Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts

Monday, May 5, 2014

Meatless Monday (De Mayo) - Lighter Veggie Quesadillas + Grape Tomato Salsa Fresca

Grape Tomato Salsa Fresca - easy, light & fast! Photo: NK
Sluggish Monday or not, you probably know by now that in our house, we'd never let Cinco De Mayo pass unnoticed (do take a look back at our 2012 and 2013 Mexican-inspired food celebrations). 

We're skipping the margaritas this year (let's call it our half-hearted attempt to behave like model citizens a few weekdays), and streamlining recipe prep work more than usual because, well, after a weekend, it takes us a bit more effort to get in the swing of things. 

Still, we're in a celebratory mood for a few reasons, one of which being that just last week, Neurotic Kitchen took great pleasure in receiving the official seal of approval from This wonderful internet destination for all things meatless noticed our frequent participation in the eponymous movement, and for that, we're grateful. Needless to say, we're even more eager to continue to support this important health initiative and will look forward to creating many more Meatless Monday dishes to share with you. So today's question was, could Cinco De Mayo be yummy minus meat? The answer - a resounding si! 

Easy Veggie Quesadillas With Grape Tomato Salsa Fresca, Photo: NK

To achieve our meatless mission, we whipped up a fast and super light salsa fresca to go with simple (just 5 ingredients) yet delicious veggie quesadillas made with a quick black bean mash, avocado, and baby spinach. Some melty white cheddar seals this tasty, handheld package up in no time flat. We tried to keep our ingredients as wholesome and clean as possible, and you'll find this dish to be kid friendly too. We hope you enjoy! 

Lighter Veggie Quesadillas + Grape Tomato Salsa Fresca
Adapted from Epicurious
Serves 4 - about 3 slices of quesadilla each

For the Quesadillas:
15 Ounce Can Organic Black Beans, rinsed well and drained
1 teaspoon Cholula or similar vinegary hot sauce
1 Avocado, cut into thin slices
About 2-3 Ounces Baby Spinach (we like to buy pre-washed for ease of use)
1 Cup Light (low fat) White Cheddar, grated, or similar cheese
4 Large 10-inch Whole WheatTortillas or Wraps (like La Tortilla Factory 100 calorie wraps)
Sliced Jalapeños - optional

For the Salsa Fresca:
1/4 Cup Chopped Cilantro, plus more sprigs for garnish
About 2 Cups Organic Grape Tomatoes, sliced into thirds or fourths
1.5 teaspoons fresh Lime Juice 
1/4 cup chopped Red Onion
1/4 teaspoon Cumin
1/4 teaspoon Salt 

1. Mix up the Salsa Fresca ingredients in a medium bowl. Toss well and set aside.

Assembling the Quesadillas, Photo: NK 
2. Prepare the black bean mash by pouring beans into a medium bowl and adding the hot sauce. Now lightly mash them with a large spoon. They should be somewhere in between smooth and chunky. Mix well. (NOTE- if you omit the hot sauce for any reason you must remember to season the black bean mash with some salt. The hot sauce places a significant role in imparting more flavor to the beans).

3. Heat a large skillet or grill pan over medium high heat. To assemble the Quesadillas, lay out 4 tortillas on a clean surface. Spread each tortilla with one quarter of the black bean mixture (don't spread beans all the way to the edge or they will spill out), then add 1/4 of the avocado slices to each tortilla. Now add a handful of spinach leaves to each tortilla, and finish with about 4 tablespoons of grated cheese per quesadilla. 

4. Fold quesadillas carefully in half and apply some pressure with your hands. Cook them 2 by 2 on the hot skillet (or more at a time if you have room) allowing them to grill on each side for 2-3 minutes before flipping. The quesadillas should brown nicely but not burn (some grill marks will appear as well). Press them down with a spatula to help the cheese melt and seal. Remove quesadillas to a cutting board and allow to cool slightly. Slice into 3 triangles a piece using a serrated knife and plate. Serve with Salsa Fresca, sprigs of cilantro, a sprinkling of sliced jalapeños and, of course, extra hot sauce. Enjoy! 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Soup's On! - Quick & Healthy Tomato Bisque

Quite a few of my fondest childhood memories were formed during the summers I spent with my best friend at camp. Pre-teens at the time,  it was one of the few chances we had to escape big city life to see how the country mice lived. With fun-filled days spent swimming in the lake, doing woodshop, playing tether ball, and enjoying the splendor of nature, what do you think I remember most vividly? Grilled cheese and tomato soup day at the cafeteria! Typical, huh? But this was no run of the mill lunch. The tomato soup was surprisingly good and came to our communal table piping hot in big silver kettles.  Grilled cheeses were stacked on their side and served in baskets ten at a time. What 12 year-old could resist?

Fast & Healthy Cream of Tomato Soup, Photo: NK

Today, we'll tackle the tomato soup portion of this fond food memory, with some minor adjustments for health. If you've got ten minutes, you can try it too! 

Cooking from scratch is the best way to know just what you are putting into your body. While most canned soups come packed with sodium and preservatives, it takes almost no time at all to prepare a simple, blended soup with much less of the naughty stuff but still plenty of taste. Just to be a bit decadent, we'll make today's tomato soup into a bisque using a touch of almond milk. You could certainly use dairy milk or even cream (if you like it more rich), but I figured this version may as well be vegan (unless you'd like to garnish it with a bit of grated parm as pictured below).


Healthier Cream of Tomato Soup/Vegan Optional
2-3 Servings, or approximately 24 Ounces

14.5 Ounce Can Organic Diced Tomatoes (we prefer Muir Glen brand)
8 large Basil Leaves plus more for garnish
1/2 a Sweet Yellow Onion, roughly chopped
3 Large Garlic Cloves 
2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/8 teaspoon Salt
1/8 teaspoon Pepper
1/2 teaspoon Sugar 
3/4 Organic Vegetable Broth 
1/4 Cup Almond Milk or Dairy Milk if you prefer 
Grated Parmigiana Cheese (optional) 

Blend all ingredients in a food processor or blender until smooth. 
Pour soup into sauce pan and heat gently until fully warmed through. Taste for seasoning and add more salt and pepper if needed. Optionally garnish with grated Parmigiana Cheese.  
NOTE: I do not recommend freezing this soup as the consistency changes upon defrosting.   It's best served fresh! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blender Bender - Chilled Avocado Lime Soup / Healthy Banana Ice Cream

Confession: I am obsessed with my new, high-powered Vitamix blender. It's seriously the kitchen tool I've been dreaming of for years. It's awesome, as in where have you been all my life awesome. While I promise not to turn Neurotic Kitchen into an all-blender recipe blog, I must indulge my urge to show you just a few of my favorite fast and friendly recipes. A side dish and dessert in under five minutes? It's all possible with the right appliance. 

Chilled Avocado & Lime Soup Served With Pork Chops with Latin Flavors, Photo: NK

We'll start with a bright, lime spiked Chilled Avocado Soup and finish with a super healthy solution to your nightly dessert craving - Banana Ice Cream. Both of today's recipes do not require an uber-powerful blender or food processor. Just your average countertop appliance will do. Let's roll:

Chilled Avocado & Lime Soup/Sopa Fria de Aguacate 
Adapted from 
Serves 3-4

1 large, very ripe Avocado, pitted and roughly chopped 
2 large Jalapeños, pitted and sliced in half (2 will be medium spicy, use less to taste)
1/2 a Sweet Yellow Onion, roughly chopped
1/2 Cup Half & Half 
1 small vine ripened Tomato, roughly chopped 
2 Cups Vegetable Broth
1/4 Cup Lime Juice
1/4 -1/2 teaspoon of Salt, depending on your taste 
Black Pepper  

Combine all ingredients together in blender or food processor. If you are using a Vitamix or other high powered blender, you only need to blend for 30-45 seconds, or until smooth. Blending any longer will end up whipping the mixture into more of a cream texture. Chill well and enjoy!

Blender Magic: Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Soft Serve, Photo: NK

Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Soft Serve Ice Cream
1 large or 2 small servings

2 Large Bananas, cut into chunks and frozen solid
2 Tablespoon regular or Vegan Chocolate Chips - we prefer bittersweet
1 Tablespoon Almond Milk, Dairy Milk, or Cream

In a high powered blender or food processor, blend the Bananas, Almond Milk, and 1 tablespoon of the chocolate chips until smooth. (For Vitamix blenders, use the high setting and be sure to employ the tamping instrument if needed to press the mixture down in between blending - blend in 30 second increments until processed - should take about 1.5 minutes). Top with remaining chips and serve immediately! Feel free to get creative with mix-ins. Hint: A Thin Mint or two mixed in is never a bad idea! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dinner 1 2 3 - Smoked Salmon Avocado Rice Bowl In Minutes

Is there such a thing as a case of the Tuesdays? 'Cause if so, I got one. I don't know about you but today was kinda blah. Mercury's in retrograde (yes, I just love Astrology) and everyone seems to be coming down with the old change-of-seasons cold. I'm not complaining (or am I?), but there just seems to be a collective sense of fatigue in the air. After work, as I plopped onto my couch, cooking dinner was dead last on my list. Thankfully, it didn't take me long to remember that today's meal plan involved a recipe that's as easy and fast as it gets
Smoked Salmon Avocado & Scallion Brown Rice Bowl, Photo: NK
Better yet, our Smoked Salmon Avocado and Scallion Brown Rice Bowl is packed with Super Foods and healthy nutrients - all in one low-cal package. Anything less and I'd have been on that phone for takeout in a jiffy. 

Our quick dinner is adapted from a wonderful recipe I spotted on Food & Wine's Blog as part of a series called The Food & Wine Diet. Like, hello! Sounds like my kinda dieting! Anyways, this clever spot showcases healthy recipes that are "all created to pair with wine (a 5-ounce glass has anywhere from 110-150 calories) - all for 600 calories or fewer." Should you choose to add the suggested wine pairing to this dish, author Kristin Donnelly recommends Riesling

We're skipping the wine tonight, but you certainly don't have to! Without a glass of the good stuff, this recipe probably comes in somewhere in the neighborhood of 400 calories and 17 grams of fat per serving. It also happens to be very delicious. 

Our changes to the original recipe were made both to suit our tastes and use some of the ingredients in our fridge. I subbed out cucumbers for zippier scallions and shallots. Alliums, or vegetables in the garlic and onion family, not only offer major health properties, but they definitely add the interest in this Asian-inspired rice bowl. When used raw, they are at their most potent. By the way, I love cucumbers so I am sure they would be a very welcome addition that you could definitely add back in. Now for the protein - smoked salmon is easy to buy in advance and have on hand in the fridge. A three-ounce package is the perfect amount for this dinner for two. Finally, because I always aim for a bit of extra flavor, we added a very modest splash of low-sodium soy sauce along with a few dots of sriracha for spice. We skipped the nori because it's not in our every day pantry. Cool Avocados round out the flavors of this surprisingly satisfying dish. 

To make this recipe in under 10 minutes, you'll either have to have your preferred grain or brown rice ready-cooked, or just take our recommendation and use our favorite, Uncle Ben's Ready Rice. It cooks in 90 seconds in the microwave and comes in two-serving portions. The stuff is a lifesaver. I hope you enjoy this tasty and fast recipe, as well as all the extra time it will give you to relax and recharge.

Smoked Salmon Avocado and Scallion Brown Rice Bowl
Adapted from Food & Wine/Kristen Donnelly
Wine Pairing: A dry Riesling
Serves 2 

1 Cup (8 Oz.) Cooked Brown Rice or other healthy grain, warm (Uncle Ben's Ready Rice)
1/4 teaspoon sugar
4 Scallions, mostly green parts and a little white, thinly sliced
1/2 a small Shallot, sliced very thinly
1 Hass Avocado, cut into a 1/2-inch dice
1/2 a small Cucumber, sliced(optional)
Juice of half a Lemon
One 3-ounce package of Smoked Salmon (we used Verlasso brand), thinly sliced
1 teaspoon Low-Sodium Soy Sauce
Black Sesame Seeds, for serving
Sriracha, optional

1. Pre-cook your rice or grains, or place your Ready Rice in the microwave (follow package directions). You can heat your Ready Rice up just after you've finished chopping all the other ingredients.

2. In a small bowl, combine Scallions and Shallots (and Cucumber if using) with the Sugar and a 1/4 teaspoon of Salt. Toss. 

3. In another small bowl, mix the Avocado with the Lemon Juice and stir gently.

4. Scoop the Rice into two serving bowls. Drizzle each with a 1/2 teaspoon Low-Sodium Soy Sauce and mix.

5. Top each rice bowl with Avocado, the the Scallion and Shallot mixture, and finally with the Smoked Salmon Strips. Give it a gentle stir and dot with optional Sriracha and sprinkle with Black Sesame Seeds. Serve and enjoy! 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Recipe Roundup - Ideas For Your Fourth of July Feast

It's unnerving how quickly summer flies by. Still, we're looking forward to the second big fete of the season, The Fourth of July. While our celebration will undoubtedly include American favorites like Burgers (we love Pat La Frieda's Short Rib Blend), we'll always throw in a few extra twists to make sure our barbecue is one for the books. Today, we'll round up some of NK's favorite summer party recipes. Most can be made on an outdoor grill or indoor grill pan. Hope this get's your creative juices flowing. Happy Cooking! 

A Hot Dog Less Ordinary - Why not try our Chicago Dogs with all the fixins on the grill? 

Real Chicago Dogs 

Tacos! - Remember our recent Cinco de Mayo Carne Asada post? Well this Skirt-Steak based Taco works great on a grill: 

Tacos Carne Asada

Wings! - The winner and still champion of party foods. In our house, these Old Bay Spiced Buffalo Wings are generally baked, but you can absolutely grill them as well. So. Good. 

Old Bay Buffalo Wings

Sharable Shrimp Ceviche Served with Tortilla Chips is "a good thing." We like to lightly boil our Shrimp so you won't have any raw food worries. Bring this great app if you're attending a party.

Cooked Shrimp Ceviche

Salads with a Spin - Because barbecue Side Salads Should not be humdrum:

Watermelon Salad with Arugula, Ricotta Salata, and Mint Dressing


Grilled Pineapple Salad with Basil and Cucumber

Vegetarian Pasta Salad - This as good at room temp raw sauce pasta recipe easily morphs into a winning side or main that will please all palates - we love our Vegetarian Friends.  

Whole Wheat Pasta Crudaiola with Arugula, Cherry Tomato, and Ricotta Salata

Indoor Feast on tap for you? Just because you aren't barbecuing doesn't mean you can't have a smashing sit down meal. Here are two of our favorite Summery Seafood Dishes that get raves every time: 

Zuppa di Clams with Savory Crouton

Crab Pasta with Lemon and Chive Butter

And for Dessert?
This super easy, stone-fruit driven Tart comes together quickly with frozen puff pastry. Use it to showcase the season's best produce. 

Easy Apricot Blackberry Frangipane Tart

That'll do it. Keep us posted on your food adventures and we hope you do enjoy our Nation's birthday and all the food it brings. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Down Mexico Way - Ancho Chicken Tacos with Avocado Crema & Micheladas

Whenever I ask my husband if he's got any special requests for the next week's dinner lineup, he always responds (in a petulant child's voice he puts on for my amusement), "Tacos!!!" Really, I don't know why I even bother asking, as this is almost always his response. By now, it's a running joke in our house. One of the reasons Tacos are so universally loved is probably their amazing versatility. They really do offer something for everyone. We've surely explored the wonders of Tacos before on NK. As a refresher, check out our quickie version of Tacos al Pastor (my all time favorite Taco preparation, recipe HERE), and of course, my friend Marina's extremely delicious version Baja Fish Tacos - recipe HERE.

So I ask you, who doesn't love a good taco? 

This week's Taco inspiration comes from a recipe I adapted from Cooking Light. These spicy Mexican-style Chicken Tacos have a ton a flavor and not a lot of fat. Ancho Chile Powder provides a real kick, and cooling Avocado Crema adds richness. Best of all, these are incredibly easy to prepare. 

Ancho Chicken Tacos with Avocado Crema, Photo: NK

Since nothing complements a Taco better than Beer, we'll also share our favorite recipe for an amazing, spicy Mexican Beer-based cocktail, the Michelada. 

Quick and Easy Ancho Chicken Tacos with Avocado Crema and Cilantro Slaw 
Adapted from Cooking Light
Serves 4 (2 Tacos each)

1 Lb Organic Chicken Breast, boneless and skinless, cut into bite sized chunks
1 Tablespoon Canola Oil 
8 (6 inch) Corn Tortillas
Spice Rub, Photo: NK

For the Avocado Crema
1/4 Cup Light Sour Cream
1/2 Avocado, very ripe and cut into chunks
2 Tablespoons Lime Juice
1/4 teaspoon grated Lime Zest
1/8 teaspoon Salt 
2 Tablespoons Skim Milk

For the Spice Rub
1/2 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1 teaspoon Ancho Chili Powder
1/2 teaspoon Ground Cumin
1/4 teaspoon Salt 

For the Slaw
Preparing the Crema, Photo: NK
2 Cups Packaged Cole Slaw Mix
2 Tablespoons Lime Juice 
1/2 Cup Scallions, white and green parts, thinly sliced
1/4 Cup Fresh Cilantro, chopped
1 Tablespoon Canola Oil
1/4 teaspoon Salt

Prepare the Spice Rub by mixing all ingredients together. 

In a medium bowl, prepare the Slaw by mixing all ingredients together. Toss well and set aside. 

Slaw and Avocado Crema, Photo: NK
Prepare the Avocado Crema by mixing the Sour Cream, 2 Tablespoons of Lime Juice, 1/4 teaspoon Lime Zest, Salt and Skim Milk in a bowl. Next, add the Avocado chunks. Using a fork, stir vigorously mashing avocado as best you can into the bowl to break it down. When you have made the mixture as smooth as possible, it should be a pale green shade. 

Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. 
Add 1 Tablespoon Canola oil. 
Toss Chicken pieces together with the Spice Rub until evenly coated. Add seasoned Chicken to skillet. Cook about 4 minutes, stirring frequently, until cooked through. Remove chicken to a plate, cover lightly,and set aside. 

While Chicken is resting, heat Tortillas according to directions. (We usually wrap 4 at a time in a damp paper towel and put them in the microwave for 25 seconds.)

To Assemble: Portion some Chicken in the middle of the Tortilla, drizzle with about 1 Tablespoons Avocado Crema, and top with a 1/4 Cup of the Slaw. Optionally garnish with a think slice of Avocado. Add your favorite hot sauce and enjoy!

Plus ~ A Bonus Leftover Idea for 2:
If you've got extra Slaw and Avocado Crema, just mix them together and save overnight in the fridge. The next day, chop up half an Orange or other Citrus and mix into the Slaw, squeezing a bit of the juice on top. Pick up an an extra Avocado, cut in half, and season with Salt and Pepper. Stuff with Avocado Crema and Orange Slaw. Makes a great side dish!

 Avocado Stuffed with Orange, Slaw and Avocado Crema, Photo: NK

Now for the drink:
Salt Rimmed Glass, Photo: NK

House Michelada
Adapted from Aida Mollenkamp
Makes 2 drinks

4 Tablespoons Kosher Salt
1/4 teaspoon Ancho Chile Powder
1/4 Cup Bottled Lime Juice 
1 whole Lime, quartered
1 teaspoon Tabasco
1 teaspoon Cholula - (or instead of Tabasco and Cholula, two teaspoons hot sauce of your choice - less if you are spice averse)
1.5 Cups light Mexican Beer, we use Modelo Especial
2 teaspoons Low Sodium Soy Sauce (or 1 tsp Regular Soy)
2 teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce
6 Ice Cubes

Put Kosher Salt on a plate and sprinkle the Ancho Chile Powder over it. 
Rub a fresh Lime quarter around the rims of each glass and place it rim down into the Salt and Chile Mixture until evenly coated. 

In a separate pitcher or large glass, mix Beer, Lime Juice, 2 teaspoons of Hot Sauce (or less if you prefer), Soy Sauce, and Worcestershire. Mix well. Place 3 ice cubes in each glass and pour Beer Mixture over. Garnish with a Lime Wedge. Cheers! 

Michelada, Photo: NK

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lemon Lust - Crab Pasta with Lemon and Chive Butter Sauce

I love lemons. Always have,  always will. Even back when I was a little girl, my mother would catch me chewing on lemon wedges the way normal kids might an orange segment. I really have never been "normal." It was just that I couldn't get enough of their super tart flavor, tooth enamel be damned. 

Today, I'm still very attracted to dishes that feature lemon, so while searching for an easy but summery pasta recipe, I was thrilled to come across the Daily Crave's Crab Pasta with Lemon and Chive Butter. Really, who could say no to a lemony pasta with crab and butter? Certainly not me. 

Crab Pasta with Lemon and Chive Butter Sauce, Photo: NK

My adaptation of this recipe uses Backfin Crabmeat instead of Lump Crab. Backfin is cheaper and although the crab chunks are slightly smaller than lump, they are still substantial, sweet and tasty. 

Photo, NK 

The original recipe recommends Meyer Lemons. Meyer Lemons are slightly sweeter and more floral tasting than regular lemons. I couldn't find them in my neighborhood this time around, but I would imagine they would only increase the deliciousness of this dish. 

Photo: NK

Finally, I cut some of the butter down a bit. This is not a light recipe, although it tasted very light once finished and was just as decadent with half the butter. 


Crab Pasta with Lemon and Chive Butter Sauce 
Adapted from The Daily Crave 
Serves 2 as an Entree, 4 as an Appetizer

Half a box of Spaghettini or other thin pasta (8 oz)
1 Lb Backfin Crab Meat, picked over for shells
1/4 Cup Dry White Wine
1/4 Cup Champagne Vinegar or White Wine Vinegar
1 large Shallot, chopped finely
3/4 stick Cold Salted Butter
6 Tablespoons finely chopped Chives
1 teaspoon Lemon Zest
1/4 Cup fresh squeezed Lemon Juice
1/4 Cup chopped Parsley

Cook Pasta according to the box directions in boiling salted water. 
Drain pasta, reserving about a 1/2 cup of the cooking liquid. Set aside.

In a medium saucepan over medium flame, combine Shallots, Wine and Vinegar. 
Boil until liquid is reduced to just over a Tablespoon. 

Reducing the liquids, Photo: NK
Reduce heat to lowest flame and add Cold Butter, one tablespoon at a time, whisking constantly until all Butter is incorporated. 

Turn off the heat and add 4 Tablespoons of the Chives, Lemon Juice, Lemon Zest, and a generous amount of Salt and Pepper to taste. 

Chive, Lemon and Butter Sauce, Ready for Crab, Photo: NK
Next, mix in most of the Crab Meat, setting aside about a 1/2 cup to top the Pasta with later.

Pour the sauce into a large, deep sauté pan and add the pasta. Toss and heat through, adding Cooking Water if needed a Tablespoon at a time to loosen the sauce and pasta. Taste for seasoning and adjust if needed. 

Plate the pasta and top with the reserved crab meat. Sprinkle with the remaining Chives and some Fresh Parsley. 

Dinner is served! 
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Monday, April 9, 2012

Restaurant Inspiration - Smoked Salmon & Goat Cheese Toasts over Field Greens

What inspires your recipe ideas?

For me, inspiration comes from so many sources. 
These days, places like Pinterest are a visual treasure trove of food ideas. It took me all of three minutes on the site to become fully obsessed. Of course, other blogs offer amazing ideas daily, and when I am feeling old fashioned, I like to page through my cookbooks, ideally while eating food and watching the Food Channel at the same time. 
Inspiration supercharged.

A Few Of My Favorites, Photo: NK
Photo: NK

Then there will always be my old standby food mags - Every Day Food and Food and Wine are favorites. Gourmet is great when I'm looking for something fancy schmancy.

But by far, my favorite place to gleen inspiration is in restaurants and at other people's tables.

See, I'm a menu snatcher. I grab takeout menus everywhere I go. The best are those that not only list the dish, but include most of the recipe components as well. If something catches my eye, I'll sample it and then take note of the ingredients so I can adapt them on my own.

Today's dinner is wonderful salad inspired by the cute little modern Italian restaurant, Bruschetteria, on Rivington street in the Lower East Side. 

Bruschetteria is a favorite of mine because it offers simple and fresh small plates. It was on a  trip there some years ago that I first tried their Smoked Salmon and Goat Cheese on Toast Points over Arugula, Capers, Red Onions, with a Lemon Vinaigrette. I enjoyed it so much that I've been making it ever since. I may be a bit biased because anything with smoked salmon, capers and red onion always makes me a happy woman. 

The adaptations I've made to this dish over the years are largely to husband-proof it. To give you an idea, the first time I made it, the Mr. asked where the rest of his dinner was. He's a peach, right? 

Next time, I added an avocado to make it heartier. He also groans when I give him a salad with only arugula. He'll eat arugula mixed with other greens, but alone, he doesn't like it - "too peppery", he says. I now do a mix of field greens with extra bread on the side - just in case he's still hungry.   

This weekend, after totally overindulging at Easter, we were both ready for something light. When you're feeling the same, this salad makes a great dinner. It's also super as an elegant luncheon dish. Maybe one of these days I will have reason to hold an "elegant luncheon," but to date, I have yet to do so. :)  

Smoked Salmon and Goat Cheese on Toast Over Greens, Capers, Olives & Red Onions
Serves 2 - Inspired by Bruschetteria NYC 

What You'll Need:
4 Ounces Organic Mixed Greens
4 Ounces Smoked Salmon - preferably Wild Alaskan 
1/4 Large Red Onion, sliced thinly into half moons
1 teaspoon Capers plus more for Salmon Toasts
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed Lemon Juice
2 Lemon wedges for serving plus extra for squeezing
1 teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Ripe Hass Avocado, cut in half, pitted and flesh scored into cubes
10 Kalamata Olives, sliced
3 Ounces good quality Goat Cheese, preferably Boucheron, at room temperature
4 medium slices Russian Rye or bread of your choice, toasted

What To Do:

Cut Bread into four even slices, set in toaster. 

Next, place your Salad Greens into a Large Bowl.

Cut Onions thinly into Half Moons. Toss them into the salad greens, setting aside some of the slices to top the Salmon Toasts.

Next, slice each Avocado half in a crosshatch pattern as below. Run your knife along the skin all around to separate flesh. Leave Avocado in the skin until ready to use, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and then top with a big squeeze of Lemon.

Ripe Hass Avocados - So Tasty, Photo: NK
To make dressing, toss 1 teaspoon of Capers in a small bowl with 1 teaspoon Olive Oil and 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice. Mix, crushing some of the Capers a bit with a fork to release their flavor. Set aside.

Pop Bread in the toaster oven to toast lightly. 

Toss chopped Olives into the bowl with the Salad Greens and pour on the Dressing. Toss thoroughly to distribute ingredients and dress. 

Next, place Avocado on top of Greens.

Remove Toast from the toaster and spread each slice with a good amount of Goat Cheese. 
Top each slice with a few pieces of Smoked Salmon, extra Capers, a few slices of Red Onion from what was set aside, and another big squeeze of Lemon Juice. 

To plate, serve 2 Salmon Toasts per dish. Perch them atop the salad greens. Serve with extra Lemon wedges. 


Finished Smoked Salmon and Goat Cheese Toasts over Field Greens, Photo: NK

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