Showing posts with label cupcakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cupcakes. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2016

Something For Everyone - Comfort Food Dinner Party

There have been many changes in our lives these past few years, and one such new reality is that our dinner parties now tend to include little people. Lots of little people. 

If you've ever met a toddler, you'll know they really are just like tiny little restaurant critics, except instead of a scathing review, you're more likely to have your food tossed at the wall. Since we don't get out as much, we also call that dinner and a show. 

A classic comfort menu kids and grownups will love, Photo: NK 
So what do you do when you have to please big and little palates all in one fell swoop? Today's simple menu of comfort food will answer that very question. 
Here's what to expect:

The world's best, universally delicious Mac & Cheese from the one and only Martha Stewart (it's nicknamed Crack 'n Cheese for a reason)

A simple Salad (so you feel like you're getting your veggies)

Fabulous Vanilla Cupcakes with Buttercream Frosting

Here's the plan: 

The night before
, make your Cupcakes and Buttercream. Store the Cupcakes in an airtight container and your Buttercream in the fridge. 

The morning of, make your Mac & Cheese up until where you bake it. (Set aside the breadcrumbs and grated cheese to top it before you pop it in the oven).

A few hours before guests arrive, put together your favorite Salad and put the dressing on the side. Store Salad in fridge. Dress and toss just before you're ready to serve.

Let your Buttercream soften a bit and pipe or spread onto cupcakes. 

Now let's get to THE RECIPES:

Perfect Mac & Cheese, by Martha Stewart. Click HERE 
Amy Sedaris' awesome Vanilla Cupcakes, Click HERE, with our very own Vanilla Buttercream, Click HERE
Salad- I will leave this up to you, but keep it light and seasonal! The rest of the meal is filling. 

The most amazing Mac & Cheese on the planet, Photo: NK


Monday, July 25, 2016

Sweet Treat - Buttercream My Way

As you know, my forays into baking are few and far between. Still, when I have to make cakes or cupcakes, I always look forward to the icing part of the equation; eating classic Buttercream off a spoon is my idea of heaven. Today's easy recipe is foolproof.  It came about when I lightly adapted a recipe I found online to meet my ever enduring love for salted butter. They say you shouldn't bake with it. I say they're wrong. I like the taste balance it brings. I even make my absolute favorite Brownies with it.

Delicious and easy Buttercream, Photo: NK 

Just give this easy recipe a whirl and you'll be lucky if you get it on your cupcakes fast enough. The icing works well for simple frosting and more elaborate decorating. I like to chill it a bit and spoon it into a pastry bag before piping it on. You'll also find it freezes easy for those emergency dessert situations. I know you will enjoy! 

Quick & Delicious Vanilla Buttercream Icing
Recipe Adapted from
Frosts about 8-10 Cupcakes 

1/2 Cup (1 Stick) Salted Butter at room temperature
1 1/2 teaspoons very good quality Vanilla Extract (I like Nielsen Massey
1 3/4 Cups Confectioner's Sugar *(*1 & 3/4 Cups is slightly less sweet, but you can use up to 2 Cups)
2 Tablespoons of Milk
(Food Coloring, approximately 3 drops, if you like - I prefer it au naturale)

Cream Butter with a handheld mixer or a stand mixer with a paddle attachment until it is light and fluffy (can also be done with a wooden spoon)

Now carefully and gradually add in the Confectioners Sugar until it is fully mixed in. Add the Vanilla Extract and stir again. 

Pour in the Milk and beat for 3 to 4 more minutes. If using food coloring add it now. Frost and enjoy!