Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Sunday Smoothie in Shades of Green (Kale, Pear & Cucumber)

Smoothie break! I know that I promised not to make this blog an all-blender recipe trove, but I just had to share our latest green wonder from the Vitamix. Kale, which is of course super healthy and all the rage these days, becomes much more palate-friendly when combined with very ripe, sweet green pears. Throw in some cucumber, celery, and a splash of lemon or lime juice, and you have a lightly sweet and energizing low-cal drink. The pretty green hue doesn't hurt either.

Green Smoothie with Kale, Pear, Cucumber, and Celery will give you an instant boost! Photo: NK

Shades of Green Kale, Pear & Cucumber Smoothie
Adapted from Giada's Feel Good Food, Giada De Laurentiis
Serves 2-3

2 Green Pears, such as Anjou, cored, seeded and chopped
4-5 inch length of Seedless Cucumber (Hothouse/English), chopped
1 small Celery Stalk, chopped
1 Cup packed Baby Kale or Chopped Kale Leaves (ribs removed)
1 Cup Ice
1/2 Cup Water
Optional Squeeze of Lemon or Lime Juice
Optional Sweetener to taste - add a bit of light Agave or Honey if you like it sweeter

Place all ingredients in a high-powered blender (particularly Vitamix) and blend until smooth! Taste and add optional Lemon or Lime Juice and/or additional sweetener if you like. It should be sweet enough with just the ripe pears. To your health! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blender Bender - Chilled Avocado Lime Soup / Healthy Banana Ice Cream

Confession: I am obsessed with my new, high-powered Vitamix blender. It's seriously the kitchen tool I've been dreaming of for years. It's awesome, as in where have you been all my life awesome. While I promise not to turn Neurotic Kitchen into an all-blender recipe blog, I must indulge my urge to show you just a few of my favorite fast and friendly recipes. A side dish and dessert in under five minutes? It's all possible with the right appliance. 

Chilled Avocado & Lime Soup Served With Pork Chops with Latin Flavors, Photo: NK

We'll start with a bright, lime spiked Chilled Avocado Soup and finish with a super healthy solution to your nightly dessert craving - Banana Ice Cream. Both of today's recipes do not require an uber-powerful blender or food processor. Just your average countertop appliance will do. Let's roll:

Chilled Avocado & Lime Soup/Sopa Fria de Aguacate 
Adapted from 
Serves 3-4

1 large, very ripe Avocado, pitted and roughly chopped 
2 large JalapeƱos, pitted and sliced in half (2 will be medium spicy, use less to taste)
1/2 a Sweet Yellow Onion, roughly chopped
1/2 Cup Half & Half 
1 small vine ripened Tomato, roughly chopped 
2 Cups Vegetable Broth
1/4 Cup Lime Juice
1/4 -1/2 teaspoon of Salt, depending on your taste 
Black Pepper  

Combine all ingredients together in blender or food processor. If you are using a Vitamix or other high powered blender, you only need to blend for 30-45 seconds, or until smooth. Blending any longer will end up whipping the mixture into more of a cream texture. Chill well and enjoy!

Blender Magic: Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Soft Serve, Photo: NK

Healthy Banana Chocolate Chip Soft Serve Ice Cream
1 large or 2 small servings

2 Large Bananas, cut into chunks and frozen solid
2 Tablespoon regular or Vegan Chocolate Chips - we prefer bittersweet
1 Tablespoon Almond Milk, Dairy Milk, or Cream

In a high powered blender or food processor, blend the Bananas, Almond Milk, and 1 tablespoon of the chocolate chips until smooth. (For Vitamix blenders, use the high setting and be sure to employ the tamping instrument if needed to press the mixture down in between blending - blend in 30 second increments until processed - should take about 1.5 minutes). Top with remaining chips and serve immediately! Feel free to get creative with mix-ins. Hint: A Thin Mint or two mixed in is never a bad idea! 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

One Very Special Onion - Grilled Vidalia Onions with Gorgonzola

He's smelly and sometimes he makes you cry. No, I'm not talking about a bad boyfriend, I'm talking about an under appreciated and under loved veggie that I hold dear - The Onion. For me, onions of all kinds are a thing of beauty. 
My Grandma, "Mima" Brooklyn, NY, Circa 1940

I love them raw and crunchy, spicy or mild, cooked, grilled, or caramelized. Whenever I'm preparing a salad, it's honestly hard for me not to nibble on a few slices of raw onion along the way. There's just something about a vegetable that bites back that I can't resist. I do grant that uncooked onions aren't the most ideal snack for social interaction, and though I contend they stand on their own or with minimal enhancement beautifully, not everyone agrees. 

Taxonomically speaking, onions belong to the Allium Family, a group that also includes shallots, scallions, garlic, chives and leeks (not to mention our other favorite, ramps). The many health benefits  that allium vegetables offer should also not go unmentioned. Still, if I were to play favorites with onions specifically, Georgia's one and only Vidalia Onion variety would be my choice. Sweet and exceptionally mild, vidalias were always my Mima's favorite (and she was the original kitchenista). I know she passed her vidalia onion passion to me - she used to say they were so sweet you could eat them like an apple! Now I think that was a bit of hyperbole on my grandmother's part, but still, she sold me on the joys of this very special onion. Today, I'd like to celebrate my love for this veggie by showing you a somewhat minimalist approach to enjoying its wonders. Serve Grilled Vidalia Onions with Gorgonzola and Balsamic Glaze alongside any protein, even on top of a burger!  I believe this simple accompaniment will convert even the most stubborn onion hater. These sweet and savory grilled onions cook well atop an indoor grill pan, but also make a perfectly elegant grillable side  for your next outdoor barbecue too. Best of all, this recipe is as easy and tasty as they come. Enjoy!

Grilled Vidalia Onions with Gorgonzola & Balsamic Glaze, Photo: NK

Grilled Vidalia Onions With Gorgonzola & Balsamic Glaze
Makes 4 Servings, 1 Onion Slice Per Person

1/3 Cup Crumbled Gorgonzola Cheese (we used Gorgonzola Dolce, which is milder)
1 Large Vidalia Onion sliced into 1/2 inch rounds - you should get about 4 rounds from it
Balsamic Vinegar, Balsamic Reduction, or store-bought Balsamic Glaze
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
Coarse Salt and Pepper

1. Preheat the broiler. 
On your stovetop, heat an ovenproof grill pan (or outdoor grill) for about 3 to 4 minutes over medium flame. Liberally brush both sides of the Onion rounds with Olive Oil. 

2. Place Onions on the grill pan and allow to cook for 2-3 minutes per side, onions become more golden, and grill marks appear. The onions should be softer but not still somewhat firm. Season the tops of the onions with a sprinkle of salt and pepper, then turn off the flame. 

3. A few minutes before you are ready to eat, sprinkle crumbled gorgonzola over each onion round and place grill pan under the broiler. Broil for 2 to 2.5 minutes or more, until cheese has fully softened and onions have browned a bit more. Remove from broiler, drizzle with Balsamic and serve! So yummy… 

Note: This recipe can be easily adapted to the outdoor grill in summer. Just cook a bit longer so cheese softens and skip the broiler portion if you don't have the time or inclination. Your cheese may not soften as well but this elegant veggie side will be just as tasty! 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Meet The Chef - Ottolenghi's Eggplant With Saffron Yogurt

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of this cold. We barely broke twenty all week.  Apparently, it's not just a cold snap, but more like a weather "condition". Kind of a thing, you might say. My husband, who happens to enjoy a later work schedule than mine, sent me off each morning, half delirious, mumbling the words: "poollaaaarr vooortexxx," his sleep-laden voice muffled by layers of sheets and comforter, making him sound, adorably, like E.T. on quaaludes. If you too are looking for a way to forget about the nose-diving mercury, why not join me for a quick an easy culinary sojourn to a warmer climate? 

Roasted Eggplant With Saffron Yogurt and Pomegranate, Photo: NK
Today's recipe for Eggplant With Saffron Yogurt comes from it chef Yotam Ottolenghi. I have been obsessed with this guy ever since I read about him in one of my food mags. Born to Italian and German parents and raised in Jerusalem, Ottolenghi made a name for himself once he moved to England, where he started a series of gourmet food shops. His recipes are gorgeous, simple, and his heavy focus on the flavors of the Middle East, is right up my alley. Learn about him!  Clearly, I was delighted when I received one of his cookbooks as a Christmas gift (more about the awesome foodie gifts I was lucky enough to receive here). Back to our gorgeous vegetable side dish. Today's platter of golden roasted eggplant, creamy saffron yogurt, and bright basil leaves makes for a pretty dramatic presentation. A sprinkle of crunchy pomegranate seeds add color and crunch. Side note: we're loving pomegranate lately…check out our Basil Pesto and Pomegranate Pasta HERE. It just happens to be a wonderful way to use any leftover ingredients from this recipe. 

Ok then, on to the main event!

Roasted Eggplant Wedges, Photo: NK

Ottolenghi's Eggplant With Saffron Yogurt
By Yotam Ottolenghi/Sami Tamimi
Ottolenghi The Cookbook 
Serves 4 

Pinch of Saffron Threads
3 Tablespoons Hot Water
3/4 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
1 Clove of Garlic, crushed
2.5 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil 
Sea Salt

3 Medium Eggplants, cut into 3/4 inch rounds and then into wedges
2 Tablespoons Pine Nuts, toasted 
Olive Oil, for brushing
Handful of Pomegranate Seeds
About 20 Basil Leaves
Sea Salt and Black Pepper

Making the Saffron Yogurt, Photo: NK
1. To make the sauce, steep the saffron threads in a small bowl with the hot water. Let the mixture sit for at least five minutes. 

2. Place yogurt into another bowl, and pour in the saffron infused liquid. Now add the garlic, lemon juice, and a good pinch of salt. Give it a whisk and taste. Adjust seasoning if necessary dab then place it in the fridge to chill. This sauce will keep up to 3 days.

3. Preheat the oven to 425 and oil 2 large baking sheets. Brush eggplant wedges on each side with some more oil and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Roast the eggplant at least 20 minutes. It should take on a rich, light brown color. Depending on your oven, you can let them go up to another 10 minutes but watch them careful so they do not burn. When finished, cool the eggplant.  It will also keep for 3 days, but you must bring it to room temperature before serving. 

4. To serve, place the eggplant slices on a large platter with their edges slightly overlapping. Drizzle the eggplant with the saffron yogurt and sprinkle it with pine nuts and pomegranate. Place the basil on top of it all. Serve and enjoy!