Showing posts with label GF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GF. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Paleo On The Go - Banana & Almond Flour Energy Muffins

It's resolution time! Would you believe that I'm good at keeping resolutions? Yeah, me neither. But it turns out that I actually am, providing that I also happen to be cut off from the outside world

Paleo Banana & Almond Flour Energy Muffins, Photo: NK

Since a blizzard, nearly sub-zero weather, and a subsequent tri-state area-wide sheet of ice has had me and the husband reluctant to venture out for the past few days, we've been quite disciplined. We even visited our building's gym for a record breaking three times in since Friday. So, a big five days into the new year, we're feeling pretty smug about keeping our promises to eat better and workout more.  

Then came Sunday afternoon. A time for rest, a time for reflection, a time to get the blues. Fearing that boredom would cause my idle hands to morph into one heck of a devil's workshop (aka: should I attack that jar of marshmallow fluff in the pantry?), I knew I'd better peel myself off the couch and set about creating something nutritionally redeeming. It seems that the Sunday blues can give rise to good things:

When today's oven adventure, Paleo Energy Muffins With Banana & Almond Flour, proved successful, I knew I'd want to share them with you. 

These easy to make muffins take just five minutes to prepare and will help us in our quest to be a bit more balanced in our eating, use our calorie allotment more wisely, and choose foods packed with energizing protein and slow-burning fiber. We're not a Gluten Free household by any means, but today's muffins are. They're also fit for Paleo and Dairy Free diets. 

Why make them? Paleo Energy Muffins With Banana & Almond Flour are a healthy, stick-to-your-ribs, breakfast on the go. They'd also make for a good pre-workout bite because they have a good helping of protein and slow releasing carbs to keep you going. A little sweet but not too much so and surprisingly filling, these tasty little guys keep well in the fridge and can even be frozen for up to a month. Sure, we may fall off the resolution wagon in a little while, but I'm happy to share today's healthy and satisfying on-the-go recipe for your future enjoyment. Good luck in your healthy endeavors this new year! 

Paleo Energy Muffins With Banana & Almond Meal
Adapted from
Yield - 10 Muffins 
Per Muffin: 235 Calories, 18g Fat, 7.5g Protein, 12g Carbs, 3.2g Fiber

2.5 Cups Almond Meal (we use Bob's Red Mill)
3/4 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Salt 

2 Medium Bananas, very ripe 
2 Organic Eggs, beaten
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon 
1 teaspoon Unsweeted Cocoa Powder
2 Tablespoons Light Agave (or Honey)
1 teaspoon good quality Vanilla Extract
2 Tablespoons Melted Coconut Oil or Canola Oil
1 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar (we like Bragg Mother Vinegar)

Finished in a flash, Photo: NK 
1. Preheat oven to 350. Line a regular sized muffin tin with 10 muffin cups.

2. Combine the first three dry ingredients in a Large bowl.

3. In a medium bowl, mash the Bananas extremely well until almost smooth. Add the beaten Eggs, Cinnamon, Cocoa Powder, Agave, Vanilla Extract, Oil, and Apple Cider Vinegar. Combine well. 

*If you like, you could add other mix-ins here such as carob chips or raisins.

4. Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and combine well. Pour mixture 3/4 of the way up the muffin cups. Bake for 18 minutes until the center of the muffins is set and the edges have become a bit golden. Remove tin to a rack for cooling (at least 20 minutes). Enjoy! 

To store:
Freeze in an airtight container for up to 1 month
Store at room temp, sealed, for 2 days
Refrigerate, sealed, for about a week