Southern Cheese Board: Pimiento Cheese, Candied Bourbon Pecans & Bacon Cheese Truffles

Hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving! Could you hear this Yankee saying that in my best Southern accent? We sure did, and as usual, we were treated to a great meal from start to finish. It's become custom for me to be in charge of holiday hors d'oeuvres, and this year was no different. It will also surprise nobody that I chose to present a cheese plate (I just love cheese), or that said cheese plate would be themed. What can I say, I like continuity. It's kind of how I roll

I'm still feeling inspired by our family's recent South Carolina culinary adventure, so the foods of the South have been on my mind. With Thanksgiving being the quintessential American holiday, it just made sense to showcase some treats inspired by the American South.   

Southern Cheese Board with Pimiento Cheese, Bacon Cheese Truffles, and Candied Bourbon Pecans,
+ Crab Salad on Cucumber Chips, Photo: NK

From classic Pimiento Cheese, to Candied Bourbon Pecans, to Bacon Covered Gorgonzola Truffles, I think I succeeded in hitting each sweet, savory and salty note that I'd aimed for. Was it a little rich? Oh yes, but each component to this year's Southern Cheese Selection can stand nicely on its own if you prefer. Feel free to pick and choose whether to make all the elements or just one or two. Side Note: sinfully delicious sweet and salty bourbon pecans make a great homemade holiday gift!

Elements For The Perfect Southern Cheese Plate:
Pimiento Cheese (Recipe Below) - served with celery and Ritz Crackers for dipping.
Sweet and Salty Candied Bourbon Pecans (Recipe Below) - scattered about for a sweet, crunchy counterpoint.
Gorgonzola Bacon Truffles* (Click HERE for Recipe) Gorgonzola isn't really southern but bacon sure is.
Assorted Fruits and Garnishes -Tart green grapes, super ripe Pears (which go wonderfully with the bacon truffles), apples and apple slices, celery tops (for decoration), and flat-leaf parsley for color.

Need an extra hors d'oeuvre? Try our perennial favorite, Crab Salad with Cucumber Cups (pictured above, recipe HERE).  

Gorgonzola Bacon Truffles, Photo: NK

Note* I attempted to adapt the Gorgonzola Bacon Truffle recipe using low-fat cream cheese and gorgonzola dolce which was not pre-packed/crumbled. It didn't work too well! My truffles weren't firm, even after chilling. The result was still delicious, so I decided to serve them on a cracker so that guests wouldn't have to attempt scrape them off the plate. Part of cooking is thinking on your feet!      

In short, I'd recommend following Southern Living's recipe to the letter, as I suspect my ingredient choices did not offer a dense enough in consistency to begin with. I also recommend chilling the mixture in the freezer before rolling out the truffle balls. 

Sweet and Salty Candied Bourbon Pecans
Lightly Adapted from by Pat Duran
Candied Bourbon Pecans, Photo: NK
Yield: 4 Cups

4 Cups Pecan Halves (we used Diamond brand)
1 stick Salted Butter (not margarine)
1 1/4 Cup Dark Brown Sugar
1 teaspoon high quality Cinnamon
1 teaspoon Salt
1/4 Cup Bourbon
1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper (depending on how spicy you prefer)


1. Preheat the oven to 350. Lay pecans on a rimmed baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes  until fragrant. Move toasted pecans to a bowl and set aside.

2. In a large, heavy skillet (cast iron if possible), melt the butter over medium heat, stirring it as it melts or else it will brown. Add toasted pecans and stir to coat well. Next, add the brown sugar, salt and cinnamon. Turn down the flame just a touch and continue to stir constantly for a full 10 minutes. Do not leave the nuts unattended. The sugar will gradually liquify and candy the nuts.

3. Now, add the bourbon slowly and carefully as it could flame, then stir to combine for about 2 minutes. Sprinkle nuts with optional Cayenne if you choose. Remove skillet from the heat and pour pecans onto a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper. Spread them into a single layer as best you can. Allow to cool for 20 minutes and break up any clumps. Cool completely before serving or packaging.

NOTE: Pecans can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 week. 

Next up, the star of the show, everyone's favorite - Pimiento Cheese. For the uninitiated, pimiento cheese is a delightful blend of cheddar cheese, mayonnaise, and diced pimiento peppers. There are many variations from here, but I chose to adapt Andrew Knowlton's grandma's very straightforward recipe. A dash of worcestershire and some Tabasco made it my own. The result was a vaguely spicy but not overpowering and of course, it was gobbled up in no time flat. On the chance you have any leftover, toss it into macaroni for a quick mac 'n cheese, or spread on some toast for an improvised grilled cheese. The possibilities are endless

Classic Pimiento Cheese
Something for everyone, Photo: NK
Lightly Adapted from Andrew Knowlton/Bon Appetit
Yield - 3 Cups (enough for about 10 people) 

1 1/2 Cups (packed) Sharp Yellow Cheddar, finely grated
1 1/2 Cups (packed) White Cheddar, finely grated
1 Cup Low Fat Mayonnaise
1/3 Cup jarred Pimiento, drained and chopped
1/4 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
2 dashes Tabasco Sauce (optional)
Salt and Pepper
Celery Sticks or Ritz Crackers to serve

Mash all ingredients together and stir very well. Taste for seasonings. Add a few dashes of pepper and add  salt only if needed - the worcestershire should provide enough salinity. Chill until cold for at least 2 hours or up to 3 days. Serve with celery sticks and/or Ritz crackers. 

Bonus - check out my mom's beautifully presented spinach dip served in a cabbage! She uses the classic Knorr Recipe (don't skip the water chestnuts!). It's one of my favorites! 
Enjoy, and i hope everyone had a great holiday!

Knorr Classic Spinach Dip, Photo: NK

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Italian Family Table - Antipasti For a Crowd

Tutti a tavola a mangiare! 
This is the directive that Lidia Bastianich, one of my favorite Italian cooks, gives when her tempting dishes are ready. It means, "everyone to the table to eat!" 
I love these words because they evoke, at least for me, a very specific emotion. 
When I hear them, I know it's time to enjoy family, togetherness, community, and most of all, great food.  
Antipasti, Photo: NK

This past Saturday, I was lucky enough to swing a get-together with my brother and sister and their families. It isn't often that our three busy schedules coincide, so I was especially delighted to be able to catch up with them before the holiday season made things even more complicated. My mom was kind enough to offer her home as the venue. She's also a great cook and graciously volunteered to make her delicious sauce and meatballs to serve as the main course (we were a total of 8 people + a baby). All I would need to do was set out some hors d'oeuvres and whipped up a salad. Our guests brought dessert, so the whole thing came together easily. The larger the crowd, the simpler I like to keep it. 

Fennel (Left), Cheeses in counter clockwise order from the bottom left: Truffle Pecorino, Taleggio, Provolone, & Spreadable Goat Cheese Photo: NK

One of my favorite ways to get everyone to a table is to lay out a varied, vibrant spread of meats, cheeses, and fruits as a way to kick off a meal. When guests fill up a bit before the actual dinner, you need only serve one main course and maybe a salad, and they'll be more than satisfied. Focusing on the pre-dinner foods is a great way to front-load the work that goes into any large gathering, as well as to add variety, leaving you plenty of time to enjoy your family or guests. 

As for the pre-dinner spread, I have a very particular plating aesthetic:

plenty of color. 

It should be noted that when I am creating a multi-course sit-down meal, my strategy is very different; I'll instead, keep pre-dinner bites very light (or make much fewer of them) so as to leave my guests able to enjoy all the subsequent dishes. 

Antipasti is the plural of the Italian word, Antipasto, which means, before the meal
For me, assorted antipasti is the best way to start a large gathering because a lovely cold appetizer spread nearly always requires little to no cooking. It's more about using great products and assembling them beautifully. Because I put a high priority "presentation," or how food looks, antipasti platters also allow me to flex my creative plating muscles - one of my most favorite things to do! 
How'd it turn out? I'm still pretty giddy even a day later. It's always so wonderful to spend time with my siblings, niece and two nephews. I don't get to see them nearly as much as I'd like. My eldest niece and nephew are growing up into remarkable young people - but so fast! The baby of our family is only year and a half old. He's a real ham, and his adorable antics kept us laughing for hours. 

There really is nothing like sharing a meal with family. 

With Thanksgiving and the holiday season right around the corner, what better time to share these simple antipasti ideas with you? The selection offered below is certainly very typical, but you should feel free to add your own ideas. I'm aiming only to provide a recap in order to lend a little inspiration at a time of the year when cooking for a crowd can seem incredibly daunting. I hope you enjoy this Cold Antipasti How-To, and that you have plenty of great holiday memories on their way to you!

First, before we start, 
A general Rule for portioning cheese and meats: 
1 ounce of per person means everyone will get a taste. 
2 ounces per person will be an ample serving. 
1.5 ounces per guest is probably perfect. 

Antipasti for 8

Platter 1 - Salumi - aka The Salted, Cured Meats
Prosciutto, very thinly sliced. Imported is ideal, or one of many great domestic choices.
Sopressata, hot or sweet, depending on your preference. 
Garnish the plate with brightly colored vegetables. We used Campari & Zima Tomatoes.  And we mustn't forget to add some beautiful Italian Flat-Leaf Parsley.

Platter 2 - Formaggi - The Cheeses
Cheeses are pictured above in order, counter clockwise beginning from the bottom left:

Truffle Pecorino - Goodness, this truffley sheep's milk cheese was mouthwatering and worth the price tag. 1/3 Pound means everyone will get a taste, and a 1/2 Pound will allow for a bit extra. 

Taleggio - Relatively easy to find, this Italian "stinky cheese" is brie-like in consistency and wonderful spread on toasty bread or eaten alongside pears or honey. 1/4 to 1/3 of a pound will do. 

Provolone - Loved by all, this kid friendly, salty, and slightly tangy semi-soft cheese is great on any plate. 1/2 of a pound will be just enough for a party of 8, 2 slices a piece most likely.

Goat Cheese Spread- This soft goat cheese can be purchased ready to eat, or you can make it yourself by thinning out regular goat cheese with a teaspoon or two of milk, making it easy to spread on toast. Goat cheese is absolutely delicious with a little drop of

Fig Spread - The sweet and tangy combo of the fig with goat cheese is always a winner.
Grapes - to add color and sweetness. 
Parmesan Straws - again, very kid friendly and great dipped in goat cheese. 
Italian Parsley - for garnish

Forelle Pears - These pears are just gorgeous - petite and green with flecks of peach and red. 

Platter 3 - Cold Salads - Mozzarella Caprese & Marinated Eggplant + Tapenade
Mozzarella Caprese - This is easy! Slice about 3/4 Lb of fresh Mozzarella Cheese and alternate it with slices of the freshest tomato you can find (we used Campari). Drizzle with extra virgin oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar reduction or ready-prepared balsamic glaze. Finally, chiffonade some basil and sprinkle the ribbons over everything. 

Marinated Eggplant - The only item on today's spread that must be made ahead. Choose your favorite method of marinating and prepare a day in advance. Here are two simple recipes (this or this) from our own kitchen. Alternately, good Italian delis will often offer ready-made marinated eggplant. 

Olive Tapenade - Delicious spread onto toast and readily available at most specialty markets. If you can't find tapenade, there are many great recipes available. Save time and buy pitted olives if you end up making it yourself. 

Caprese Salad, Marinated Eggplant, and Olive Tapenade, Photo: NK

Slices of Semolina Bread

Carr's Rosemary Crackers, or any variety that suits your taste

Fennel - With its distinct licorice flavor, fennel serves as crunchy and refreshing palate cleanser in between bites. 

And there you have it, plates and plates of delicious Italian specialties that taste as good as they look. 

Is there anything better? 

Wishing you and your families a wonderful holiday season filled with love, laughter and many great meals.

Buon appetito! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How To - "Sunny Italy" Cheese Plate

If you've been reading, I don't have to tell you that we've already featured several regionally themed Cheese Plates on Neurotic Kitchen. 

Spanish Cheese Plate
Spanish Cheese and Meat Plate II
French Cheese and Charcuterie Plate

I love a cheese plate, and I don't plan on stopping my obsession anytime soon. Behold the latest, my homage to the Cheeses of Italy. This selection is mostly from cow's milk cheeses. The flavors range from mild to pleasantly tangy and piquant. Try it for a sunny addition to your next cocktail party.

Sunny Italy Cheese, Fruit, & Nut Plate
Clockwise from Top Left - Casera Valtellina, Gorgonzola Dolce, Bra Tenero, Tallegio, and Ubriaco

Not a whole lot wrong with that, right? 
Here's how you do it - 

The Cheeses
Casera Valtellina
Gorgonzola Dolce
Bra Tenero

Fruits & Nuts
Shelled Pistachios - the history of this nut and Italian history crossed paths
Mission Figs, pitted
Sicilian Blood Oranges (or alternately, Cara Cara Oranges)
And Carambola - better know as Starfruit (these are not Italian but they add to the sunny character of the plate!)

Garnish with Italian Parsley.

Starch - I like to serve this plate with Carr's Rosemary Crackers and Slices of Crusty Italian Bread

I hope you enjoy!