Monday, September 14, 2015

Meatless Monday - Nut Free Sunflower Seed Pesto

It's that time again - Meatless Monday. This week we challenged ourselves to not only prepare a meat-free dinner, but to make a popular vegetarian pasta preparation nut-free too. Pesto is a great way to use leftover Herbs and Lettuces, and part of what makes Pesto amazing is the addition of Nuts in most, if not all, traditional recipes. That's why it's a risky proposition for the allergic, unless, of course, you make it yourself. 

Campanelle with Nut-Free Sunflower Seed Pesto, Photo: NK 
While you'll normally find Pignoli (aka Pine Nuts) in Pesto, other Nuts like Almonds, Walnuts, and even Pistachios are popular choices these days. This is all well and good, unless you have a nut allergy, as many do, sadly, in rapidly increasing numbers. While the reason behind the statistical spike in food allergies noted over the past few decades is the subject of much scientific debate, we can all agree that everyone should be able to safely enjoy such a popular dish. 

Today's clever nut-free Pesto achieves much of the nutty and herbacious deliciousness you find in the original version, without making it inaccessible to those with nut allergies. The secret ingredient is Sunflower Seeds (just be sure you don't have an allergy to seeds before you try it). 

After some experimentation, I came up with an easy version drawing from a recipe for Nut-Free Arugula Pesto I adapted out of Bon Appetit Magazine,  Although the original recipe recommends soaking the Sunflower Seeds overnight, we prepared ours without doing so and the result was still great. If you have the time and forethought, absolutely soak them. The Seeds have a slightly toothier texture when not soaked, but the food processor you use will ensure that the bits of crunch are very small. I happen to like the texture that we achieved. Soaking the Seeds may also help release some additional flavor, but again, we were very happy with the result of our 10 minute version.

Finally, because I simply can't fathom Pesto without a healthy dose of grated Parmigiana Cheese blended in, our version incorporates it to round out the brightness of the Lemon Juice and Zest, while blending with the aromatic Basil and peppery Arugula. 

Campanelle (pictured above) is an awesome pasta shape for Pesto. The name refers to the pasta's "bell" shape, and the wavy edges capture the Pesto perfectly and evenly. Whatever pasta you choose, I am sure you'll enjoy this nut-free favorite whether or not you're on a special diet. Now let's Mangia! 

Nut-Free Sunflower Seed Arugula Pesto
Serves 4, enough for 1 Pound of Pasta
Adapted from Bon Appetit

Ingredients:  1/4 Cup Raw Shelled Sunflower Seen
1 Cup of Basil, packed (a few sprigs set aside for garnish)
1 Cup of Arugula or Baby Arugula, packed
1 teaspoon freshly grated Lemon Zest
2 teaspoons Lemon Juice
1 small Garlic Clove
1 teaspoon of Honey or Light Agave
1/2 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 Cup Freshly Grated Parmigiana Cheese
2 large pinches of Kosher Salt

Method:  1. Blend all the ingredients together in a a food processor until smooth. 
2. Toss right away with cooked Pasta that is has been boiled in well-salted water. Taste for seasoning and add a little Salt if needed.
3. Serve with extra Parmigiana and a Basil garnish and enjoy! 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Simple Seafood Starter - Cilantro Scallops On Tortilla Chips

File today's tasty morsel under appetizers that practically make themselves. 
Marcela Vallodolid's genius Cilantro Scallops recipe begins with a boldly flavored, Latin-inspired marinade that imparts just enough punch to sweet Sea Scallops.

Cilantro Marinated Scallops, Photo: NK 
Our twist: I opted to let the scallops sit, marinating in the fridge, longer than specified (to great results, I might add) and then, following the recipe exactly, seared them on a blazing hot grill for just minutes, before being serving them on a sturdy tortilla chip that lends a homey twist to what is normally an elegant seafood splurge. 

The easy marinade, Photo: NK

Adaptable to a grill or indoor grill pan, why not live it up while those sultry summer nights are still with us? Add an easy main (we went with our favorite Fish Tacos), and you have yourself a fabulous fish feast.

Marinate these Scallops for a few hours to really maximize their flavor. 3 hours was just perfect, and while more is probably not needed, less would be fine too. Make yourself a nice cocktail like our Paloma-rita while you wait.


The easiest of the not-too-sweet margs - the Grapefruit-based Paloma-rita!
Photo: NK 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Birthday For Two - End of Summer Party Menu

Party Perfect Specialty Cocktail - The Seabreeze 
This weekend was all about two very special people in my life (one big and one little), and the joint birthday we threw to celebrate them. Because we would be holding the event at my mom's weekend house on Long Island, a barbecue made perfect sense. 

For the main course, the general consensus was, resoundingly, Filet Mignon - who am I to argue? To make it extra special, I decided to prepare some make-ahead  Bearnaise Butter to melt over the Steaks as we served them.

For the Appetizers, I opted to keep it simple, reverting to a few of my old standbys - a great Shrimp Ceviche Dip that's always a big hit plus a few Cheese & Meat Plates and my favorite summer Caprese-style salad of rich Burrata Cheese, Tomato and Stone Fruit (this time using Heirloom Tomatoes, Plums and Peaches + a garnish of Micro Arugula). 

Dessert was easy (and store-bought, just as I like it) - a stupendous Vanilla Buttercream Birthday Cake from Southampton's Famous Tate's Bakeshop

Favors & Decor
Of course, it's not a party without favors. This was a fun challenge because our guests were to be adults and kids. I also had the urge to give out healthier treats (could I be growing up?), yet I needed to make sure they weren't disappointing (remember the lady that would give out raisins back when you trick-or-treated?).  

Favor Bags With Whale Bath Squirt Toys, Photo: NK

That''s why I was thrilled when I found these AMAZING Yummy Earth Organics Lollipops on Amazon (seriously, so good). The pops were perfect wrapped up along with my favorite Fruit Leather, in cute yellow and blue themed bags from Outside The Box Papers. I sealed the favor pouches with anchor stickers (we had a nautical theme) found on In fact, much of our coordinated party decor came from Minted. I also really loved the easy-to-assemble and affordable paper lanterns from Oriental Trading, which is a another great place for all your party needs (thanks to my sister-in-law for the tip). Oriental Trading was also the source of these cute Whale Bathtub Squirt Toys for the kiddies.  

LAST BUT NOT LEAST - Adult beverages!

I don't have to tell you that this is a must. The easiest way to serve a festive, seasonal cocktail is to serve just one kind - in our case, it was my husband's expertly mixed Seabreeze (as delicious as it is easy). And it's on-theme too! With the drinks mixed, I needed only to put out my and my Caprese Salad, Cheese Plate and Salumi Board, it was officially party time. Scroll down for the How To on our Cheese & Meat Plates and here is hoping your end of summer parties are filled with fun, family and great food too!  

The Appetizer Spread: Burrata, Tomato & Stone Fruit Salad, Salumi (Saucisson Sec + Prosciutto + Figs)
alongside a simple Cheese Plate, Photo: NK
French Inspired Cheese Plate, the How-To is below, Photo: NK 

How-To: French Inspired Cheese Plate 
Firm and Soft Cheeses - Cantal (firm) and St. Andre (soft, brie-like cheese)
Tiger Figs
Castelvetrano Olives (Ok- not French but Sicilian, and they're so amazingly good)
Sweet Surrender Black Grapes, or similar  
Carr's Water Crackers 
Italian Parsley Garnish

How-To: Simple Salumi Board
Sauccison Sec, dry French Sausage
Imported Aged Prosciutto Slices, cut into thirds
Tiger Figs

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Meatless Monday - Pappardelle With Summer Squash & Arugula

Hot on the heels of a fun-filled summer weekend, Monday can be a cruel mistress indeed. The good news is that you can always lift your spirits by serving up a delicious and easy meal in minutes. As you know, we try to make *many* of our Monday dinners meatless, and yesterday was no different. We tossed together a very tasty farmers market-sourced veggie pasta using a recipe from my latest Food & Wine Magazine as inspiration.

It combines thinly sliced Summer Squash and Zucchini with Arugula Pesto. Finish with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and you have yourself a much better Monday.

Pappardelle With Summer Squash & Arugula, Photo: NK

I lightly adapted the original dish both for ease (I had no desire to take out and later have to clean my food processor to create the Arugula Pesto component) and to make it nut free. Can you have a nut free pesto? Sure. In most cases, cooks will substitute seeds (Sunflower being a popular choice). I didn't even bother to add a nut-stand-in and, happily, the taste was just lovely anyway. If you want to be technical, you could call this dish a crudaiola, as all the vegetable ingredients that top the pasta are uncooked. 

Before we start, here's why I love this recipe and the adaptation I created:

IT'S FAST- Pappardelle is an egg-based pasta (though the shape is sometimes seen in egg-free format). If you've ever added Egg Noodles to a stew, you know that they cook in 3 or 4 minutes. It's the same idea here, making an already fast recipe (neither the Zucchini or Squash are cooked) even speedier. Note: If you can't find Pappardelle and opt for a more ubiquitous pasta, Fettucine (another wide and long noodle), would be a perfectly fine choice. 

IT'S A ONE POT MEAL- After you drain the pasta, use the same pot to toss all the ingredients together. 


and finally, NO ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES NEEDED. I make hand cut pestos (with or without nuts) all the time because they are a great, rustic way to get the Pesto experience without having to clean yet another kitchen appliance (not that it's such a big deal, but you know, sometimes you just aren't in the mood). 

NOTE: If you happen to own a mandoline you'll be able to make very thin, uniform slices quite easily, but if you prefer to cut by hand, that would be just fine too ( I recommend cutting the long ribbons of Squash and Zucchini into halves or thirds if they do not end up as thin as you would like). This basic slicer or "handheld mandoline" is a useful and very economical tool to have in your kitchen. Another option would be to use a vegetable peeler to shave off thin slices.

Ok - here we go. 

Pappardelle With Summer Squash & Arugula
Lightly Adapted from Food & Wine 
Serves 4

4 Cups Packed Baby or Regular Arugula Leaves

1/2 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil + more for drizzling

1 teaspoon finely minced Garlic (or passed through a garlic press) approx. 2 large Cloves

1/2 Cup Freshly Grated Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese + a few shavings for garnish

Coarse Sea Salt

Black Pepper

1 medium Zucchini and 1-2 medium Yellow Squash, very thinly sliced lengthwise on a Mandoline or by hand. Alternately you can use a large vegetable peeler to create thin ribbons (point away from your hand).

3 Tablespoons Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice 

Zest of 1 Lemon 

1.This comes together quickly, have you prepped all your ingredients as above?  
Slice all vegetables, mince the Arugula as small as you can and crush or finely mince the Garlic. Zest and juice the Lemon and grate the Parmigiano Cheese.

2. In a large pot of well-salted boiling water, cook the Pappardelle according to package directions until just al dente. Turn the flame off and drain the pasta, reserving a few Tablespoons of the pasta water, and return drained pasta to the pot. 

3. Add the minced Garlic to the Oil and stir. Sprinkle the Minced Arugula all over the pasta, tossing as you go. Add the Squash and Zucchini Ribbons and toss again. Drizzle the Oil and Garlic over it all and continue to toss. Add the Lemon Juice and Lemon Zest. Toss. Finally, incorporate the Parmigiano, folding into the Pasta as you go. Use the reserved Pasta Water if you'd like a looser. Taste and then season to your liking with Coarse Sea Salt (I like to use French Grey Salt) and ample Black Pepper. Serve immediately with an extra sprinkle of Parmigiano. Enjoy!!!