Monday, December 21, 2015

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year - Feast of The Seven Fishes

Images courtesy of Paperless Post 
Merry Christmas to you and yours! The holidays are in full swing and my favorite meal to cook all year is nearly upon us - the traditional Italian Christmas Eve seafood extravaganza known as The Feast of the Seven Fishes. Through the years I've shared our various menus with you on Neurotic Kitchen.

It's no secret that I've also spent many hours neurotically thinking through all the planning and timing so that you too can turn out a multi-course, surprisingly simple and always delicious fish feast. For a look back at all of our menus, click through the links here:

Feast of the Seven Fishes for 6 - Year 1

Feast of the Seven Fishes for 6 - Year 2 
Feast of the Seven Fishes for 6 - Year 3

You'll notice that some dishes are repeated several times because they are true favorites. Still, I like to try and add something new each year. This time, it will be this amazing yet simple Scallop Lollipop Hors D'oeuvre that I found in a recent issue of Food & Wine

Scallop Lollipops with Spicy Mayonnaise, recipe HERE, Photo: NK 

Though the recipe calls for Gochujang, a Korean Hot Pepper Paste, but you could sub in Sambal Oelek or even Sriracha. So good, especially thanks to tiny bits of dill pickle in the spicy mayo dipping sauce. Serving the Scallops on my favorite bamboo skewers makes them that much more festive. 

Sure, there's nothing inherently Italian about this spicy-sweet little Scallop Bite, but I like the idea of just a little something different amid our menu of tried and true favorites. As soon as it passed our test, we agreed that we'd be adding it to this year's rotation. Want to see how our meal goes? I hope you'll join us for the post Christmas Eve Round up and that you and your families enjoy a peaceful and delicious holiday season!

For the Scallop Lollipop Recipe, click HERE

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Ladies Who Brunch - Annual Holiday Celebration

This weekend I was lucky enough to spend time with my very best friends as we convened for a well-loved tradition that's coming up on a whole decade in existence (eek!) - our annual holiday get-together. We've had so many great times together, and as we get older, I think we relish them even more. While in past years we'd all head to the bar to exchange Secret Santa gifts while getting merry, we've more recently shifted our holiday party to take place one of our houses. I have to say, this format makes the event a bit more relaxed and very conducive to laughs and plenty of girl talk. And because all of my friends have a passion for food (would you expect anything less?) we eat really well too. 
Annual Holiday Brunch with Lox on a Bagel,
 a delicious Frittata and, of course, Tater Tots!
Photo: NK

This year's brunch menu was, as usual, memorable and delicious, and there was no shortage of cheese, (including a sinful fondue!) wine, and our favorite breakfast fare. 

Here are the highlights:

Bagels, Lox, and all the accoutrements (the best New York Brunch can get, in my opinion), plus a Berry Salad,Tater Tots, and Monkey Bread (so good!). 

One gorgeous Brunch Spread + Mimosas! Photo: NK
Add to all that that a fabulous Frittata that my friend Natalie adapted from Ina Garten. She added Leeks and Mushrooms and it was fluffy and positively delicious. 

The original Frittata recipe is HERE.

As for me, I contributed my favorite, foolproof, Dark Chocolate Brownies. For the recipe, click HERE.

Finally, I ask you, what classy get-together wouldn't be complete without JELLO SHOTS? 

Jello Shots, not just for keg parties. Photo: NK 

That's right. Jello shots get the gourmet treatment when they are made with Champagne and Peach Schnapps. A bit too delicious! Click HERE for the recipe. 

Thanks to my BFFs for yet another amazing party in the books. And this holiday as much as ever, I'm reminded how lucky I am to have you all in my life. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Southern Hospitality - Fried Green Tomatoes With A Twist

Fried Green Tomatoes, a beloved movie (the Kathy Bates parking lot scene gets more hilarious as I age) and a dish I have always, always wanted to try in my own kitchen. Like so many things on my to-do list, I'd just never gotten around to it, and I not the hugest fan of heavily fried preparations. But all that would change thanks to a fairly recent trip to South Carolina which bought us to a restaurant called Lucky Rooster. There we had some great food plus a really fabulous and creative version of Fried Green Tomatoes (set atop Pimiento Cheese!). The moment they crossed my lips, in all their crispy, fried goodness, I knew that the time for procrastination was through. Upon returning home, my first order of business was to develop my own version of the classic. We served ours with a luxurious topping of Crab Salad (a dish that looms as large here at Neurotic Kitchen as it does in my heart).

Classic Fried Green Tomatoes with our twist of Lump Crab on top, Photo: NK

For the basics of the Fried Green Tomato recipe, I went to Southern Living. I don't pretend to be a Southern cooking expert by any means. It did not disappoint.

Fried Green Tomatoes With Crab
Photo: NK 
Adapted from Southern Living
Serves 6


1 Large Egg, lightly beaten
1/2 Cup Buttermilk
1/2 Cup All Purpose Flour, divided
1/2 Cup Cornmeal
1 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Pepper
3 medium Green Tomatoes, sliced 1/3 inch thick
Vegetable Oil

8 Ounces Lump Crab
2 Tablespoon Mayonnaise
1 Tablespoon Sour Cream
1 teaspoon Lemon Juice
3 Chives, sliced (optional)
1 Tablespoon minced Italian Parsley
Salt and Pepper to taste

Frying in our Lodge Skillet. Photo: NK
1. In a medium bowl, mix the Mayonnaise, Sour Cream and Lemon Juice. Add the Chives and minced Parsley. Mix. Gently fold in the Lump Crab, and add Salt and Pepper to taste.

2. Combine the Egg and Buttermilk and set aside.

3. Combine a 1/4 Cup Flour, Cornmeal, 1 teaspoon Salt and 1/2 teaspoon Pepper in a shallow bowl or plate.

4. Place the remaining 1/4 Cup Flour in another plate or shallow bowl.

5. Dredge the Tomatoes in the Flour, and then dip into the Egg mixture, and then into the Cornmeal Mixture.

6. Pour Oil a 1/4 to a 1/2 inch deep in a cast iron skillet. Heat for two minutes over medium heat (perfect temp is 375 but we took our chances). Cook Tomatoes in the oil in batches, about two minutes per side until golden brown and crispy. Remove to drain on paper towels. Sprinkle Tomatoes with Salt while they are still hot. 

7.  To serve, top with a dollop of the Lump Crab Salad and Garnish with extra Parsley or Chives.


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thoughts on Thanks (and our Thanksgiving Hors D'oeuvre)

This time every year, and throughout the holiday season, we are called to be thankful. The truth is, we can never be reminded enough. 

Hogs in a Blanket with Mustard Chutney, Photo: NK 

Now I know as well as anyone how easy it is, amid life's many obligations, to feel sorry for ourselves. When I'm exhausted after a long day at work and facing several hours of household chores, even the littlest annoyance (most recently it's been never being able to find the matching lids to my tupperware, and if you ask my husband, he'll accurately report that it is "ruining my life!") can send me into a pity spiral. 

Though I have momentary lapses, I like to think I've always been a grateful and generous person, someone very tuned in to the world around me, and more keenly, someone aware of the suffering of others. The world has been on my mind more than ever this past year, the year I became a mom. Not a day goes by that my heart doesn't break for families and children that are suffering in our all too troubled world. And whether it is because food is my passion and cooking is my favorite way to pass time, World Hunger is a scourge that I also lament often. 

As I cook today's appetizers for our family Thanksgiving feast, it doesn't escape me that for far too many, ample food is a luxury they will never be afforded. Whether we look across town, across the country, or to the other side of the world, children and adults suffer the pain of hunger. I can think of no greater psychic pain than not being able to nourish my child. And so my heart breaks,

for those enduring hunger, 
malnutrition, and wars and terror in their homeland. 
And for anyone who has lost a loved one because of these horrors. 

And it is in these moments that, almost daily, I am overcome by gratitude, even shame for my trivial complaints. As I think more on human suffering, I inevitably reaffirm a very basic truth I have always held in my heart, that there, but for the grace of God (or if you prefer, the fates), go I.

If you can lend your time, talents, or money to help others, then you too are very lucky and your soul will be full. Whether it be making a meal for an elderly person on your block, volunteering, or making a donation to a worthy charity, let the Thanksgiving gratitude you feel for the good things in your life inspire you to pay it forward. Not just now, but all year long. In this giving spirit, I've included links to three food-related charities that I continually support as they realize their mission of fighting hunger one belly at a time. 

The Community Food Bank of New Jersey - feeding hungry communities locally 

Heifer International - Provides animals and farming supplies and training to needy families across the globe, allowing them a sustainable and renewable means to feed themselves and their communities 

City Harvest - Rescuing huge amounts of food from all over NYC that would otherwise be wasted, and supplying it to shelters and other outreach centers 

And to the brave people who run towards and not away from danger and war to help those in need (I am thinking especially of two other worthy charities, Doctors Without Borders and The International Rescue Committee), you are gift to humanity doing work that few among us, myself included, would be selfless enough to do.  

In closing, I am thankful for my beautiful family, the food on my table, the safety and warmth of my home, a job that I enjoy by day and one that helps me to provide for my loved ones, and finally, that I am fortunate enough to share my passion for cooking with others. Thank you for reading and please enjoy today's creative take on Pigs in a Blanket.

Cook's note: We followed Food & Wine's recipe exactly except that we used Applegate Farm Turkey and Chicken Andouille Sausage. The key to perfectly cooking these little bites is a mini muffin tin (which is a great investment because she has so many great uses, especially for hors d'oeuvres). Trust me, you will not be able to keep these on the plate!!  

Hogs in a Blanket
From Food & Wine, Grace Parisi
Makes 36 Hors D'oeuvres