Showing posts with label foodporn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foodporn. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Shortcut: Scallops With White Wine & Orange Sauce

If you don't already know, this blog's raison d'ĂȘtre is to provide accessible yet still impressive recipes for the busy home cook (with a day job!). With that in mind, many of the dishes we feature can be prepared in well under an hour, most less than a half hour, and still more in mere minutes. One of the things that delights me most is when I can consult Neurotic Kitchen for a recipe. Cooking from your own blog is gratifying in itself, but being able to take the place of your reader is especially instructive. I'll inevitably go back and edit myself so that the method is that much easier for you. 

Seared Scallops with White Wine & Orange Sauce, Photo: NK
While we're on the subject, another thing that gives me a thrill is short-handing staple recipes when I am even more pressed for time than usual. You cook something enough, you get to know if by heart - so why not simplify it even further if the situation warrants? In fact, the more confident you become as a cook, the more you'll find yourself able to achieve similar results in half the time by taking the essence of a recipe and changing up the preparation for ease and speed. That's how most of Neurotic Kitchen's recipes are born, and how my standard splurge dish of Scallop With Citrus Beurre Blanc morphed into today's even speedier (I am talking minutes, here) Shortcut Scallop with White Wine and Orange Sauce. 

This cliff notes version of a fancier dish is a great weeknight recipe that's ready lightening quick. Under ten minutes to be exact. Do try our full-on Scallops With Orange Beurre Blanc recipe when you have a little bit more time and are looking to impress! 

Shortcut Seared Scallops with White Wine & Orange Sauce 
Serves 2 as an appetizer or light entree 

10-12 Large Sea Scallops, tough muscle removed
1 Small Shallot, chopped
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil + an extra drizzle
1/8 Cup Wine
1/4 Cup Orange Juice
1 Tablespoon of Butter
1/3 Cup Minced Parsley
Salt & Pepper


1. Pat very dry and season Scallops with Salt and Pepper.

2. Heat Oil in a skillet over medium heat. Swirl to cover evenly.  

3. When Oil is shimmering, add the Scallops and cook, untouched, until caramelized on one side, about 2-3 minutes. They should detach from the skillet easily, or with a gentle scape from a metal spatula. Flip Scallops and finish cooking for another minute or so until firm and opaque. Remove Scallops to a plate. 

4. In the skillet, drizzle a bit more oil of needed and add the Shallots. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until they begin to soften and become translucent - 4 to 5 minutes. 

5. Now add the Wine and Orange Juice. Bring the liquid to a boil and allow to bubble until it reduces to about a third of its original volume. This will happen quickly!

6. Turn off the heat and add Butter. Stir it until it melts. Finish by adding Parsley. 
To serve, plate the Scallops and Drizzle with the Orange Sauce. Enjoy!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Weeknight Indulgence: Strawberry Pretzel Sundae With Mascarpone Gelato

Strawberries! Photo:NK
How do you get inspired by something you didn't even order? Easy. When the description itself is so mouthwatering that you can't stop thinking about it for weeks. Positively stuffed by a great meal a few weeks ago at The Topping Rose House, Tom Colicchio's new(ish) restaurant venture out in scenic Bridgehampton, we were compelled towards uncharacteristic modesty when it came to our dessert order. We opted for a very spartan scoop of interesting house made ice cream - cream cheese flavor to be exact. An odd choice to be sure but, I must say - delicious! The flavor was not too sweet, a bit tart actually, but overall, very refreshing. 

Still, as time went on, I just could not stop thinking about a dessert on the menu that we'd passed on: a sundae, but not just any sundae, one that incorporated  our tangy cream cheese ice cream with decadent fresh strawberry compote and salty crumbled pretzels. YES. 
A lovely meal was had at Topping Rose House, Photo: NK
With Strawberries in season and so delicious this year, I felt I had no choice but to embark on a mission to find this unique ice cream flavor elsewhere, or at least a worthy stand-in (in this case, Il Laboratorio del Gelato's sinful Mascarpone Gelato was just the thing). 

When to concoct this much anticipated sundae? Any time you could use a little pick me up. The Strawberry Compote is super fast and the final result will pretty much make you day. You can bet this is going to make the summer dinner party rotation. And it's kid friendly too. 

Let's go!!!!!

Fresh Strawberry & Pretzel Sundae with Mascarpone Gelato, Photo: NK

Fresh Strawberry & Pretzel Sundae with Mascarpone Gelato
Inspired by The Topping Rose House / Tom Colicchio 
Serves 2 

Strawberry Sauce Ingredients:
1/3 LB Ripe Stawberries, hulled and sliced uniformly. Slice once in half when done
1 heaping teaspoon Sugar (optional)
Pretzel Crisp make the perfect topping,  Photo:NK
1/2 teaspoon Good Quality Vanilla Extract
1 Tablespoon Water 

Sundae Ingredients:
Mascarpone Gelato or Cream Cheese flavored Ice Cream (you can substitute any other not-to-sweet, relatively neutral flavor  such as malt. Note: if you use vanilla gelato or Ice Cream,  you may want to omit the sugar from the Strawberry Sauce depending on how ripe your berries are) 

1 big handful of Salted Pretzel Crisps or Salted Pretzels of your choice, crushed into coarse pieces

Fox's U-Bet or other good quality Chocolate Syrup

Mint, for an optional garnish
Heavenly Gelato, Photo:NK


To make the Strawberry Sauce, place Strawberry slices in as small pan over medium heat. Add a heaping teaspoon of Sugar, the Vanilla extract, and a tablespoon of water. Allow to cook, stirring, a few minutes until liquids thicken and Strawberries break down a bit. Once sauce has reached the desired consistency (we like ours with good chunks of Strawberry and a nice amount of the sweet syrup), turn off the stove and allow it to cool completely. 

To serve: Scoop two generous balls of Ice Cream or Gelato into a sundae dish. Top with Strawberry Sauce and a handful if Pretzel Crumbs. Drizzle with a little bit of Chocolate Syrup. Garnish with a Mint Sprig. Enjoy!!