Showing posts with label Turkey Date Meatballs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Turkey Date Meatballs. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Welcome to Neurotic Kitchen

Today is the day - the inaugural post here on Neurotic Kitchen. This site combines my passion for food with my not-so-secret amusement with my own mild neuroses. It's the result of years of learning from the best cooks and hosts in my life and a tribute to the women and men in my family who delighted in sharing their love through food. For some, the kitchen is a place to work out your stresses and worries deliciously.  And if you get into it, it's the ultimate haven for expression and at its best, tranquility.

Turkey Date Meatballs Over Lentils with Yogurt Sauce  - Photo: Neurotic Kitchen

I'll be sharing my favorite recipes, adapted and borrowed, my neuroses, inherited or otherwise, as well as some helpful tricks and techniques that allow even a busy home cook with a day job to execute beautiful dishes stress free. Surely some of my other interests will pop in from time to time (travel & wine), but primarily I hope to show that with a bit of planning, cooking can be fun and pain free - a creative outlet with a very practical purpose - a way to put your love on a plate.