Showing posts with label Joy the Baker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joy the Baker. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2013

Kale Makeover - Kale & Coconut Salad + Garnet Yams

Dinosaur Kale, Photo: NK
Some will tell you that kale's been done to death. 

They aren't entirely wrong. 

It's probably one of the most popular vegetables of the past decade (except maybe for the formerly un-cool brussels sprout's astonishing rise to fame).

In the midst of all this potential kale fatigue, it's important to keep things exciting. I'm always on the lookout for new ways to prepare it (like our Kale and Parsnip Panzanella), because, in my humble opinion, kale deserves the hype. This nutrition-packed green is hearty enough to stand up to all types of preparations. As far as flavor, kale plays well with a wide variety ingredient pairings - even some you wouldn't expect! To learn more about the many benefits of Kale, click HERE.

For me, kale's appeal comes from the fact that there's just something very elemental about it, especially the Dinosaur variety (aka Tuscan or Lacinato). Its amazing texture and large blackish-green ripply leaves look like something out of a prehistoric forest. When I eat kale, I feel good immediately. You could argue that's because I know that it's healthy for me, but I swear, I always end up feeling that surge of incredible, sustained energy that only the most hyper-healthy veggies can give. So me and Kale...we won't be breaking up anytime soon. You might even say we got a thing goin' on. Confession- I've also turned my affections towards the yam lately as well. Luckily,there's enough room in this veggie-loving tummy for them all. And on today's plate too!

Striking Garnet Yams, Photo: NK
This (exciting!) kale recipe comes from a wonderful cookbook called Super Natural Every Day. It pairs shredded dinosaur kale with a very unexpected dose of toasty coconut and finishes with an Asian-inspired dressing over it all. The kale and coconut bakes up quickly and is perfect served piping hot over some stick-to-your-ribs grains like farro, or my favorite, barley. As for the coconut, you may think it an odd match for kale, but I happen to be a coconut lover so I was all about it. I know a lot of people that don't like coconut -- some of whom may live in my home. For these folks, I like to challenge their taste buds a bit by working the dreaded fruit into savory and not sweet recipes first. History has shown that, more often then not, I convince them that they're missing out. After all, I have yet to see anyone push aside this coconut shrimp

Kale and Coconut, Photo: NK
Heidi Swanson's recipe is definitely popular. It's been seen in various adaptations on Shutterbean and subsequently, on her BFF Joy The Baker's blog as well. All this left me thinking - there must really be something to this kale and coconut combo. So off to the kitchen I went to put my own stamp on this delicious and energizing recipe. 
My changes would include using 2/3 less oil to try to keep things lighter, and less coconut, even though I love it, for the same reason. To amp up the flavor and color that much more, my current obsession, gorgeous orange yams, would make a sweet cameo. 

In keeping with the Asian flavors of this recipe, I decided to add some toasty, black sesame seeds atop the pretty orange yams. The result is a dish that's a little salty, a little sweet, slightly nutty, and overall, surprisingly satisfying. Make this for yourself as a filling vegetarian lunch or pop it alongside your main course at dinner for an Asian-inspired side that's sure to please.

Kale & Coconut Salad + Garnet Yams With Asian Flavors, Photo: NK

Kale & Coconut Salad + Garnet Yams With Asian Flavors
Adapted from the Super Natural Every Day Cookbook by Heidi Swanson
Serves 4 

2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 teaspoon Sesame Oil
1 Tablespoon Low Sodium or Regular Soy Sauce
1 medium Garnet or regular Yam, well scrubbed, skin pierced with a fork
1/2 teaspoon Black Sesame Seeds (optional)
1 head Dinosaur Kale (aka Tuscan or Dinosaur) ribs removed and cut into 1/2 inch ribbons
1/2 cup Medium or Large Flake Unsweetened Coconut (we like Bob's Red Mill)
2 Cups Prepared Barley or other grain (we also like this microwaveable brown rice)

1. Preheat the oven to 350 and set aside two large baking sheets.

2. Pierce the Yam all over with a fork, wrap with damp paper towel, and microwave for 4 to 5 minutes until tender. Allow to cool and then peel and cut into a large dice. Sprinkle Yams with the optional Black Sesame Seeds. 

3. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mix together the Sesame Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and Soy Sauce.

4. Toss the Kale with the Coconut and drizzle in the dressing, taking care to toss well and fully incorporate. Spread the Kale and Coconut evenly on to two cookie sheets. Cook for 12-13 minutes until the Coconut becomes golden, tossing a few times throughout the cooking process. When finished, remove kale to a heatproof bowl and cover for a few minutes. This will further soften it. 

5. To serve, plate about a half cup of warm grains and top them with the kale and coconut mixture and some yams. Serve warm and enjoy!  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Are You Ready For The Country? Girls' Weekend In The Catskills

Photo: NK
Two words:

Girls. Weekend. 

Sometimes, we chicks just need to head to the country, breathe some fresh air, and renew those unshakeable bonds...

all while eating our weight in cheese and imbibing more wine than is, shall we say, ladylike.

Such a trip will, from time to time, include the occasional spontaneous living room dance party, preferably to the music of our glorious teen years. 

You haven't really lived until you've completely
shuffled off the hustle and bustle of city life for one bucolic getaway with your fellow womenfolk. 

Cheese on arrival, Photo: NK

That's why last weekend, my friends and I headed up to the Catskill Mountains in Upstate New York for the second year running. Again, we rented a nice little house in Monticello overlooking a pond. 

It was a blast. 

I hope you will enjoy today's recap of our Girls' Weekend extravaganza. And don't fret, we'll be sure include the most delicious and easy dessert recipe for you to add to your repertoire:

We arrived to our rental house quite late on a Friday night after several wrong turns and one hair-raising trip down the world's darkest and rockiest road cutting through what may as well have been the forest primeval. Cell service a distant memory, we were mildly shaken upon reaching our remote destination. 

A rustic cheese plate was immediately in order.

Rhianne, who is an amazing baker, had the presence of mind to bring her delicious Southern Cheese Wafers - her grammy's recipe. These crispy little crackers are savory and crunchy, just perfect with pimiento cheese or anything else, really. 
Their clever, secret ingredient: Rice Krispies! 
They were a great addition to our very humble cheese plate. For a close approximation of this secret family recipe, click HERE. 

Delectable Cheese Wafers, Photo: NK

Speaking of Rice Krispies, Rhianne also brought these amazing Brown Butter & Chocolate Salted Rice Krispie Treats - baked using her own light adaptation of Deb Perelman's (of Smitten Kitchen) recipe. It would be cruel of me not to share how to create this absurdly delicious treat. They are an absolute must-make!

Brown Butter & Chocolate Salted Rice Krispie Treats, Photo: NK

Brown Butter & Chocolate Salted Rice Krispie Treats
Recipe from Rhianne L./ Very Lightly adapted from Deb Perelman/Smitten Kitchen
Yield - about 16 2-inch squares 

4 Ounces (1 Stick) Unsalted butter (sliced up) + extra for greasing the pan
1 10 Ounce Bag of Marshmallows
Heaping 1/4 teaspoon Coarse Sea Salt (or more to taste)
6 Cups Rice Krispies - about half the small cereal box
1/2 Cup Hershey's Chocolate Chips

1. Generously grease an 8-inch square cake pan with butter. 

2. In a large pot, make the brown butter by melting it over medium low heat. Swirl it around until it melts, after which point, don't disturb it. The butter will then foam up before turning golden and beginning to smell nutty. Stir frequently now, being sure to scrape up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan. It's very important to stay with the butter! It can burn in an instant so you must keep your eye on it. 

3. Once the butter takes on a nice medium brown color, turn off the heat and stir in the marshmallows and chocolate bits. They should melt in the still-hot butter but if not, you may turn the heat back on low until marshmallows are totally smooth. 

4. Take the pot off the stove and add both the salt and the Rice Krispies. Stir everything together and rapidly spread the mixture into the prepared pan. Press the mixture well into all corners of the pan. Allow to cool, slice, and enjoy!

Can we say, "yes please?!" 
For more ideas on baking with brown butter, check out Joy The Baker's post HERE.  

The next morning, our friend Felice arrived after making the long drive out to spend the day with us. She came bearing the gift of breakfast which included Blueberry Muffins and a really tasty Spinach Quiche, in, get this, a graham cracker crust. 

Spinach, Egg & Cheese Quiche in a Graham Cracker Crust, Photo: NK

Yup. You heard right. Felice informed us that after preparing her egg and spinach mixture, she realized that she'd purchased a graham cracker crust by accident. Never being one not to take the plunge, she went for it. I have to tell you, the ever-so-slightly sweet graham cracker against the savory egg mixture worked amazingly. This is how great recipes are born.

Now, I'm sure you've gathered that we aren't the type of girls that wait until noon to drink so, clearly, there were plenty of adult beverages at breakfast. Rhianne's Blueberry Wine from Pauley's Island mixed with some bubbly made for a fantastic Blueberry Mimosa on our scenic porch.

Photo: NK

The remainder of the day was spent laughing in between rides on the owner's rickety old rowboat. The pond had the most water lilies I'd ever seen.

Photo: NK 

Israeli Couscous with Pomegranate and Arugula
Photo: NK 

Still, It didn't take very long for us to start thinking about dinner. 

The plan was for a grilled pizza feast to be served on our beautiful deck. 

Also, my friend Natalie got to work on her delicious Couscous with Pomegranate and Arugula, a perennial favorite. 

Luckily, we had a really nice sparkling white to fuel all the prep work: 

Coppola's Blanc de Blancs, Photo: NK

This was our first time grilling pizza and, admittedly, we had some setbacks. Our efforts were further thwarted by the fact that our rental kitchen was missing some basics like flour.

After several comically atrocious pizza-making attempts, this beauty came off the grill:

Grilled Pizza with Green Peppers and Mushrooms, Photo: NK 

And with that, dinner was served

Photo: Rhianne L. 
and it was mighty good.

Photo: NK 

Sunday morning rolled around way too fast and we were all sad to see the weekend go. Some more than others:

Photo: NK

Happily, we are able to extend the magic a bit by taking a little side trip to nearby Bethel, NY, home of Bethel Woods, the site of the famous Woodstock festival. The day was warm and clear but fall was definitely in the air. 

Harvest Festival, Photo: NK 

The Bethel Woods Center for the Arts has a great harvest fest each weekend in September. The home of Peace, Love and Music provided a fitting end to a great weekend. Until next year, ladies!

Bethel Woods, Photo: NK

Monday, February 18, 2013

Recipe Roundup - Ski Weekend With Friends

It isn't so often we get to escape the city for a mini-break with friends, but when we do, it's always very special. Just like last year's Adirondack ski weekend (more HERE), this year's President's Weekend trip to a lakeside rental home was a great success. Despite the tiny kitchen with an electric oven that seemed at times to be possessed, 12 multi-talented friends were able to turn out three days of great food, and there never seemed to be too many cooks in the kitchen. 

So without further delay ...

Even though we all had a very long drive upstate on Friday, we got right to work preparing dinner upon arrival (adult beverage in hand of course). Our night began with Eric's tasty and super creative Sriracha Deviled Eggs. He cleverly adapted the recipe HERE with an attractive garnish of sliced Persian Cucumbers and Black Sesame Seeds - 

Photo: NK

Next came Natalie's brilliant Asparagus Pizza from the Smitten Kitchen Cookbook - recipe HERE - 

Preparing the Asparagus Pizza, Photo: NK
Shaved Asparagus Pizza fresh from the oven, Photo: NK

Scott and I contributed Pizza with Arrabiata Sauce, fresh Mozzarella, Sauteed Mushrooms, and half Soppressata, for the meat-eating set, which was kind of similar to last month's Pizza Piccante (recipe HERE).

Photo: NK

Then, from the most dedicated "make it from scratch" folks I know, came Mike and Alexis' home-distilled Moonshine and Handcrafted Italian Sausage

Moonshine with Apples, Photo: NK  
Photo: NK 

Continuing with the Pork theme, Saturday night brought us Janja and Tomislav's incredibly juicy and flavorful Slow Roasted Pig, a tradition 2 years running

Photo: NK

which went wonderfully with Natalie's Red Quinoa with Chives, Parmesan and Pomegranate and Brian and Katie's Skillet Roasted Vegetables

Red Quinoa with Parmesan, Chives, and Pomegranate, Photo: NK
Roasted Sprouts, Broccoli and Carrots, Photo: NK

Missy and Kevin made our final night festive with their yummy Taco Bar spread - 

Photo: NK 

And just when we think there's no room for dessert, Natalie presents us with S'mores Ice Box Candy Bars from the Joy the Baker recipe HERE. They were a-mazing.  

Photo: NK

I hope you've enjoyed our recipe roundup as much as I enjoyed eating it. 
Until next week!

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