Showing posts with label Vegetarian Pasta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vegetarian Pasta. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2013

When Life Gives You Lemon Oil - Lazy Girl's Beet Hummus & Lemony Market Veggie Pasta

Infused Oils and Vinegars to go, Photo: NK
Last weekend's travels brought us out to Long Island. During our brief trip, we made a point of passing though the cute little village of Southampton for a stroll. After a delightful pit stop at St. Ambroeus Gelateria (an Eric Ripert favorite) for some insanely good pistachio gelato, we happened upon another adorable shop - Vines & Branches

The place was a cook's dream - an entire store dedicated to creatively flavored oils and vinegars - all of which you could taste. 

I have notoriously little sales resistance, so in no time, the all too adept saleslady had rung me up to the tune of three infused vinegars and one bottle of lemon flavored olive oil. How did this happen? Every time I picked up a bottle of something seemingly odd (coffee infused balsamic!?) the clerk had a quick anecdote about making some amazing dish with it. "Oh, coffee balsamic, you can make the most delicious marinated steak with that.  You know, it's like a coffee rub. Once you taste it, it'll be game over!" 

Ok.             Sold. 

And so it continued.
I learned that my coconut infused white balsamic vinegar would be bonkers on lime-spiked shrimp, and that clearly, pumpkin spice vinegar would be natural after being reduced and drizzled on a pork chop. 
We shall see. 

It was fun to purchase ready-flavored oils and vinegars. After all, I am all about convenience. Still, I want you to know that it is so easy to make them yourself, and probably much cheaper. Today, we'll start by showing how to make you a super basic Lemon Infused Olive Oil, just like the one I purchased. From there, we'll present you two dishes that go together famously with this brightly flavored oil (although the possibilities are endless so by all means, use your imagination).


Infused Oils and Vinegars from Vines & Branches, Photo: NK
Lemon Infused Olive Oil
From Martha Stewart
1/2 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
The peels of of 2 Lemons (just the zest, not the white pith)

To peel lemons, use a very sharp knife to remove just the yellow part, leaving behind the bitter white pith.
Combine lemon peel and olive oil and place them in a pan over low heat. Warm for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. *Can be stored in a tightly sealed jar at room temperature for a month. 

Now that we're done with the oil, let's try the super fast fresh pasta sauce we made with it:

Lemony Market Veggie Pasta
Our favorite farm stand, Photo: NK
Getting inspired by seasonal produce at the farm stand or farmer's or gourmet market is one of my favorite things to do - so much so, in fact, that I always end up with more veggies and fruits than two humans could possibly handle. 

When I have extra vegetables on hand, which is often, I almost always make them into a meatless pasta dish (check out last year's market veggie pasta here). This everything but the kitchen sink pasta is not only one of the easiest dinners you can make, but a great and healthy way to use up produce. 

Just grab whatever vegetables you have on hand and sauté them in a bit of oil after warming some garlic or shallot in the pan - toss the cooked pasta and maybe some pasta water in it, stir and enjoy! The creative process of choosing for yourself is half the fun, so while I hesitate to post a recipe, I want to show you how we used our brand new lemon infused olive oil to wake up this tasty and meatless dish. 

Farm fresh veggies, the best of the season, Photo: NK
Using great right now plum and yellow tomatoes, zucchini, and a little shallot, this quick fresh sauce pasta comes together deliciously. The lemon infused olive oil provides a great zing, and a little jalapeno gives it an ever-so-slight kick. You can omit that part if you are serving this to your little ones. Finally, feel free to adapt this veggie pasta to your taste, but at the very least, today's easy recipe will give you a good idea of the basic process. I was feeling whimsical so I prepared it with kid-friendly wagon wheel pasta (rotelle) which always takes me back to my youth! 

Market Veggie Wagon Wheel Pasta With Lemon Infused Oil
Serves 2-3

1/2 pound Wagon Wheel Pasta (rotelle)
2 Tablespoons Lemon Oil + more for drizzling (see recipe above)
1 Shallot, chopped small
1 large Yellow Tomato
3 very ripe Plum Tomatoes (or your own fave combo of any tomatoes will work too)
1 whole medium Zucchini, sliced lengthwise and then again in 1/2 centimeter thick slices
1/2 a Jalapeno, seeded and diced (optional)
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper
Crushed Red Pepper Flakes (optional)
Grated Parmigiana Reggiano Cheese (optional)

1. Bring a pot of well salted water to boil for the pasta. Add pasta to pot when it's ready and cook according to the box instructions (ours was 10 minutes for al dente). 

Mixing it all up, Photo: NK
2. Meanwhile, heat the lemon infused olive oil in a medium saute pan over medium heat. Add the chopped shallots and sauté, stirring occasionally, to 2 minutes. Add the rest of the chopped vegetables and cook, stirring from time to time, for another 5 minutes. 
*I like my zucchini a bit al dente so taste it after you are done and if it's too firm for you, cook a bit longer. When it is to your liking, turn off the heat and stir in the salt and pepper.

3. Your pasta should be close to done by now. When it is finished, drain, reserving some of the pasta water. 

4. Return drained pasta to pot and toss the contents of the vegetable pot into it. Toss for a minute or so, while adding about 2-3 tablespoons of pasta water to the mix. Check for seasoning and plate. 

5. To finish, add a drizzle of lemon infused olive oil to each dish and top with optional crushed red pepper and grated parmigiana cheese. Enjoy!

Market Veggie Wagon Wheel Pasta with Lemon Infused Oil, Photo: NK

Next up, 

Beet Hummus
If there is an easy way to do something, I will find it. My laziness (with regard to certain life and kitchen-related chores) knows no bounds. My husband marvels at my ability to jam pack a dishwasher in ways that defy proven geometric principles...just so I won't have to hand wash that last pot. I learned many of my favorite "shortcuts" from my dad, a guy who liked to cut a few corners when any heavy lifting was involved. He didn't call this being lazy, he called it being efficient. I would have to agree!

Certainly, some kitchen and food preparation work is absolutely worth doing  - if you have the time. But this blog is often about simplifying without sacrificing taste or quality. 

To give you a for instance, I've been meaning to try making beet hummus for the past year, ever since I first ate it last year at a charity reception that featured an all-vegetarian dinner (read about it HERE). What's been holding me back, you ask? Well, the thought of cooking and peeling beets (often a very messy affair) just seemed too daunting. So - since "necessity is the mother of invention", I give you today's easy shortcut for wonderful beet hummus. Canned beets cut the prep time down to minutes and the result is delicious. You can surely make this with fresh beets if you have the time (45 min or so) and inclination, as it's not all that big of a deal. Also, feel free to try some of the ready-prepared fresh beet products out there. Love Beets is one of our favorites.   

The easiest Beet Hummus you'll ever make, Photo: NK

Lazy Girl's Beet Hummus With Lemon Infused Olive Oil
Adapted from a fantastic blog - Dishing Up The Dirt
Serves 8

15 Ounce Can Sliced Beets, drained
15 Ounce Can Garbanzo Beans, rinsed and drained
2 heaping Tablespoons Tahini
2.5 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
2 Tablespoons Lemon Infused Oil* Recipe Above (or plain Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
3 large Cloves Garlic
1 scant Tablespoon Ground Cumin
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon Black Pepper

Blend all the ingredients in good blender or food processor until smooth. Taste for seasoning. If you prefer a silkier consistency you can certainly add a bit more tahini or oil. 


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Not So Bitter Greens - Orecchiette & Broccoli Rabe + Fried Capers

Broccoli rabe and pasta are a natural match often spotted together on Italian menus in a popular dish that includes sausage. A'int nothing wrong with that. But today is meatless Monday, and although my husband may complain bitterly, we are having an all-veggie meal.  As an added wrinkle, he thinks he really doesn't like broccoli rabe. He's part Italian, mind you, so such a declaration just will not stand in this house.  

Orecchiette with Broccoli Rabe and Fried Capers, Photo: NK

Also - I like a good challenge!

Plus, whenever fall rolls around, my vegetable cravings turn towards the dark, leafy greens, and broccoli rabe is among my all time favorites - with or without pasta. 

Broccoli Rabe, Photo: NK
Broccoli Rabe gets a bad rap because of its complex and slightly bitter flavor, but in today's recipe, we'll soak it to take a way some of that bitterness. Though this veggie may be an acquired taste, it's hard not to love when tossed with orecchiette pasta, so named because its resemblance to "little ears," and tangy parmigiana reggiano cheese. A simple sauce composed of of garlic, olive oil, and crushed red pepper flakes ties the recipe together, and crispy, piquant fried capers add major appeal while rounding out any bitterness from the greens.

This dish is adapted from a gorgeous cookbook that my sister-in-law gave me last year - Savoring the Hamptons by Silvia Lehrer. For more recipes adapted from this wonderful book (and for the reasons I find Long Island's East End to be an inspiring culinary destination), click HERE

Another reason why I love Orecchiette with Broccoli Rabe and Fried Capers is because it's really a genius recipe; the broccoli rabe cooks right in the pasta water and the timing works perfectly together. 

Also- you can use this fried caper method on any dish you like to add a crunchy, tangy note to your next pasta, vegetable or protein. Happy Cooking! 

Orecchiette with Broccoli Rabe and Fried Capers
Adapted from Savoring the Hamptons by Silvia Lehrer
Serves 4 as an entree, 6 as an appetizer

Ingredients:  1 Lb Orecchiette Pasta
1 Large Bunch Broccoli Rabe
1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 heaping Tablespoons Capers, rinsed, drained and patted very dry
2 Large Cloves of Garlic finely chopped
Crushed Red Pepper
1/4 Cup Coarsely Grated Parmigiana Cheese
Black Pepper

1/2 Cup chopped Italian Parsley (optional)

1. Prepare the broccoli rabe: 
Cut several inches of the woody stems off the broccoli rabe and discard.
Next, pull off the broccoli-like florets and remove them to a small bowl. 
Now, cut the broccoli rabe leaves off their ribs and place the leaves in another small bowl. Tear then if they are on the large side. Cover both bowls with cold water and allow them to sit for 20 minutes before draining away the water. 

Photo: NK
*You can do the above steps in advance if you prefer - just be sure to drain the greens after 20 minutes.  If you don't have time to soak the broccoli rabe, it ill still be good, just give it a good rinse. 

2. When ready to cook your meal, set a large pot of well-salted water to boil.

Photo: NK

3. Meanwhile, warm oil over medium high heat in a small saucepan. Add the capers. The oil may spit so be careful. 
Fry them for 1-2 minutes until capers crack open and start to become golden but not burnt. When the right color is achieved, turn off the heat and remove capers using a slotted spoon to a paper towel for draining. They should be somewhat crispy once dry. Set capers aside for use later but leave the oil behind in the pan.

4. By this time, your pasta water should be close to boiling. When it has started, add the orecchiette and the broccoli rabe Leaves. Boil for 2 minutes. Then add the broccoli rabe florets and cook another 7 minutes for al dente pasta (check the cook time on the box as it could vary). Another 8 minutes for less firm pasta.  (Hint: al dente is always the way to go)

5. While the pasta and greens boil, turn the flame back on medium-low under the caper oil. Once the oil is hot, add the garlic and saute 1-2 minutes until fragrant and slightly golden. Add  a 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper, a few small pinches of salt and a generous pinch of black pepper. Stir and turn off the flame.  
Plating the Pasta, Photo: NK

6. When pasta is finished, drain it along with the greens from the pot using a colander set over a small bowl. Reserve 1/4 cup of the pasta water. Stir pasta water into the oil, garlic and pepper mixture on the stove.

7. To serve:
Place pasta and greens into your serving bowl, drizzle oil and garlic sauce over the pasta and toss. Sprinkle with fried capers and finish with grated parmigiana and optional chopped parsley. Taste for seasoning and adjust if necessary. Buon appetito! 

Enjoy - and P.S. the husband gobbled this right up. 

Your family will too! 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Recipe Rehab - "New" Pasta Primavera with Dandelion Greens, Mushrooms & Tomatoes

In this week's Meatless Monday feature we're experimenting with a new take on a somewhat tired Vegetarian Pasta dish:
Photo: NK
Primavera means spring in Italian, and nothing reminds me of the season like fresh produce. But Pasta Primavera the dish has quite the checkered history. It's actually an American invention, having nothing to do with Italy at all. Rumor has it that it was first served at Le Cirque in NYC. I don't know about you, but my experiences with Primavera have included limp Broccoli and Carrots in a woefully slimy, colorless sauce. Now you understand why we just had to make new! But first, do check out this brilliant and funny post from Poor Man's Feast on The Myth Of Pasta Primavera.

Our Primavera remake has received quite the zhuzhing. What's in it, you ask? Well, since I was thrilled to finally see nicely ripened Tomatoes at the market, they made the cut. I also set out to incorporate Dandelion Greens, an Italian favorite that has yet to gain wide popularity, in my recipe. Their slightly bitter, lemony quality really wakes up this dish. Finally, tender Oyster Mushrooms serve as the perfect sponge for all our subtle flavors, and fun Campanelle Pasta provides a worthy vehicle for this delicate yet hearty spring dish. 

Campanelle with Dandelion Greens, Oyster Mushrooms, and Tomatoes
Serves 2 
Oyster Mushroom, Photo: NK 

1 Small Bunch Dandelion Greens, roughly chopped into bite-sized pieces
1/2 Pound Campanelle Pasta or other curly pasta
1.5 Tablespoons Salted Butter
2 large Cloves Garlic, finely chopped
1 Oyster Mushroom, about the size of a fist with its core cut off to release the petal-shaped mushrooms.
2-3 Large Vine-Ripened Tomatoes, chopped

1/3 Cup good quality Grated Parmigiana Cheese
1 teaspoon Grated Lemon Zest
1/2 teaspoon Salt plus more to taste
Freshly Ground Black Pepper

Blanch Dandelion Greens in boiling salted water for 1 minute. Drain in a colander and rinse again with cold water to stop the cooking. Set aside. 

Set a large pot of salted water to boil for the Pasta.

Meanwhile, in large skillet, melt the Butter. Add in the Garlic and stir until fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add the Oyster Mushrooms and cook another 1 to 2 minutes until tender. 

Add the chopped Tomatoes and cook, stirring occasionally, for another 5 minutes. Tomatoes and Mushrooms should release a good deal of water which will become the basis of your sauce. Add a 1/2 teaspoon of Salt and the Lemon Zest. Stir and turn off the flame.

Once Pasta water is boiling cook Campanelle for about 10 minutes until almost cooked but still a bit firm. Drain, reserving at least 1/4 cup of the Pasta water.

Turn the heat back to a medium flame under the Vegetables. Pour Campanelle into the skillet and toss with the Vegetables. Add the Dandelion Greens to the skillet and stir. Add 2 or 3 Tablespoons of Pasta Water and allow liquids to bubble for about a minute, adding more liquid as desired until the Sauce thickens just a bit to the desired consistency. Turn off heat. 

Add the Parmigiana Cheese and toss through the Pasta. Finish with a generous sprinkling of Black Pepper. Taste for Salt and serve immediately. Enjoy! 

"New" Pasta Primavera with Dandelion Greens, Oyster Mushroom and Tomato, Photo: NK 

Monday, April 30, 2012

North Fork Bounty - Farmers Market Veggie Pasta

Our recent trip to the North Fork of Long Island was just the thing to inspire some light, farm to table spring dishes. 

For just a brief weekend jaunt, we got a lot done. 

A trip to one of our favorite Long Island wineries,  

Peconic Bay Winery in Cutchogue, NY, Photo: NK

followed in close succession by the purchase of several bottles of our favorite buttery Chard:

Peconic Bay Chardonnay - La Barrique, 2009, Photo: NK

Next, a quick game of mini golf then lunch at a really yummy retro-diner. Lobster roll, please!

The Modern Snack Bar, Aquebogue, NY, Photo: NK

But our day would not have been complete without several stops at the North Fork's numerous farm stands.

Photo: NK

Most everything looked delicious, but a few veggies really stood out. 

The Take:
MUSHROOMS - Maitake (also known as Hen of the Woods) and Beech Mushrooms

Photo: NK 

Beech and Maitake Mushroom Varieties, Photo: NK

I've been wanting to check out Spring Garlic for some time now. Also known as Green Garlic, Spring Garlic is basically garlic in a younger state that is harvested prior to maturity. It will include a large green stalk and look a bit like a leek or majorly overgrown scallion. Both the bulb end and the greens are edible and can be cooked in the same manner you would a leek or scallion. Spring Garlic is generally milder and less pronounced in flavor than regular garlic, yet a bit more pungent than green onions or scallions.

Now for the challenge:
To create a light pasta dish using all my farm fresh produce, and maybe give me an excuse to open my Chardonnay :) 

Here's what I came up with:

Whole Wheat Fusilli, Spring Garlic, Mushrooms, Asparagus Coins & Oven Dried Tomatoes
Loosely adapted from the FruitGuys Almanac
Serves 2 

1/2 Lb Whole Wheat Fusilli or other pasta of your choice
2 large stalks of Spring Garlic
5-7 Ounces Mixed Fancy Mushrooms (we used Beech and Hen of the Woods aka Maitake) 
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon salted Butter
1/4 Cup Lemon Juice
2 Tablespoons White Wine
4 Tablespoons minced Chives plus several whole Chives reserved for garnish. 
1 pinch Crushed Red Pepper Flake 
Kosher Salt, 1 Tablespoon for pasta water plus more for seasoning
Black Pepper
Optional pinch of Crushed Red Pepper
1/4 Cup Parmesan Cheese, freshly grated

*Asparagus Coins (Optionally prepare ahead, recipe below)
*Oven Dried Tomatoes ( Make at least one day ahead, recipe below)

Before you begin, prepare your Asparagus Coins (the day before or day of) and set aside the Oven Dried Tomatoes you prepared the day before. Recipes for both are listed if you scroll all the way down. 

Set a large pasta pot to boil with 1 Tablespoon Kosher Salt. Once boiling, prepare Pasta according to the box instructions.

Chop the white bulb ends of the Spring Garlic off. Mince the white bulbs until you have about 2 Tablespoons. Now, slice the green part of the stalks crosswise into rings until you have about 3 Tablespoons. Set aside 1 Tablespoon of the green parts to use as garnish when the dish is complete.

Spring Garlic, Photo: NK

In a saute pan, heat 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil and 1 Tablespoon Butter over medium flame until Butter is melted. Add 2 Tablespoons minced Garlic (white parts) and 2 Tablespoons Sliced Garlic stalk (green parts). Saute until garlic becomes aromatic, about 2 minutes, taking care not to let the garlic burn. Add Mushrooms and Wine and sauté over low to medium heat for about 5 minutes or until mushrooms have softened and have created some moisture. Turn off the heat. 

When Pasta has cooked, drain fully (reserving some cooking liquid) and return to pasta pot. To the pasta pot, stir in the Mushrooms, Lemon Juice, Minced Chives, and one or two Tablespoons of reserved Pasta Water. Toss the contents well and season generously with Salt and Pepper to taste. Add the optional Crushed Red Pepper. Finally, stir in the Oven Dried Tomatoes and Asparagus Coins. 

To serve, scoop pasta into bowls, sprinkle with grated parmesan and the reserved garlic greens you set aside. Optionally garnish with a few whole chives. 

Whole Wheat Fusilli with Spring Garlic, Mushrooms, Asparagus & Oven Dried Tomatoes, Photo: NK

*Asparagus Coins
Serves 2
6-8 stalks of Asparagus, bottoms trimmed, tops cut off. 

Asparagus Coins, Photo: NK
Simply line stalks up and slice them into 1/4 inch coins.  
To cook, toss in boiling water for 60 seconds before draining and blanching in cold water. 
Season as desired.

Can be prepared up to 2 days ahead and stored in the fridge in an air-tight container. You can even skip the cooking and serve raw if you like. 

Asparagus coins are great in pastas, mixed into rice, or even as an addition to soups and salads.

*Oven Dried Tomatoes
2 Servings 
1 Lb or more medium or large Tomatoes of your choice, for this recipe Plum or Campari would work best.
Tomatoes Ready to Cook, Photo: NK
Kosher Salt
1/4 Cup Olive Oil

Preheat oven to 250. 
Slice Tomatoes to about 1/4 or 1/3 inch thick. Just be sure to keep them uniformly thick. 
Place Tomatoes on a wire rack over a baking sheet with sides.
Drizzle with olive oil and top with salt, a small pinch of sugar, and black pepper.
Cook for 2.5 to 3 hours until dried and wrinkled. 

Can be stored in an air-tight container in the fridge for 3-5 days. They will lose some of their dryness but will still taste delicious. 

Wonderful tossed into pastas, as a pizza topping, delicious on their own, or even as a crostini or sandwich topping. Can be stored in an air-tight container in the fridge for 3-5 days. They will lose some of their dryness but will still taste delicious. 

Oven Dried Tomatoes, Photo: NK

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