Showing posts with label mushroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mushroom. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013

Veggies: Haute to Homestyle - Mushroom "Bacon" BLTs & Zucchini Crudo with French Feta

Sure, it happens to be Meatless Monday, but today's post is just an everyday celebration of vegetables and all the wonders they possess.  

Zucchini Crudo Marinated in Lemon, Chili, & Mint Topped with French Feta, Photo: NK 

"Vegetarian" the cuisine, not just the lifestyle, has really caught on, and that, as they say, is a good thing. From enterprising chefs to the everyday cook, so many are on board with the idea that vegetables, when treated right, can hold all the delicious appeal and decadence of an omnivore plate.
My Sister-in-law's delicious Tomato, Basil and Feta Salad, Photo: NK

Summer's an ideal time to incorporate more vegetables into your diet.

Tomatoes (technically a fruit, but we'll look the other way) are especially delightful right now and will play a supporting role in a meatless

Portobello Mushroom "BLT" with Dill Mayonnaise

Looking for an elegant veg side dish? 

Zucchini Crudo with Chili, Lemon, Mint and French Feta is just the thing. 

I hope you enjoy both our Haute and Homestyle Veggie Recipes:  
Marinating the Zucchini Ribbons, Photo: NK 


Today's Zucchini Crudo is a great option if you are looking for an elegant yet exciting veggie side. It's packed with flavor thanks to Lemon Juice and Zest, super spicy Thai Chilies, and fresh Mint. A sprinkling of French Feta chunks (French Feta is milder than Greek Feta) add some nice, round saltiness and cool the spiciness of those Thai Chilies. 

Be sure to allow this dish to marinate about a half hour to an hour before serving. It looks pretty stunning on the plate and tastes amazing if you like big bold flavors on your Vegetables. 


Zucchini Crudo with Chili, Lemon, Mint and French Feta

Thai Chilies and Zucchini Ribbons, Photo: NK
Serves 3-4 as a small salad or side 

1 to 1.5 Large Zucchini, sliced into very thin ribbons on a mandoline (about 20 slices)

1/8 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 or 2 Small Thai Chilies (depending on your spice tolerance), minced.

Zest of 1 Lemon

2 teaspoons Lemon Juice

7 Mint Leaves, finely minced + a few sprigs for garnish 

1/8 teaspoon Sea Salt

Black Pepper to taste

4 Ounces French Feta, cut into small cubes


French Feta, Photo: NK 
1. Lay the Zucchini Ribbons In a leak-proof container with a top. 

2. In a small bowl, combine Oil, Chilies, Lemon Zest, Lemon Juice, and minced Mint Leaves. Stir in the Salt and Pepper. Pour the dressing over the Zucchini Ribbons and seal the lid. Shake well in several directions until all Ribbons are coated. Allow to sit a half hour to an hour. 

3. When ready to serve, arrange about 5 slices of Zucchini in small bundles across each plate. Drizzle with any leftover dressing from the container. Scatter with French Feta and garnish with extra Mint Sprigs. Enjoy! 

Our yummy and vegetarian friendly BLT adapted from a clever recipe in the latest Food & Wine is super satisfying. We changed up the Richard Landau's ingenious original recipe just a bit by using more accessible Portobello Mushroom Caps instead of King Oyster Mushrooms. Also, I got the idea to spike my faux "Bacon Mushrooms" with a healthy pinch of Spanish Hot Smoked Paprika to achieve something a bit more like smokey Bacon flavor. In a final tweak, I created a Dill Mayo (I love the brightness of Dill) rather than the (I'm sure delicious) Basil Mayo that Landau employs. 

Tip- Real Bacon is salty so don't skimp on the Salt in this recipe. It makes the flavors come alive. 

Portobello Mushroom Vegetarian "BLT" With Dil Mayonnaise
Adapted from Chef Richard Landau of Vedge in Philadelphia/As published in Food & Wine
Serves 2

Portobello Caps, Dill, Tomatoes, Photo: NK 
4 Slices Country White Bread, toasted

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

1 large and very ripe Beefsteak Tomato, sliced into rounds

1.5 - 2 Large Portobello Mushroom Caps, very thinly sliced

1/4 Light Mayonnaise (or Vegan Mayo if you prefer)

1 heaping Tablespoon finely chopped Dill, plus sprigs for garnish

1/2 teaspoon Hot Smoked Spanish Paprika

Sea Salt & Freshly Ground Pepper

4 Leaves Specialty Lettuce - we prefer Red Oak Leaf Lettuce

1. Combine Mayonnaise and finely chopped Dill in a small bowl and set aside. 

2. In a very large skillet or grill pan, heat 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil over medium heat until shimmering. Swirl to coat. Lay the Portobello Mushrooms into the pan in a single layer in the pan. Keep in mind they will shrink considerably. Allow Mushrooms to cook about 5 minutes until very golden.  Flip the Mushrooms to the other side and cook another 4 minutes. Remove to paper towel to drain off oil.

3. Immediately sprinkle the mushrooms with Salt and Pepper to taste, and finish by sprinkling all over with the Hot Smoked Spanish Paprika.  

4. To assemble Sandwiches, spread 2 slices of toasted Bread with the Mayonnaise/Dill Mixture. Top each with as many Tomato slices as you like (we went with two thick slices per sandwich). Sprinkle the Tomatoes with a good pinch of Salt. Add the even amounts of the Mushroom Slices and then top with two slices of Lettuce per sandwich. Top the Sandwich with the other bread halves. Garnish with Dill Sprigs, serve and enjoy!

Portobello Mushroom "BLT" with Dill Mayonnaise, Photo: NK 

See? Two delicious dishes - no meat needed! My husband, the original "Bacon Boy" as we call him, ate this sandwich with no complaints. I know he'd prefer Bacon but I told him that he too must suffer for my art. We hope you enjoy these meat-free dishes that go from everyday to elegant in a snap. 
Don't forget to eat your veggies! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Italian Pasta Classics - Pappardelle alla Boscaiola

Welcome to Neurotic Kitchen's newest feature - Italian Pasta Classics. Since we've shared quite a few of my favorite Traditional Pasta recipes, why not make it a regular thing?  A few examples -

Spaghetti all'Arrabiata

Pasta with Cauliflower

Aglio Olio e Peperoncino

and last but not least, my favorite,

Linguine & White Clam Sauce.

(For the entire NK Pasta Collection, check out our Recipe Index HERE.)

Today, I'd like to spotlight a really wonderful dish that I believe doesn't get nearly enough buzz - 

Pasta Boscaiola.

Boscaiola means "in the style of the Woodsman," There are many ways to make Boscaiola, and the traditional components are often disputed. There is, however, one key, non-negotiable ingredient in Boscaiola that everyone agrees on, and it is the one that best conjures the woodsy feeling of this dish, one of my all time favorite vegetables, Mushrooms. 

Italian Parsley and Mushrooms, Photo: NK
Generally, Boscaiola also includes Tomatoes. Some folks make it with a bit of Pancetta and even Peas. As you might imagine, this method is also very delicious. Still others insist that no Tomato should be involved whatsoever, and instead call for only a touch of Cream to tie the Mushroom and Pancetta together in a sauce. If you are looking for a richer and more stick-to-your-ribs dish, this variation is  great  as well - especially during the chill of winter.  

In contrast, our Boscaiola is somewhat purist in its simplicity; 

it's made using only Tomatoes, Parsley, Garlic, White Wine, Mushrooms and Pasta - which means it's also Meatless Monday ready. As is our custom at Neurotic Kitchen, our Boscaiola is relatively fast and very easy. Since I could write a whole post on my boundless obsession with Mushrooms, you can bet that our sauce will feature a very, shall we say, "healthy" helping of them. 

A few things to note before you begin:

Seasoning is very important to this dish. And by seasoning I mean Salt and Black Pepper, not necessarily a lot, but do taste the sauce to make sure the end result is well flavored. A bit of Salt is important to make sure the Mushroom flavor pops. I add Crushed Red Pepper during the cooking process. What can I say, it's my favorite and I do think a hint of spice adds something.  

Pasta Choice:
For our Pasta, we chose Pappardelle, a wide, flat shaped noodle, but Boscaiola lends itself well to twisty pasta shapes such as Fusilli or Campanelle. Cavatelli or Stozzapretti are also good choices.  

Porcini Mushrooms are a customary part of most Boscaiola sauces. Buy them dried and reconstitute them in water for ten minutes before cooking. Porcini have a strong flavor so you only need an ounce or so of them in your Mushroom Mix. They are expensive though, and while they add deep flavor, your Boscaiola will still be quite tasty without them. I didn't happen to have Porcini on hand in the making of today's dish, but you could absolutely throw in an ounce or two to your Mushroom mix if you so choose. 

As far as the other Mushrooms, you'll be most pleased if you choose a mix of the wild varieties, or at least those types that are considered a step above regular White Button Mushrooms. These include: Oyster Mushrooms, Hen of the Woods (aka Maitake) Mushrooms, Chanterelles (also pricey), Shitake, Portabella, or Cremini. Any mix you are partial to will do. I like to have a variety of different shapes and chop the Mushrooms thickly so that you get nice meaty bites of each kind. 

Remember that Mushrooms shrink significantly when they cook.Since we are using  a whole pound in our dish, the amount may seem alarming at first, but they do cook down quite a bit. Either way, serve this wonderful dish to people who love Mushrooms and you'll have no problems. 

Pappardelle alla Boscaiola
Serves 3 as an entree   

1 Pound Mixed Fancy Mushrooms (we used Maitake, Oyster, Shitake and Cremini*)
14.5 Ounce Can of Diced Tomatoes, preferably organic (we like Muir Glen brand)
1/2 Cup White Wine (we used Pinot Grigio)
3 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
5 Whole Garlic Cloves
1/2 Cup finely chopped Italian Parsley 
3/4 Pound Pappardelle or other Pasta (corkscrew varieties work especially well too)
Salt and Pepper
1/4 teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper
Grated Parmigiana Cheese - optional 

* There are a few great "Fancy Mushroom Blends" available at supermarkets that package several varieties of Mushroom in one. 

1. Set a pot of well-Salted water to boil for the Pasta. 
Photo: NK
Meanwhile, In a large skillet, heat the Olive Oil and Garlic Cloves over Medium Heat until Garlic begins to get slightly golden but not burnt. 

2. Add the canned Tomatoes, a few shakes of Salt, and about 5 turns of Freshly Ground Black Pepper. Add the White Wine and stir. Allow the mixture to cook for about 5 minutes until the liquids evaporate a bit. Now add the Mushrooms and Crushed Red Pepper. 

3. Allow to cook another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. When finished, pick out the Garlic Cloves and discard. Stir in the Parsley and taste for seasoning, adding extra Salt and Pepper if desired.  

4. Once water is boiling, cook Pasta as directed. Drain and set aside until sauce is done, reserving some Pasta Water to loosen the noodles if they stick. Plate Pasta with the Boscaiola Sauce and garnish with Parsley Sprigs and an optional sprinkle of Parmigiana Cheese. 
Buon Appetito! 

Pappardelle alla Boscaiola, Photo: NK