Showing posts with label Ladies brunch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ladies brunch. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Ladies Who Brunch - Annual Holiday Celebration

This weekend I was lucky enough to spend time with my very best friends as we convened for a well-loved tradition that's coming up on a whole decade in existence (eek!) - our annual holiday get-together. We've had so many great times together, and as we get older, I think we relish them even more. While in past years we'd all head to the bar to exchange Secret Santa gifts while getting merry, we've more recently shifted our holiday party to take place one of our houses. I have to say, this format makes the event a bit more relaxed and very conducive to laughs and plenty of girl talk. And because all of my friends have a passion for food (would you expect anything less?) we eat really well too. 
Annual Holiday Brunch with Lox on a Bagel,
 a delicious Frittata and, of course, Tater Tots!
Photo: NK

This year's brunch menu was, as usual, memorable and delicious, and there was no shortage of cheese, (including a sinful fondue!) wine, and our favorite breakfast fare. 

Here are the highlights:

Bagels, Lox, and all the accoutrements (the best New York Brunch can get, in my opinion), plus a Berry Salad,Tater Tots, and Monkey Bread (so good!). 

One gorgeous Brunch Spread + Mimosas! Photo: NK
Add to all that that a fabulous Frittata that my friend Natalie adapted from Ina Garten. She added Leeks and Mushrooms and it was fluffy and positively delicious. 

The original Frittata recipe is HERE.

As for me, I contributed my favorite, foolproof, Dark Chocolate Brownies. For the recipe, click HERE.

Finally, I ask you, what classy get-together wouldn't be complete without JELLO SHOTS? 

Jello Shots, not just for keg parties. Photo: NK 

That's right. Jello shots get the gourmet treatment when they are made with Champagne and Peach Schnapps. A bit too delicious! Click HERE for the recipe. 

Thanks to my BFFs for yet another amazing party in the books. And this holiday as much as ever, I'm reminded how lucky I am to have you all in my life. 