Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts

Friday, November 7, 2014

Sweet Treat - Pumpkin Coffee Cake With Pecan Streusel

A recipe success - Williams Sonoma Pumpkin Coffee Cake
Photo: NK
We're doing it! More pumpkin-infused treats. This week, we tested out a scrumptious looking Pumpkin Coffee Cake with Pecan Streusel recipe from Williams Sonoma. 

I was recently reminded of the joys of coffee cake when my Mom-in-Law brought us an Entenmann's from the supermarket. I hadn't had one in at least ten years, and though we all agreed that the cake, like many packaged foods, looked much smaller than we remembered, the taste was still pretty great. It was probably on my third trip to the kitchen to surreptitiously siphon off another sliver that I realized that I was obsessed. Why? The salty, buttery, crumbly streusel topping. 

Could I recreate this sort of goodness at home and would pumpkin have a place in the mix? Turns out, yes! Not only was the Williams Sonoma recipe easy, even considering that baking is not my strong suit, but the addition of canned Pumpkin worked very well. 

If you are looking for a quick baked good to bring to Thanksgiving, or even something for your post-turkey coma brunch, this cake would be a great choice. I didn't alter the recipe at all except that for the streusel, I subbed in Salted Butter because for me, the salty-sweet quality of Coffee Cake's crumb topping is what makes it sublime. Enjoy with or without your next cup of joe! 

Pumpkin Coffee Cake With Brown Sugar-Pecan Sugar by Williams Sonoma 
Click HERE for the Recipe 

Prepping the Pumpkin batter in a springform pan
The delectable Pecan Streusel Topping, Photo: NK

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Paleo On The Go - Banana & Almond Flour Energy Muffins

It's resolution time! Would you believe that I'm good at keeping resolutions? Yeah, me neither. But it turns out that I actually am, providing that I also happen to be cut off from the outside world

Paleo Banana & Almond Flour Energy Muffins, Photo: NK

Since a blizzard, nearly sub-zero weather, and a subsequent tri-state area-wide sheet of ice has had me and the husband reluctant to venture out for the past few days, we've been quite disciplined. We even visited our building's gym for a record breaking three times in since Friday. So, a big five days into the new year, we're feeling pretty smug about keeping our promises to eat better and workout more.  

Then came Sunday afternoon. A time for rest, a time for reflection, a time to get the blues. Fearing that boredom would cause my idle hands to morph into one heck of a devil's workshop (aka: should I attack that jar of marshmallow fluff in the pantry?), I knew I'd better peel myself off the couch and set about creating something nutritionally redeeming. It seems that the Sunday blues can give rise to good things:

When today's oven adventure, Paleo Energy Muffins With Banana & Almond Flour, proved successful, I knew I'd want to share them with you. 

These easy to make muffins take just five minutes to prepare and will help us in our quest to be a bit more balanced in our eating, use our calorie allotment more wisely, and choose foods packed with energizing protein and slow-burning fiber. We're not a Gluten Free household by any means, but today's muffins are. They're also fit for Paleo and Dairy Free diets. 

Why make them? Paleo Energy Muffins With Banana & Almond Flour are a healthy, stick-to-your-ribs, breakfast on the go. They'd also make for a good pre-workout bite because they have a good helping of protein and slow releasing carbs to keep you going. A little sweet but not too much so and surprisingly filling, these tasty little guys keep well in the fridge and can even be frozen for up to a month. Sure, we may fall off the resolution wagon in a little while, but I'm happy to share today's healthy and satisfying on-the-go recipe for your future enjoyment. Good luck in your healthy endeavors this new year! 

Paleo Energy Muffins With Banana & Almond Meal
Adapted from
Yield - 10 Muffins 
Per Muffin: 235 Calories, 18g Fat, 7.5g Protein, 12g Carbs, 3.2g Fiber

2.5 Cups Almond Meal (we use Bob's Red Mill)
3/4 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Salt 

2 Medium Bananas, very ripe 
2 Organic Eggs, beaten
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon 
1 teaspoon Unsweeted Cocoa Powder
2 Tablespoons Light Agave (or Honey)
1 teaspoon good quality Vanilla Extract
2 Tablespoons Melted Coconut Oil or Canola Oil
1 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar (we like Bragg Mother Vinegar)

Finished in a flash, Photo: NK 
1. Preheat oven to 350. Line a regular sized muffin tin with 10 muffin cups.

2. Combine the first three dry ingredients in a Large bowl.

3. In a medium bowl, mash the Bananas extremely well until almost smooth. Add the beaten Eggs, Cinnamon, Cocoa Powder, Agave, Vanilla Extract, Oil, and Apple Cider Vinegar. Combine well. 

*If you like, you could add other mix-ins here such as carob chips or raisins.

4. Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and combine well. Pour mixture 3/4 of the way up the muffin cups. Bake for 18 minutes until the center of the muffins is set and the edges have become a bit golden. Remove tin to a rack for cooling (at least 20 minutes). Enjoy! 

To store:
Freeze in an airtight container for up to 1 month
Store at room temp, sealed, for 2 days
Refrigerate, sealed, for about a week