Showing posts with label Pesto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pesto. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2014

Dinner in 20 - Fusilli with Classic Pesto (& Pomegranate!)

Around here, weeknight dinners are rarely more than a thirty minute affair, but when I'm looking for something even faster (case of the Mondays, anyone?) a simple pasta meal is always my go-to. Seeing as it's Meatless Monday, I'm sharing our latest recipe for traditional pesto (check out two more unique versions here and here) perfectly sized for a quick and hearty meal for two. If you're open to a tasty and unexpected twist, follow our lead and sprinkle tart, crunchy pomegranate arils for an extra antioxidant punch. Enjoy! 

Fusilli with Classic Pesto (+ Pomegranate!) Photo: NK 

Classic Pesto for Two + Pomegranate
Serves 2 as a hearty main course

1/2 Pound Pasta of your choice - (we love Fusilli - the shape really lends itself to pesto!)
1 1/2 Cups whole Basil Leaves, lightly packed
2 Tablespoons Pine Nuts (substitute finely chopped walnuts or almonds)
3 large Garlic Cloves
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1/4 Cup grated Parmigiana Cheese + more for serving
1/8 teaspoon Salt
Several pinches Black Pepper
A squeeze of Lemon Juice, optional
Crushed Red Pepper, optional
3 Tablespoons Pomegranate Arils, optional

1. Set a pot of salted pasta water on the stove to boil. Once boiling, prepare pasta according to package instructions.

2. While water is heating, prepare the pesto. Place Basil, Pine Nuts, Garlic and Oil in a food processor. Process until fully combined and finely chopped, about 30 seconds or more. Add the Parmigiana Cheese and Process again along with an 1/8 teaspoon (a few pinches) of Salt. Add several pinches of Black Pepper and remove pesto to a small bowl. Add a squeeze of Lemon Juice and taste the Pesto for seasoning. Adjust if necessary. 

3. When pasta is finished, drain it and return it to the pot. Add at least three heaping tablespoons of Pesto to the pasta (more if you like) and stir to combine. Add an optional pinch of Crushed Red Pepper and add the optional Pomegranate Arils. Serve with extra grated cheese. Enjoy! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Meatless Monday - Pistachio Basil Pesto with Scallions

Our Italian food mood continues with today's Meatless Monday recipe - a stellar yet simple pasta dish adapted from one of my favorite restaurants, Frankies Spuntino (check them out HERE). With two NYC locations, proprietors Frank Castronovo and Frank Falcinelli have, for nearly a decade, turned out tasty Italian small plates by focusing on fresh, local ingredients and un-fussy preparations. My Mom and I discovered their Carroll Gardens Brooklyn location, Frankies 457, soon after it opened and well before it became so darn popular. To think ... we used to be able to waltz right in.

Orecchiette with Pistachio Basil Pesto and Scallions, Photo: NK

What's great about today's plate? Orecchiette with Pistachio Basil Pesto and Scallions is brightly flavored, easy, and casually elegant. It's as perfect as an appetizer as it is as a main course and even tastes great at room temperature if you'd prefer it to be more like a pasta salad. Even better, this dish is a good way to use leftover Basil (which we happened to have plenty of from our last dish of Pappa al Pomodoro HERE). Frankies' original recipe uses an equal amount of Mint rather than Basil. Feel free to try both ways of making it depending on which herbs you have on hand! 

Orecchiette with Pistachio Basil Pesto and Scallions
Serves 2 
Adapted from Food and Wine/Frank Castonovo and Frank Falcinelli of Frankies Spuntino 
Bright Green Pistachios, Photo: NK 

1/3 Cup Roasted, Salted Pistachios, shelled
2 Scallions cut into 2 inch lengths, stacked alongside eachother and julienned

Scant 1/4 Cup Olive Oil
3 Tablespoons roughly chopped Basil Leaves
1 large Garlic Clove, minced
1/4 Cup Parmigiano Reggiano, grated
1/2 Pound Orecchiette Pasta
Black Pepper


Set a pot of lightly salted water to boil. 

In a small food processor, process the Pistachios until coarsely chopped.  
Processing the Pistachios, Photo: NK 

Next, add the Olive Oil, Basil Leaves, and Garlic. Pulse about 10 times to combine. 
Transfer Pesto to a bowl and stir in the Parmigiano Cheese. Fold in the julienned Scallions and set aside.

Once water comes to a boil, cook the Orecchiette according to instructions (usually 10 minutes for al dente). When Pasta is cooked, drain into a colander over a bowl, and reserve a 1/4 cup of the Pasta Water.

Adding the Cheese and Scallion, Photo: NK 

Return drained Pasta to the pot over a low flame. Stir in the Pesto/Scallion Mixture and the Pasta Water. Continue to cook over low heat for a minute or two, tossing, until Pesto has coated the Pasta fully and the liquids thicken. Taste for seasoning and add a pinch of Salt - this will really make the flavors pop.  

Plate, and optionally sprinkle with a bit of Parmigiano Cheese and some Black Pepper.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Meatless Monday - Pesto Makeover

I like pesto, I really do, but over the years we've developed a love/hate relationship.
Pesto gets points in my book because it's really versatile. You can make it with leafy greens of many varieties, not just basil. Whip up a quick pesto in your food processor and you've got a great way to make use of leftover veggies like Parsley, Mint, or even Arugula.

Arugula and Almonds - not your mother's pesto ingredients, Photo: NK 

What I don't like about pesto is that most recipes call for a whole lot of oil. Now don't get me wrong,  I am far from a health nut, but excess oil in recipes bothers me. I almost always use less oil than a recipe calls for and often, get the very same results.

Pine nuts, a usual component of pesto, are wonderful, but those babies are pricey and they go fast!  I've seen plenty of walnut pestos (mint and walnut pesto over lamb is divine), but what about other nuts, like almonds?

My final issue with pesto is that it has such a bold flavor, it takes over the dish. This is good or bad, depending on the mood you're in or how you plan to use your pesto. Would pesto be as tasty as more of a painted-on glaze instead of an oil based sauce? The questions haunted me.

It was this sort of thinking that inspired yesterday's pesto makeover. Ok, maybe this thinking, plus the ingredients I had on hand:

Parmesan Cheese
Ready to cook Ravioli

Now for the mission:
  • Create a healthier Arugula Pesto "Glaze" to highlight and not overpower the beautiful store-bought Ravioli I've been waiting to spring from my freezer: Wild Mushroom and White Truffle Ravioli in a Porcini Pasta from The Ravioli

Here's the pesto recipe:

NK's Arugula and Almond Pesto "Glaze"
Yields about a half cup or 4 to 6 servings on a pasta or meat of your choice

8 Almonds
1 Cup (Packed) Chopped Arugula - hard stalks removed
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Grated Parmesan
1 Large Clove of Garlic - Peeled 
Pinch to 1/4 Teaspoon Salt or to taste
One Squeeze of Lemon Juice - optional 

Place Arugula in a food processor (a mini chopper works great for this) 
Process until finely chopped
Scrape down the sides of the processor and add Almonds
Process until Almonds are finely chopped and scrape the sides again
Add Parmesan and process
Add 1 Tablespoon Oil and process
Add the second Tablespoon of Oil and process until mixture is wet and fully incorporated
Move the pesto to a small bowl, taste, and add salt to your liking and an optional squeeze of lemon juice,
To serve, toss a few tablespoons of mixture with your prepared pasta, or in the case of delicate pastas like ravioli, paint the glaze on with a pastry brush. 

Finished Pesto Glaze, Photo: NK

You'll like it! 

Now what did I do with our pesto and ravioli?  Below is a great dish for mushroom lovers like me that makes for an even more satisfying meatless Monday. Portobellos, the meatiest of the mushroom crew, are the key. 

Arugula Pesto Glaze on Mushroom Ravioli with Portobello Mushroom Ribbons 
Serves 4 

20 store-bought Mushroom Ravioli
1/2 cup of Arugula and Almond Pesto Glaze (recipe above)
Mushrooms Ready To Bake, Photo: NK
2 Portobello Mushroom Caps
1 Tablespoon Olive or Truffle Oil

Preheat Oven to 425.
Line a baking sheet with foil (for easier clean-up)
Brush Mushroom Caps with Oil
Put Mushrooms in the oven to bake for 20 minutes.
Set a pot of water on the stove to boil and prepare mushroom ravioli as directed. 
(Mushrooms should be ready about the same time as Ravioli is done.)
Drain Ravioli and plate. 
Glaze Ravioli immediately with Pesto using a brush or gently spreading on with a spoon.
Slice Mushroom Caps into thin slices and place on top of the ravioli. Serve right away.

Mushroom Ravioli with Arugula Pesto Glaze and Portobello Mushroom, Photo: NK