Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pretty In Pink - Seasonal Fruits in Drinks & Hors D'oeuvres

Mother's Day was sunny and beautiful as ever this year, and my husband and I were blessed to be able to spend it with our two very special moms at a fun barbecue with the rest of the fam. For one reason or another, my brain's been a bit fried lately, and as a result, I had been having trouble thinking up a plan for my usual responsibility, the hors d'oeuvres. Sure, I could have consulted this blog I know for lots of tried and true nibbles (after all, bite-sized appetizers really are my favorite), but I was just in the mood to try something brand new, ideally using the best produce of the season. 

Sweet & Savory Strawberry Cream Cheese Toasts + Rosemary Crisps with Mascarpone & Apricots, Photo: NK
Only a day away from the big event, the answer came, and not a moment too soon! A basic hors d'oeuvre served at my good friend's baby shower would provide the inspiration for today's strawberry cream cheese sweet and savory toasts. Date nut bread slathered with whipped cream cheese and then topped with a sliced ripe strawberry ended up being the most amazing and easy to make treat - sweet yet not too sweet. After undertaking some further research around cream cheese and date nut bread, I learned that this combination is also reasonably famous in retro food history. My variation using semolina bread will take on more of a sweet/salty quality, but I recommend both versions for your next party. They could not be simpler and with strawberries in season now, they're a wonderful way to showcase everyone's favorite berry. 

Hors d'oeuvres aside, a complimentary beverage that our moms would love also seemed in order. For this, I turned to the peak season fruit I've been eating non-stop lately - the Grapefruit. Trust me, grapefruit is particularly fantastic right now. You should go out and get some next chance you get. 

I am happy to say that what I came up with was a drink that's pretty in pink and refreshing and summery as they come. I even decided against adding alcohol this time (I know, "who are you and what have you done with Mr. & Mrs. Neurotic Kitchen?). Rest assured that I bet this would be mighty delicious with a shot of vodka or gin in it, should the mood strike. 

Need more nibble ideas? Also pictured above you will find Savory Rosemary Wafer Crackers (we like 34-degrees brand) spread with luxurious Mascarpone Cheese and topped with a slice of fresh Apricot or any other in season stone fruit. Finish them with a sprinkle of black pepper and serve right away! 

Simple & Refreshing Grapefruit Soda, Photo: NK
Simple & Refreshing Grapefruit Soda
Makes enough for 6 Drinks 

Juice and Pulp of 1 Ripe Grapefruit - for syrup base
3 Tablespoons Agave Syrup
6 Sprigs of fresh Rosemary
24 ounces Seltzer Water
About 12 Ounces Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice (fresh squeezed or from a bottle)


First, make some Shortcut Grapefruit Syrup:
Combine the juice of 1 very ripe Grapefruit with 3 Tablespoons Agave
To make your drinks: 
Set up 6 short tumbler glasses and add to each 2 Tablespoons Grapefruit Syrup.
Next, fill each glass 2/3 of the way with Seltzer Water and add 3-4 Ice Cubes. Stir.
Pour two big slashes of fresh squeezed pink grapefruit juice or bottled pink grapefruit cocktail. Garnish with Rosemary Sprigs and enjoy!

Sweet & Savory Strawberry Cream Cheese Toasts
Serves 8

1 Round Loaf of Seeded Semolina or other crusty bread, cut into thin slices then cut into thirds.
1 tub Whipped Cream Cheese
2 Tablespoons Agave or Honey
Olive Oil 
Coarse Salt 
Soon to be toast, Photo: NK
At least 12 Ripe Strawberries hulled and halved

1. Sprinkle sliced Bread with Olive Oil (I like to apply my oil by pouring some into a small bowl and dabbing some scrunched up paper towel in it before stamping it onto the surface of the bread - the method works really well~) and toast until slightly golden. While toast is still warm, sprinkle with Coarse Salt. 

2. In a separate bowl, lightly mix about 4 ounces of the Cream Cheese with 2 Tablespoons Agave and gently combine. If you require more Cream Cheese mixture you can repeat this process later. 

3. When ready to serve, spread a follow of sweetened Cream Cheese onto each toast and top with a Strawberry half. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Meatless Monday (De Mayo) - Lighter Veggie Quesadillas + Grape Tomato Salsa Fresca

Grape Tomato Salsa Fresca - easy, light & fast! Photo: NK
Sluggish Monday or not, you probably know by now that in our house, we'd never let Cinco De Mayo pass unnoticed (do take a look back at our 2012 and 2013 Mexican-inspired food celebrations). 

We're skipping the margaritas this year (let's call it our half-hearted attempt to behave like model citizens a few weekdays), and streamlining recipe prep work more than usual because, well, after a weekend, it takes us a bit more effort to get in the swing of things. 

Still, we're in a celebratory mood for a few reasons, one of which being that just last week, Neurotic Kitchen took great pleasure in receiving the official seal of approval from This wonderful internet destination for all things meatless noticed our frequent participation in the eponymous movement, and for that, we're grateful. Needless to say, we're even more eager to continue to support this important health initiative and will look forward to creating many more Meatless Monday dishes to share with you. So today's question was, could Cinco De Mayo be yummy minus meat? The answer - a resounding si! 

Easy Veggie Quesadillas With Grape Tomato Salsa Fresca, Photo: NK

To achieve our meatless mission, we whipped up a fast and super light salsa fresca to go with simple (just 5 ingredients) yet delicious veggie quesadillas made with a quick black bean mash, avocado, and baby spinach. Some melty white cheddar seals this tasty, handheld package up in no time flat. We tried to keep our ingredients as wholesome and clean as possible, and you'll find this dish to be kid friendly too. We hope you enjoy! 

Lighter Veggie Quesadillas + Grape Tomato Salsa Fresca
Adapted from Epicurious
Serves 4 - about 3 slices of quesadilla each

For the Quesadillas:
15 Ounce Can Organic Black Beans, rinsed well and drained
1 teaspoon Cholula or similar vinegary hot sauce
1 Avocado, cut into thin slices
About 2-3 Ounces Baby Spinach (we like to buy pre-washed for ease of use)
1 Cup Light (low fat) White Cheddar, grated, or similar cheese
4 Large 10-inch Whole WheatTortillas or Wraps (like La Tortilla Factory 100 calorie wraps)
Sliced Jalapeños - optional

For the Salsa Fresca:
1/4 Cup Chopped Cilantro, plus more sprigs for garnish
About 2 Cups Organic Grape Tomatoes, sliced into thirds or fourths
1.5 teaspoons fresh Lime Juice 
1/4 cup chopped Red Onion
1/4 teaspoon Cumin
1/4 teaspoon Salt 

1. Mix up the Salsa Fresca ingredients in a medium bowl. Toss well and set aside.

Assembling the Quesadillas, Photo: NK 
2. Prepare the black bean mash by pouring beans into a medium bowl and adding the hot sauce. Now lightly mash them with a large spoon. They should be somewhere in between smooth and chunky. Mix well. (NOTE- if you omit the hot sauce for any reason you must remember to season the black bean mash with some salt. The hot sauce places a significant role in imparting more flavor to the beans).

3. Heat a large skillet or grill pan over medium high heat. To assemble the Quesadillas, lay out 4 tortillas on a clean surface. Spread each tortilla with one quarter of the black bean mixture (don't spread beans all the way to the edge or they will spill out), then add 1/4 of the avocado slices to each tortilla. Now add a handful of spinach leaves to each tortilla, and finish with about 4 tablespoons of grated cheese per quesadilla. 

4. Fold quesadillas carefully in half and apply some pressure with your hands. Cook them 2 by 2 on the hot skillet (or more at a time if you have room) allowing them to grill on each side for 2-3 minutes before flipping. The quesadillas should brown nicely but not burn (some grill marks will appear as well). Press them down with a spatula to help the cheese melt and seal. Remove quesadillas to a cutting board and allow to cool slightly. Slice into 3 triangles a piece using a serrated knife and plate. Serve with Salsa Fresca, sprigs of cilantro, a sprinkling of sliced jalapeños and, of course, extra hot sauce. Enjoy! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Taste Of Spring - Clams + Grilled Scallions & Sungold Tomatoes

Spring's been here awhile now but only just recently has the weather gotten the memo. This week marked the first time in the longest that I could venture out without a jacket, and I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Besides that, the bounty of beautiful produce is yet another thing that makes me beam about the season. 
Spring Produce, Photo: NK 

So what should we make to celebrate these warmer days? How about a delightfully easy appetizer using two of my favorite things - Clams (check my other favorite clam recipes here and here) and super sweet and delicious Sungold Tomatoes. We've paid homage to these these orangey beauties before. 

Because Sungolds aren't quite at peak ripeness yet (they're best in mid summer) we'll tease out their natural sugar by blistering them in a very hot pan. To add some interest to this dish, we'll toss in  scallions that have been lightly charred to bring in a smokey element. Adding a splash of light beer to encourage an even tastier clam broth pulls this easy appetizer together - and as you'd expect from us, it's all done in under 20 minutes. As an entree, we opted to round things out with a simple entree of grilled Arctic Char, which was the perfect accompaniment. 

Gorgeous Arctic Char, Photo: NK 

Beer Steamed Clams With Grilled Scallions & Sungold Tomatoes
Serves 2 as a hearty appetizer

Grilled Scallions, Photo: NK

About 16 Small Littleneck Clams, well scrubbed
About 6 whole Scallions
About 12 Sungold Tomatoes or other ripe Cherry Tomatoes
2 large cloves Garlic, crushed
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil plus more for brushing the Scallions
1/2 Cup Wheat Beer or other light Beer 
Chopped Chives for serving, optional
Crusty Bread for serving, optional 

1. Brush Scallions with Olive Oil and lay on a preheated grill or grill pan for a few minutes on each side until Scallions soften and char marks form. Remove Scallions to a cutting board and sprinkle with a bit of Salt and Pepper. Once they cool, slice them into 1-inch pieces. 

2. In a medium skillet, warm a Tablespoon of Olive Oil over medium heat, add the Garlic, and sauté for a minute or two until Garlic takes on some color. Lower the flame to medium low and add the Sungold Tomatoes. Cook until they soften and the skins blister, about 5 minutes, tossing occasionally. Sprinkle lightly with Salt. Turn off the flame and add Scallions to the skillet. Toss. 

3. Meanwhile, place beer in a deep pot and bring it to a bubble over medium heat. Add Clams and cover the pot. Allow them to steam for 4 minutes before checking on them. Watch as Clams open one by one and remove them right away with tongs to the serving dish. Give them a stir now and then. They should all open by about 8 minutes or so. Discard any that do not open. 

4. To serve, plate Clams and pour broth over them. Add the Scallion and Sungold mixture on top, and sprinkle with additional Black Pepper. Garnish with a few chopped raw Chives if you like. Serve with crusty bread to soak up the broth. 

Let's eat! 
Clams Steamed in Beer with Grilled Scallions & Sungold Tomatoes, Photo: NK 

Monday, April 21, 2014

A Family Affair - Potluck Easter

They say that many hands make light work. "They" would be right. With the weather steadily warming and the first buds appearing on the trees, the mood seemed right for a more casual and stress-free Easter holiday - a celebration requiring less fuss in the kitchen, and leaving more time for enjoying the outdoors. When you're looking to keep it simple, a potluck holiday is a great solution. I hope you enjoy our Easter 2014 recap. A good time (and a great mealwas had by all!

To start, a light and springy appetizer platter that we enjoyed al fresco:

Crostini with Fresh Ricotta, Sautéed & Fresh Ramps, and Pistachios
Photo: NK

Now for the How To:

Spring Crostini, Photo NK
Spring Crostini Platter
Serves 6 as a light appetizer

1 good quality crusty Baguette:
Slice it into 1/3 inch thick slices, brush with Olive Oil and a sprinkle of Coarse Salt and grill until some char marks appear. 

1 bunch of Ramps: 
Half of them chopped into 1/2 in pieces and sautéed in a little bit of olive oil before being finished with a sprinkle of salt. Slice some of the remainder of the uncooked ramps into 1/4 inch pieces, and set aside several whole ramps for a beautiful, edible garnish.

8 Oz fine quality homemade or store-bought Ricotta Cheese 
(we chose the amazing whole milk Ricotta Salvatore BKLYN via Freshdirect. (It's Martha Stewart's favorite!) Drizzle the Ricotta with Olive Oil and sprinkle with Coarse Salt and some Black Pepper.

Finely Chopped Pistachios 
Fresh Grated Parmigiana Cheese Curls
Fine Quality Fig Balsamic Vinegar or Balsamic Reduction
Honey or Truffle Honey 

To Serve: simply put it all together and let your guests assemble their own crostini! It's helpful to show a few example toasts to get them started. Voila!

Let's move on to the big Easter Feast:

All hands on deck for a delicious Easter feast, Photo: NK

Potluck Easter "Credits" & Recipes 

Ina Garten's Roasted Fennel with Parmesan, center front - by yours truly.  Recipe HERE
Minted Peas, middle (cooked with a bit of mint jelly & a dollop of salted butter),by mom.
Mashed Turnips, center left, heated with butter & some cinnamon, from Southland
Cranberry, bottom right - straight from the can, baby. 
Waldorf Salad, top left, delicious, crunchy & refreshing - by my mom-in-law. Recipe HERE
Stuffed Pork Loin with Cheese & Herbs, top right, from La Torre Pork Store of Brooklyn,cooked by mom.
Apple Sauce, top right, from the jar. 
Stuffing with Sausage, Pecans, and Green Apples, middle top, by mom. 
Creamy Horseradish Potato Salad, top left, by my sis-in-law. Recipe HERE

Bunny Cake & Easter Bread, Photo: NK
Potluck Easter may have been comparatively easy, but there was one of us who did do some majorly involved baking and prep work, and boy did it pay off. 

My sister-in-law Marjie's long awaited and UBER adorable "Bunny Butt Cake" made for the the most wonderfully whimsical and tasty dessert. Because sometimes, you're just in the mood for an adorable rabbit tush on your table. How cute is this cake?? Click HERE for the Betty Crocker Recipe. A clever and perfect execution resulted in a cake that went along great with the Italian Easter Bread that my mom-in-law brought us.

Thanks again to everyone for a great meal.

Until next year!