Sunday, December 9, 2012

In the Kitchen With Moni - Kung Pao Shrimp Makeover

I'm so happy to share cooking inspiration from one of my dear friends, Monica (also known as Mo or Moni, as we affectionately call her). Monica is my healthy food muse. She knows how to eat sensibly and is also great at remaking diet-busting recipes into healthy yet super tasty dishes. Today, I'll be sharing one of Monica's best recipe makeovers - a guiltless version of Kung Pao Shrimp with an amazing and easy side dish of Sichuan Asparagus. 

Lighter Kung Pao Shimp with Sichuan Asparagus and Brown Rice, Photo: NK 

Looks great, right? Trust me, you won't miss the extra fat, salt, or starch. This dish proves that you need not lose your joie de vivre to stay slim! While I made some minor tweaks to her recipe because I was missing one or two of the ingredients, you can find the original recipe and many other great dishes here on Moni's blog: Meals From Mo's Kitchen.

Before we start, here's how to time this meal:
Preheat the Oven to 400
Clean the Shrimp
Cut up the Lemons and put the Asparagus in the Oven.
Chop all the Shrimp and Sichuan Sauce Ingredients, and pull out all the bottles you'll need. 
Cook the Kung Pao Shrimp, preparing the Sichuan Sauce during inactive time. 
~Everything should be done around the same time this way. 

Healthy Baked Asparagus, Photo: NK
Let's start with the Asparagus Side Dish. I have to say, this recipe is really amazing. I love baking Asparagus but I refrain from doing so often because I don't like having to slather it in oil. Covering the Asparagus with Lemon Slices, as Monica does, solves this problem. The juices of the Lemon basically steam the stalks, cooking them perfectly without using excess oil and fat. Smart! And who knew making a Sichuan Sauce could be so easy? This sauce would be delicious on many veggies, so feel free to be creative. 

Mo's Sichuan Asparagus 
Serves 2-3

Sichuan Sauce Ingredients: 
3 Tablespoons Chicken Broth
1 Tablespoon Tomato Paste
2 teaspoons Chinkiang Vinegar (learn about it HERE.) or 2 teaspoons Balsamic Vinegar
1 teaspoon Soy Sauce
Sichuan Sauce Coming Together, Photo: NK
1/2 teaspoon Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Sesame Oil
1/4 teaspoon Cornstarch 
1/4 teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper, or more to taste

Additional Ingredients:
2 Lemons, sliced into rounds
1 Bunch of Asparagus 
1 pinch of Oil, for pan
Optional - 1 package Uncle Ben's Ready Rice - Brown Rice that microwaves in only 90 seconds. 

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. 
Lightly oil a pan and place the Asparagus in a row. 
Lay Lemon Slices over the Asparagus until completely covered.
Bake for approximately 20 minutes. 

To prepare Sichuan Sauce, whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl. 
Warm the Sichuan Sauce in a pan. 
Once the Asparagus is done add it to the pan and toss together with the Sichuan Sauce. The Sichuan Sauce is on the sweet side so you may want to add it slowly, adjusting the amount to your tastes. 
If you are preparing the rice, place it in the microwave now. 
Serve with Brown Rice on the side. 

Mo's Lighter Kung Pao Shrimp 
Serves 2  

1 teaspoon Canola Oil
5-8 Dried Chili Peppers - I used 8, because Sam likes her Kung Pao spicy...
1 Tablespoon Dry Sherry, Cooking Sherry, or Shaoxing Wine
1/2 teaspoon Cornstarch
2 Cloves Garlic, minced
1 teaspoon Minced Ginger or 1 teaspoon Ginger Powder
1 Lb Peeled Raw Shrimp, tail on, deveined
1/2 teaspoon Sugar
2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce
1 Chopped Scallion (we didn't have Scallion so I used Celery and it was just fine)
1 Tablespoon Chopped Peanuts

In a bowl, combine Sherry, Cornstarch, Garlic, Ginger, and Shrimp together.

In a wok or large skillet, heat the Canola Oil over medium heat.
Add Dried Chili Peppers and stir. Cook until slightly blackened. 

Next, add the contents of the Shrimp Bowl to the wok. 
Cook about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Reduce the heat to low. 

Add Sugar and Soy Sauce. 
Cook, stirring occasionally, another 5 minutes.
Remove the wok from the heat.

Stir in Sesame Oil, Scallion, and Peanuts.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

In Season: Persimmons - Persimmon Carpaccio with Prosciutto & Manchego

Pear and Prosciutto Carpaccio,  Photo: Martha

Let me let you in on a little secret: when I am serving a multi-course company dinner, my first course is almost always raw or totally make-ahead. Adopting this method for stress free entertaining pays off because it allows you to be calm, cool, and collected as you greet your guests and help them settle in to party mode. Maybe you've prepared to a cold Seafood Cocktail, or perhaps a make-ahead soup. Or maybe you've made my ultimate favorite: Carpaccio. 

I am wild for Carpaccio. I order it everywhere and I love to make it. Carpaccio is a traditional Italian dish featuring thinly sliced raw beef with a dash of oil, lemon, and capers, but in the present day, Carpaccio has come to mean a lot of things. It can be thinly sliced raw fish, cured meat, or even a vegetable, as evidenced by in NK's Tomato Carpaccio. Recipe HERE. One my favorite done-in- a-jiffy versions is Martha's Pear and Prosciutto Carpaccio. Recipe HERE

Carpaccio fits right in with my personal mantra for dinner party hosting: 
Make it easy, make it beautiful, make it special, and make it from the best products you can afford. 

Today's Carpaccio inspiration comes from the food blog I admire most in the world:
Zen Can Cook - click HERE to check it out.

Trust me, Zen really can cook. He's a real-life chef. And a fancy chef at that. Many of his recipes have a high level of difficulty and are replete with exotic, sometimes hard to find ingredients. Additionally, Zen's plating and culinary aesthetic are some of the best in the blogosphere. That said, his blog, at times, runs a bit counter to what we try to do here on Neurotic Kitchen - food that's easy, elegant, accessible and fast. But that doesn't mean we can't adapt some of his simpler dishes, and in this case, I've chosen a Zen recipe that features a novel, in-season ingredient, but one that is not so exotic as to be very hard to find - The Fuyu Persimmon.  

Our slight adaptation of Zen's recipe is, like the original, delicious and super easy. Wait for it........... Fuyu Persimmon Carpaccio with San Daniele Prosciutto, Shaved Manchego, Walnuts, and Pear Balsamic Reduction. Sound good? Oh. Yes.

Before we begin, let's learn a bit about Persimmons and the two major varieties that are available:

All info just below is courtesy of

"Hachiya Persimmons are mouth-puckeringly tart unless absolutely, supremely ripe. Ripe hachiyas are unbelievably soft - and are often almost liquified into a silky smooth pulp inside. They are elongated and oval shaped. They will ripen once picked, so you can let them soften on the kitchen counter until ready to use. Hachiyas are thought of as "baking" persimmons and are commonly peeled and pureed into a pulp to add to baked goods. They add stable moisture and a mild, pumpkin-like flavor to cakes, puddings, and other treats."

Fuyu Persimmon, Photo: NK 
"Fuyu Persimmons are distinguished by their 'flat' bottoms and squat shape. Fuyus should be more orange then yellow and are at their best when just barely a teensy bit soft. They will ripen after picked, so buying rock-hard fuyus and allowing them to ripen at home can be a good strategy. Fuyus are commonly eaten raw, often sliced and peeled and salads. They can also be roasted to great effect. They have a mild, pumpkin-like flavor. Prepare Fuyus by hulling them (cutting out their top and its attached flesh), slicing, and peeling them. 
Remove and discard the large black
seeds as you encounter them." 

Got all that? 
Now away we go:

Persimmon Carpaccio with Prosciutto and Manchego
Adapted from Zen Can Cook
Thinly Sliced Fuyu Persimmon, Photo: NK
Serves 4 

2 Ripe Fuyu Persimmons, peeled
5 Ounces Frisee and Arugula Mix

1/4 Lb Imported Prosciutto

Aged Manchego, shaved (if you buy 1/4 Lb slab it will be more than enough)

1/4 Cup Walnuts, toasted
Juice of 1/2 a Lemon
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil + extra for brushing
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
1/2 Cup Pear Balsamic Vinegar (regular is fine too)

Toast Walnuts briefly if you have not already. 

Set a pot over low to medium heat and pour in Pear Balsamic Vinegar. Keep an eye on it and bring Vinegar to a boil in a small saucepan. Cook, stirring often, until the liquid is reduced and syrupy. Turn off heat. 

Meanwhile, peel the Persimmons and thinly slice them. You can use a mandoline for this but a sharp knife works well too, especially if the Persimmon is super ripe.

Set 4 to 6 slices of Persimmon on each serving plate, overlapping slightly in a clover shape (see photo above). Brush with a bit of Olive Oil and sprinkle with Salt.

Combine the Lettuce Mix with the Olive Oil and Lemon Juice and season with a bit of Salt and Black Pepper. 

To assemble, place one slice of Prosciutto (folded or flat) over the Persimmon. Sprinkle with Manchego and Walnuts. Place another slice of Prosciutto atop that, and again, sprinkle with Manchego and Walnuts. Finally, place mixed Salad on top of it all and sprinkle with Balsamic Reduction. If not serving immediately, leave off the Balsamic Reduction until ready to serve. 
Persimmon Carpaccio, Prosciutto San Daniele, Manchego, Walnuts & Pear Balsamic Reduction, Photo: NK
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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Anatomy of a Spanish Cheese Plate

I know what you're thinking. Another Cheese Plate, Sam? You got it. If you've been following NK closely, you'll know that Cheese Plates are my fave, and with Thanksgiving just behind us (I may still be full) I thought I'd share my latest. Last year's plate was French-Inspired (check it out HERE) so this year, I reverted back to Spanish Cheeses to mix it up a bit. I'm thinking my next effort will be an all American rustic style Cheese platter. When I do it, you'll be first to know. 

Spanish Cheese Plate, Photo: NK

This Season's Cheese Plate (designed for milder palates), plus a tray of Truffle Tremor, Soppressata and Pepper Jelly Crostini (recipe HERE) and Eric Ripert's delicious Caramelized Onion and Olive Croustade (recipe HERE), all flew off their plates. But all that food was only a prelude. As usual, my Mother-in-law outdid herself with an amazing Thanksgiving meal. Delicious desserts baked by my cousins followed soon after. I hope everybody had a similarly great time with family and friends!

NK's Spanish Cheese Plate

The Cheeses
*Cheeses pictured above in clockwise order beginning from the grapes
Valdeon - Blue, Creamy mix of Cow and Goat milk wrapped in sycamore leaves, medium strong 
Garrotxa (pronounced gar-roch-ha) - semi firm Goat, mild
Roncal - firm Sheep, slightly pungent 
Ibores - semi firm Goat with an orange-colored rind, mild
Queso de Murcia (Drunken Goat) - semi firm Goat with purplish wine-washed rind
Mahon - semi firm Cow, slightly pungent and caramel-flavored

*For more information on many of these cheeses check out:

Garnishes & Additions 
Thyme Sprigs
Forelle Pears 
Empire Red Apple
Italian Parsley
Medjool Dates
Black Grapes 
Blackberries or any other in-season Berry

Optional/Not Pictured:
Membrillo - a delicious Quince Paste that comes in a firm jelly form and can be cubed.
Fig Cake - available in specialty food stores and comes a sliceable round.
Marcona Almonds - usually pricey, but a lovely addition if you'd like to add nuts.


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Friday, November 23, 2012

Wine With Everything - Filet Mignon with Red Wine Sauce

After just two days in Napa, we were all wined out. Luckily, the Mr. and I have a quick recovery time. Predictably, we were right back on the horse in no time flat. Although I know I'll continue to be the type of girl who's quite content an everyday bottle, tasting so many extra special wines in Napa has opened my eyes a bit. 

David Arthur Winery, Photo: NK
The Tasting at Domaine Carneros, Photo: NK
Photo courtesy of Cakebread Cellars

Our winery tour took us to some great vineyards in the famed Napa region where we sampled many delightful glasses. Several were leaps and bounds better than our everyday purchase. Now better doesn't always mean more expensive, but training your palate on a few exceptional wines is worth it in the long run. Though I am far from expert, I feel I'll have an easier time identifying a good quality, good value wine in the future. And when I do pony up some extra bucks for a sought-after bottle, I pledge that I will savor it, not gulp. 

Here are the best wines that we tasted in Napa:

Chiarello Vineyards, Eileen, Cabernet Sauvignon, 2009 
Domaine Carneros, La Reve, Blanc de Blancs (Sparkling)  
Cakebread Cellars, Chardonnay Reserve, 2010  
David Arthur, Elevation 1147, Cabernet Sauvignon, 2002 
Domaine Carneros, The Famous Gate, Pinot Noir, 2009
And because you can take the girl out of New York, but you can't take New York out of the girl, here's a list of 9 fantastic wines from the still up-and-coming Long Island Region, courtesy of Saveur: 9 Long Island Wines Worth Buying. But this is a food blog, after all, so today, I'd like to share a very special meal that uses wine in the cooking - and naturally also lends itself to a little wine on the side. 

Photo: NK 
Filet Mignon with Red Wine Sauce is a knockout dish where wine takes center stage. Using a dry red, we'll create a delicious, classic sauce that complements but doesn't overpower the beef. Best of all, this recipe requires very few ingredients and is totally accessible to the starter cook. My one directive is that you please don't break my heart by cooking your filet any more than to medium doneness. This also happens to be an ideal romantic meal for two. Is it too early to practice for Valentine's day?
Since there are a lot of myths associated with wine in cooking, I thought we should clear them up, and learn a bit more about cooking with wine while we're at it. Check out these great tips below, all courtesy of Food and Wine Magazine's Marcia Kiesel. 
All content from Food & Wine:

1. Dilute wine marinades and braises
"I love wine-based stews, but I think they need to be cut with chicken or beef stock; otherwise, they're too astringent. I prefer to use a ratio of half or one-third wine to stock. If I'm braising an exceptionally flavorful cut of meat for several hours, like lamb shanks, I have no problem adding water instead of stock. When marinating meat, I never use straight wine—again, it's just too harsh. For marinades, I cut the wine with oil." Save nice wines for drinking
"Some people say that it's best to cook with the wine you're drinking. That's fine if it's an everyday $10 bottle, but not if it's something much more expensive. For the most part, wine's nuances are killed by heat, so I usually cook with an inexpensive dry white or red, even if I plan to drink a nicer bottle. If a recipe calls for a wine that's more expensive, like a Châteauneuf-du-Pape, I downgrade to a similar but less complex wine, like a Côtes-du-Rhône." 

3. The exception to rule #2: Aromatic whites can transform a dish
I finally tried the Wine Confit we brought
home from France in my mushroom side.
A delicious way to add wine essence!
Photo: NK
"Usually, it doesn't matter what wine I use when cooking, but there is an exception: I've found that perfumy whites, like Riesling, Vouvray and Muscat, can give an ordinary dish so much character. When we tested a chicken-with-Riesling dish from chefJean-Georges Vongerichten, I couldn't believe how well the floral notes of the wine came through. The Riesling literally turned a simple braised chicken into an extraordinary dish." 

4. If you have leftovers of a special bottle, make vinaigrette or steam mussels
"If, for some reason, I don't finish a bottle of excellent wine, I make a salad dressing  with it. First, I soak minced shallots in the wine to mellow the oniony flavor. Then I add minced garlic and whisk in some good olive oil. It's not as tart as a vinegar-based vinaigrette, but it still has a lovely winey tang. If I have about a half-cup of wine left, I love to steam mussels in it. The wine is heated only briefly, so it maintains some of its distinctive flavors, which meld so beautifully with the mussel liquor. Champagne-steamed mussels are my favorite, on the rare occasion that I have any left over!" 

5. Fat enriches wine sauces
"If a wine-based sauce tastes too sharp, swirling in cream or butter rounds it out so it's not quite so harsh. Plus, since fat absorbs and carries flavor, I find that cream or butter actually enhances the taste of wine in a sauce or stew."

Now we are ready to cook!

Filet Mignon with Red Wine Sauce
Recipe from Food Network/Giada De Laurentiis
Prep and Cook Time - about an hour total, largely inactive time 

Serves 2 
Straining the Sauce, photo: NK
Suggested Wine Pairing: Cabernet Sauvignon

2- 6 Ounce Filet Mignon Medallions
Kosher Salt 
Freshly Ground Black Pepper
1-2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
4 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter, cold  
1/2 White Onion, sliced thinly
1/2 Tablespoon Garlic, finely minced
1/2 teaspoon dried Oregano  
2 Tablespoons Tomato Paste
1.25 Cups Dry Red Wine (we used a 10 dollar bottle of Merlot)
Liberally season Filets with Salt and Pepper and drizzle all over with Olive Oil. 

Preheat a grill or grill pan to medium high and grill steaks to desired doneness - about 5 to 6 minutes per side for Medium Rare. When done, set aside on a platter and tent with foil. Let rest for about 10 minutes

Next, melt 2 Tablespoons of Butter in a medium saucepan. Add the Onions and saute them until they are tender - about 5 to 6 minutes. 
Sprinkle Onions with a bit of Salt and Pepper. 

Add the Garlic and Oregano to the Onions and stir until fragrant - about 30 seconds.

Stir in the Tomato Paste and cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. 
Now, whisk in the Wine. Lower heat to medium low and allow to simmer, stirring occasionally until the volume of the mixture reduces by about half - about 10 minutes.

Pour Sauce through a sieve and into a bowl to strain out the solids. Press the mixture into the sieve to help the sauce through and maximize the yield. Discard the solids and pour strained Sauce back into your pot. Return it to a gentle simmer. Add 2 Tablespoons chilled butter one by one, whisking continuously until incorporated. If necessary, season Sauce with a little more Salt and Pepper (keep in mind that your steak has been generously seasoned already). 

To Plate, set Filets on your dinner plates, drizzle with wine sauce and serve! Voila!

Filet Mignon with Red Wine Sauce, Photo: NK
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